Monday, June 4, 2012

Mesopotamian or Egyptian Architecture: Which is better?

By now you should have an understanding of the elements and characteristics of Egyptian and Mesopotamian architecture. Please answer the following question in a powerful 7-10 sentence paragraph.

Which form of architecture expresses greater religious power? Egypt or Mesopotamia?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reflection 2 Alexander The Great

In your opinion what are the elements that make Alexander The Great an excellent leader?

Please explain in a powerful 5-7 sentence paragraph.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Alexander The Great Reflection 1

After being introduced to Alexander The Great what are your thoughts on him? Please consider the following questions:

Why do you think Alexander The Great is famous?

What do you think was his role in history?

What do you think makes him an interesting person to study?

Choose one of the above questions to write a powerful paragraph of 7-10 sentences with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reflection 5 Justification of Class

Pick one of the classes you think you are going to have in your school and write a powerful justification (7-10 sentences) of why that class would be important to 21st century learners.

Look at the example below:

Reading is beneficial for students of the 21st century. It allows for students to understand the thought patterns of different writers and it is a fundamental skill in acquiring knowledge from different disciplines. Reading is a necessary tool for knowledge construction.

As always put your name and design team.

P.S. you cannot use reading as your example.

Reflection 4 Thinking About Architectural Design

From your research and your learning what type of school are you planning to design and build and why? Please describe how your school will look and justify your architectural choices in the design. Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Paragraph needs to be at least 5-7 sentences.

Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her architectural ideas. Please provide justification with a 5-7 response. Feel free to ask questions to your peer as well. Please start in the following way:

"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."

Don't forget to put your name and design team.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Reflection 3 Thinking About Physical Education and Arts Curriculum

From your research and your learning what physical education and art classes are you thinking about placing in the curriculum of your new school and why? Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Paragraph needs to be at least 5-7 sentences.

Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her class selection. Please provide justification with a 4-5 sentence response. Please start in the following way:

"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."

Don't forget to put your name and design team.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Reflection 2 Thinking About Curriculum

From your research and your learning what classes are you thinking about placing in the curriculum of your new school and why? Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.

Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her class selection. Please provide justification with a 4-5 sentence response. Please start in the following way:

"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."

When done put your full name, and design team. Look at the example below:

Joe Garza

Richard Neutra Design Team