By now you should have an understanding of the elements and characteristics of Egyptian and Mesopotamian architecture. Please answer the following question in a powerful 7-10 sentence paragraph.
Which form of architecture expresses greater religious power? Egypt or Mesopotamia?
hey everybody my name is tyler and i would like to share my understandings with the question asks which architecture has the most religous power.the answer is both. this is because the egyptions built pyramids for the gods and their kings. And for the mesopatamians they created ziggoraghts. In the ziggeraghts were their gods at the very top and only priests could go in there.that is my understanding on religous power. TYLER R. COLUMBIA
ReplyDeleteI agree with TYLER R. in COLUMBIA. It is because his agument talk about both sides like "This is because the egyptions built pyramids for the gods and their kings. And for the mesopatamians they created ziggoraghts"He also say that they both are powerful.In sum,I agree with TYLER R. in COLUMBIA. FROM:Diego Mendez in columbia
DeleteI will like to agree with you. both of them do have places for the gods. Also they both work really hard. I also think this because they think their ideas.
DeleteIn my opinion I think Mesopotamia has greater architecture. This is because they do their best to make it great and detailed. Also, because they take their time and make it mean something. For example, they built buildings or they paint a painting and they express their feelings & religion in them. In Sum, Mesopotamia has a greater architecture in many ways.
ReplyDeleteJoselin Torres
i would like to disagree with joselin i think that mesapatamias atrcutecture isnt as great as eyptian artcutecture this is because in the eyptian art it looks like when important people pass away then it looks like they are putten up on a wall so that people could remember what great people they were and what they did to theto help the eyptians
I will like to disagree with you i think it was egypt.
DeleteAri Sorko Ram
I like to agree with you Joselin. This is because, they did take time and make it mean something. Also they do express their feelings in their paintings.In sum, i agree with Joselin that Mesopotamia had greater architecture.
i agree with joselin that mesopotamian architecture is greater than egyptian architecture because their painting are made realisticly by the way that they add color and how they do express their feelings by what they paint.also because they worship the gods by painting the ziggurats josilen and leila>.<
DeleteIn my opinion I think Egypt has more religous power.This is why because Egypt worshiped the Gods more.For example they created ziggurats for the Gods to express great power and appriciation.They also made sculptures so the beauty reflects on their city.In conclusion Egypt had more religous power.
ReplyDeleteRayan cloumbia ;D
Rayan are you sure about Egypt having the Ziggurats?It was Mesopotamia who had those Ziggurats.Next time you write make sure you get you get your facts confused.
Deleteyour friend rayan ^.^
I think that Mesopotania is more religious in many ways. This is because Mesopotanians thought that power ful Gods in the sky, that will come down & walk up the stairs in the Ziggurat. Ziggurats were temples. Also, Egypt copied Mesopotania. So, Mesopotania should deserve more credit. For example, Mesoptanians would take 20 years to make a Ziggurat. In sum, there are many ways why Mesopotania is more infuentail.
A ziggurat would express greater power than a pyramid. This is because what each building is used for. For example, a ziggurat is used for priest to speak to their gods. A pyramid is where a pharoh is buried. A pyramid was for the pharohs to go upwards to heaven or something like that to the Egyptian.In conclusion, a ziggurat is more of a religious strucuter than a pyramid.
ReplyDelete-Teresa Perez
I would like to agree with teresa.this is because the mesopatamians thought of their gods coming down from heaven and built a dome fot the gods and only priests could go in there
Deletetyler R
markos C
I think Mesopotamia is greater religious power. This is beacuse, Mesopotamia worked hared on their scultures. Also we get the ideas from Mesopotamia a lot. Foe example, we get ideas like form their are and building. Also i think they had a lot of stons.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ellis
I will like to agree with you Anya.First we mostly got all of our ideas from Mesopotamia.That is true we got bulding from. Another I will agree with you that Mesopotamia work hard in their sculptures.In sum,I agree with Anya.:D
DeleteI will like to agree with you Anya.First we mostly got all of our ideas from Mesopotamia.That is true we got bulding from. Another I will agree with you that Mesopotamia work hard in their sculptures.In sum,I agree with Anya.:D Sorry I forgot to put my name first.
DeleteHenry Lopez Columbia
I disagree because i believe that egyptians had much greater architecture.This is because they use their ideas for the good of their people.For example when they had their pharoes they would honor them when they had the big statues so they were able to remember and honor the people.
DeleteDenise Vasquez and Noemi Delao
I believe that Egypt architecture is much better that Mesopotamian achitecture.One reason why they are better is because they had the architecture is for the good of the people.For example the statues of pharoes.In sum Egypt achitecture is better than Mesopotamia.
ReplyDeleteDenise Vasquez Columbia
i would like to disagree with joselin i think that mesapatamias atrcutecture isnt as great as eyptian artcutecture this is because in the eyptian art it looks like when important people pass away then it looks like they are putten up on a wall so that people could remember what great people they were and what they did to theto help the eyptians
I would like to disagree with Egyptian architecture being more reliligeos than Mesopotamian architecture. This is because Mesopotsmia made ziggrats so that the priest would go up and talk to the gods. For Eygypt, the pyramids didn't really symbolize religious power because they were mainly a graveyard for pharaohs. In sum, I'd like to disagree with Denise because Mesopotamia architecture had more religeous power than Egyptian archietecture.
DeleteSydnee De Haro
Teresa Perez
I think Eygpt architecture expresses greater reliogous power. This is for many reasons. One reson is because most of the art is about their pharoahs. n example is the pyrainids. THese pryamids are built to barry pharouhs in it so they can go to haven. The thibk they will go there if they build a star like shaped sum i think eygyt is betteer.Ari sorkoram columbia.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion i think egypt expresses greater religion power.This is because the way that they make the architecture shows honor to both culture and religion.For example they have faces on animals or switched around w/animal faces on human bodys.They also represent religion by making their paintings look realistic by adding color and making little objets or pieces stand out .In sum egyptian architecture expresses more religion that mesopotamian architecture>.<
ReplyDeleteI believe that Mesopotamian architecture is better. This is because they were the first people to create architecture. Then the Egyptians came along and took the Mesopotamian's ideas. They had ideas that the pyramids represented their dead pharaohs, the Sun God,and the stars. In Egypt the ziggurats only represented the Greek Gods. And they got the idea from the Mesopotamian pyrimds.
ReplyDeleteBy: Patty Garcia
I would like to dissagree with you!I think that Egypt is better!This is because egypt had architecture that sent gods to heaven.For example the Egyptions created the pyramids that sent gods to heaven ,and also because mesopotamia had a a mountain that only brang gods to earth .....!!!!
Delete*:)yolanda arellano betzabet ramirez :)*
There are many characteristics of zigarats that express religious power unlike than egyptian pyramids.this is because ziggurats were built for religious purposes unlike the egyptian pryamids which were built to aligh with the stars so when the pharaoh would die they would go straight up with the gods . for example only priest would go up to talk to gods. in sum there are many charistics that make the zigrat a greater express of religion.
ReplyDeleteby sydnee deharo
I Would Like To Agree With Sydnee, That Ziggurats Express More Than Pyramids. Also, That Egypt Copied Mesopotania. So, Mesopotania Thought That Powerful Gods Would Walk On The Ziggurats. For Example, That Gods Will Walk On The Stair Way & Do Stuff There.
Delete- Vincent ^.^
in my opion i think mesopotamia expresses greater religious power because when you look at their pictures of zigurrats then you notice they are pointing up towards the sky/stars and they are built like that on purpose because they believed their gods lived on mountains and so when their kings died die then they shoot up to the sky like rockets.Also their art shows them worshipping their gods, to make sure they still let nature continue.In sum i think mesopotamia expresses greater religious power in many ways.
I would like to agree with Keren because it is true that mesopotamia is the greatest religous power. Also because its true that they believed that the gods lived in the mountains and thats why they made their art like ziggurats
I think that Mesopotamian art and architecture was better than Egytian.I think that Mesopotamia was better because they made many temples to honor things.For example they had the ziggurates.In sum this is why i think Mesopotamian.In sum this is why i think Mesopotamian art and architecture are better than Egyptian.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
this is a good thing
Deletewhat is a good thing?
DeleteHenry Lopez Columbia Egyptain architecture is better than Mesopotamian architecture in many ways.First Egyptain made pyramids so they could worship the gods.Also another reason is to put the dead pharaoh in the pyramids.Also they made prophecies.Prophecies are guess what will happen in the future.The prophecies were mostly inside tombs or pyramids.The art also could tell about the pharaoh's life.In sum,Egyptain architecture is better in many ways.
ReplyDeleteI Would Like To Disagree. This Is Because I Personally Think Mesopotania Thought That Powerful Gods Will Walk The Ziggurat To Represent Them & Honor Them. Also, To Worship & Offer Severings To The Gods.
DeleteYour Friend,
Egypt expresses greater religious power of architecture. This is because they have pyramids. which represents their leaders who have died. Also the people that have died who eypts want to honor. They also have the pharoahs. This animal/human is known as the gate garder. This helps their enemys know they dont fear. It also keeps them from going in. In sum, Egypt for me is the one that expresses greater religious power.
ReplyDeleteSandy Garcia
In my opinion the most religious civilization is... Egypt, a pyramid would represent a gods tombs this is because a would also represent part of a star that would just sent them up to heaven or straight up to the gods it wouldn’t also be Mesopotamia because they used ziggurats, to sent gods down to earth for me it is not so important because if a god would just come down to earth then that would expose them.
I would like to disagree.In mesopotamia everything showed their respect.sorry.(>.<)
DeleteI think that Mesopotamia has more religous power. This is because they build ziggurats to represent the gods. Also because they have many other understandings for the gods. In sum, I think that Mesopotamia has more religous power.
ReplyDeleteCesar Favela
I think Mesopatamia because they made ziggurats. The ziggurats were used to let the gods come down to earth. The Egyptians Made their pyramids to let the phathe Mesopatamians are more religious. roughs go in to the heavens after death.In the ziggurats a priest put food for the gods could get happy. They did that for the gods will not get mad and not make natural disaster occur. That is how the Mesopatmians are more religious. Alejandro B. columbia
ReplyDeleteI think egypt architecture is sum wut more religion then mesopotamia in this way because they make ziggurates for thier gods showing them respect and honor they make ziggurates believing that thier gods wil come back down and the god will come and tell the kings skyward
ReplyDeleteMesopotamia architecture expresses great religious power.It because they made ziuggerats because they belived that gods would come from the top of it.
ReplyDeleteI think mesopotamia has a better religion of architecture.It is because they have pictures of gods and temples.When Egypt has only of there temples but they dont have about of there religion.So thats my opinion of there religios architecture. JUSTIN GUZMAN
ReplyDeleteIn my oppinion i think that Mesopotamian archutecture is better. This is because Mesopotamians are in the advanced society. For expample, the built the Ziggurat, that was a temple that worsihiped gods. In sum, this proves my point.
ReplyDeleteI believe that mesopotamia is the better civilization. This is because I think that the mesopotamians created better civilizations then the Egypt. And the mesopotamians were before the Egyptians, this gave them a disadvantage, but they were still better then the mesopotamians. This is why I believe the Mesopotamians were better then the Egyptians
ReplyDeleteSaMuEl cLeMeNs
I disagree with you, SaMuEl. This is because you are not answering the question (and I chose the Egyptian). The question was: Which form of architecture expresses greater religious power? Egypt or Mesopotamia?, not which one created a better civilization. In conclusion, I disagree with SaMuEl because he did not respond to the question clearly.
Mesopotamian or Egyptian Architecture: Which is better? i believe that egyption art is better. i believe this because they had more ideas and creativity.for example they put animal heads on human bodies. And used more color,they also made things for other people such as the after conclusion i believe that egyption art is better in my opinion
ReplyDeleteMesopotamian or Egyptian Architecture: Which is better? i believe that egyption art is better. i believe this because they had more ideas and creativity.for example they put animal heads on human bodies. And used more color,they also made things for other people such as the after conclusion i believe thay egyption art is better in my opinion princeton SeBaStiAn HeRnAnDez
ReplyDeleteI would like for you to elaborate onwhy u said they said that egyptians were better at creativity with artwork. what geave you theidea to choose the egyptians
DeleteIthink its both. This is because the Egyptions built pyramids for the gods and their kings. And for the Mesopatamians they created Ziggoraghts.In the Ziggeraghts were their gods at the very top and only priests could go in there.that is my understanding on religous power.Thats why i think its both Mesopatamians and Egyptions.
ReplyDeleteI think ziggurats express greater power than a pyramid. This is because a ziggurat was made for priests to go and talk to their gods. Also pyramids were made so that pharoahs can be barried there when they die. Therefore,I think ziggurats show greater religious power than a pyramid.
ReplyDeleteValerie Armenta Princeton
I AGREE WITH YOU VALERIE BECAUSE i also believe that the ziggurats express greater powert han the primad and that the ziggrats were made for priest
DeleteI think Egyptian architecture is better because I think it was more creative. As for Mesopotamian architecture I think it’s less creative. Egypt had much more idea’s and connected art in there structures. I think this is better and creative. Egypt made different types of buildings but Mesopotamia mostly used ziggurat. In conclusion I think Egyptian architecture is better than Mesopotamian architecture
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos Gaga
How was Egyptian architecture more creative?
DeleteValeria Armenta Princeton
Egyptian art and architecture is more influenced in many ways. One way is that they had their towers very artistic. Also, Egyptian also told stories about god? I think this is the most influenced one because they have better building and have very common stories about ancient times…In conclusion that’s why Egyptian art & architecture is more influences than mesopatamia. By: Dulce Paniagua<3
DeleteI think eygptian architecture is more religous. This is because eygptians were more created and they were a very advanced civilization.The eygptians worshiped their gods in the hieroglphys.The eygptians made giant statues of their gods to show that they worship them.The eygptians made pyramids to remeber their pharophs or kings.That is my opinion.MARTIN TORRES PRINCETON
ReplyDeleteAlexandra Beltran
I think that the Egyptians architecture is better in many ways. This is because they have temples for their gods. For example, they have pyramid for their pharaohs to be in when they die. In conclusion, in my opinion Egyptians architecture is better.
I think eygptian architecture has more religious power.I think this beacause the bulid there pryrmids for there gods.incounsion i think they are more religion.
DeleteI believe that that both Mesopotamian and Egyptian architecture expresses religious power. This is because they both had structures to express religion. For example, The Mesopotamians had ziggurats . It espressed religious power because they were the highest building with a ceremonial stairway for a god or goddess to decend from heaven to earth. The Egyptians pyramids also expressed religious power since the triangular shape pointed to the sun and stars and the pharaohs body/ spirit would shoot up into heaven and protect their society. In sum, both Mesopotamians and Egyptians architecture expressed religious power.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo (AKA. 1D !!)
what if you had to choose one?
DeleteWe agree with you because they both have religious power. However, you didnt make your chioce clear. The question asks which civilization, Egypt or Mesopotamia, had more religious power.But we mostly agree with your answer.
DeleteAlex Sarti :D Crissy Benitez :)
I agree with you, I do beleive both represent relgous power. The ziggurats and the Egyptian pyramids are both very important. The Egyptian pyramids did represnt that spirtits would shoot up to heaven, the sun and stars, to protect the society. And the ziggurats was also they were another important building. The ziggurats were the highest buildings, and had syairways for Goddess to come down from heaven.
DeleteIn my opinion I think that Egypt has a better architecture than Mesopotamia. This is because they had pyramids. They also knew how to make them in their own way. Also because their architecture relates more to religion. For example, the steps on the pyramids show that the gods step down from the sky. This is why I think that Egypt has better architecture than Mesopotamia.
ReplyDeleteIman Rodriguez
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI pick both.This is becuase mesopotamia has the ziggurats that the people worship the gods and the spirits.Egypt has the pyramid that egyptian beilive that after the faro died and shot up into the sky.inconclution both have good architecture.
ReplyDeleteJames Escalon :D
We agree because both did show worship. However, We dont think you answered the question, because it ask which showed more religious power. We also think you could have provided more examples to help your writing be clear.
DeleteVALERIA & ANDREA Princeton
How dose it show good architecture?
DeleteI think both Egyptian and Mesopotamian architecture and art, are good. This is because, the Egyptian pyramids are triangular and they point to the sky. It points to the sun and stars, and it said that the pyramids point to the sky because dead people would go up to heaven. And the pyramids had massive stone elements.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Ziggurats were the highest buildings located at the center of town. Those building were suppose to be for good Goddess.
Jasmine (A.K.A 1D!!!)
There are many ways why I think Egyptian art is better for how it was created. One way is that they had created Egyptian pyramids to be able for the top to point at the sun and the stars. Also on their pyramids have this way that they were created for the sprits. Thats what kind of catches your attention. These are many ways how i think Egyptian aret is better. (ANDREA)Princton!
ReplyDeleteI think its both. This is because the egyptions built pyramids for the gods and their kings. And for the mesopatamians they created ziggoraghts.In the ziggeraghts were their gods at the very top and only priests could go in there. Also i think egyptions had better art. But mesopatamians have more detais on the art.that why i think it both.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Garibay
If you had to choose one which one would it be? Why were the Egyption's art better? What details did they have? We agree with you because they did have a lot of details in their art. However, you should correct the spelling.
I disagree with you I think its egyptian because the way of colors and styles of how they put their build's. You also, miss spell egytian it not a "o" its a "a".Also, don't foget your quotion in your words. You re not thinking about the question that good.
Deletei agree with you but you have many grammer and spelling errors you can also make more exaples to justify...we think that if u have to pick one which one you think is the best and you didnt really answer the ?
DeleteI believe that Egypt had a better structure in their buildings than Mesopiatmians. Their spirtual beliefs had a great impact on their buildings. The Egyptians believed that the triangle shape of their pyrimids represented the stars and the sun. This would mean that their gods that they burried would go into the sky and be with the people. The Egyptians had more colorfull art. In sum thats why the Egyptains had better art and structure. Gilbert Villarreal Princeton Department of Justice
ReplyDeleteI think Egypt expressed religious power in their architecture more than the Mesopotamian. This is because almost everything the Egyptian did were related to their gods, but not the Mesopotamian. For example, the Egyptian made many statues and drawings on buildings of the gods. However, the Mesopotamian had some architecture for their god (ziggurats),but still had some building decorated with art about their own daily life. In conclusion, the Egyptian religious power was stronger than the Mesopotamian’s.
I agree with your thoughts about the Egyptian architecture. This is because it is true that what the Egyptians do was mostly based on their gods. Also their gods had heads of animals.
DeleteCeleste Meza
I believe Egyptian architecture expresses greater religious power. This is because they had bigger statues that represented their gods. For example, their gods had heads of animals. People would worship their gods.In conclusion, this is why Eygptian architecture expresses greater religious power.
ReplyDeleteCeleste Meza
I agree with you but i disagree too because i belive the mesopotamians also showed religious power in thier architecture.The mesopotamians worshipped thier gods by building a ziggurat that was for thier god or goddes to decend from heaven
I think that Egyptians were more influence than the Mesopotamian. I think this because they were more on religion they didn’t care if the drawings were perfected they just did it for what they believed in. they believed that every second should be dedicated to their gods for giving them food and life on earth.
ReplyDeleteMarissa Jordan
I think architecture is better than Mesopotamian architecture. I believe this for many reasons. One reason is because most of their art is about their pharoahs. Also their architecture shows honor to their culture and religion. An example is how they have faces of animals or visversa. Also their sculptures have color. That is why i think Egpt architecture it better than Mesopotamia.
ReplyDelete-Crissy Benitez :)
I agree with Crissy.However, how does the Mesopotamian architecture shows honor to their culture and religion.
DeleteAlexandra Beltran
i think the Mesopotamians architecture is more better. This is because mesopotamians were advanced. Forexample, they could control water with their river systems. Also they biult a ziggurat to worship. In sum this shows mesopotamians are more important.
i believe that egyptian architecture is better. that is beacuse egyptian worship their god witha pyramids. also, when a person die egyptian say that who every die, go straingh up to a star . for example,if a person that important to the egyptian, they put he or she in the pyramids to send them to the star. in sum, egyptian architecture is better by the way they make it .
think Egyptian architecture is more advanced because their structures were very artistic from the ways they had built towers to pyramids influenced structures today. Also, Egyptians made art which represented stories about gods by using hieroglyphics to tell sayings and stories. In conclusion Egyptian art and architecture e is more influenceal and advanced than Mesopotamia -angel ruiz
ReplyDeleteI agree with your thoughts about the architecture of Egypt. However, I am not sure if you are answering the question clearly. The question is asking which civilization shows more religious power. I think...
DeleteJoe Garza Team
I think that Egyptian architecture is more religious in many ways.I think Egypt is mored religious in there architecture by worshiping their once alive pharaohs.For example,when a pharaoh dies they put them in a gigantic tomb called a pyramid.A pyramid is shaped in a triangle so that the pharaohs soul goes into heaven with the gods.Then Egypt also has ziggurats which is meant so a god would step down and save them.In conclusion,I think Egypt is more religious in their artchitecture.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Chandler. That is the main reason why they buried their dead pharaohs in the pyramid. The ziggurats were built for gods to come down and receive a message from the priest or give a message to the priests. In sum, I agree with you.
Deletein my opinion egyptian archictecture expresses more power. this because of the style of the archictecture and the purpose. for example, if you ever see egyptian architecture the style is triangular like. the reason to this style is because it helped send pharohs go up to the sky. also, their buildings has many drawings that usually tells you many stories. it shows gods and also shows how animals had power because of all the types of animal features like the heads on the human bodies. in sum, i believe that egyptian architecture shows much more religious power than meopotamian architecture.
ReplyDelete-Damaris Esquivel :)
I think Egyptain architecture is better than Mesopotamin architecture. I believe this becasue Egyptain architecture has meaing to it. For example, the prymaids are built for religious purposes. They believed that when they believed that when you bury their pharohs their spirits go up to heaven, that's why the prymaids point to the sky. In sum I think Egyptain architecture is better then Mesopotamin.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you.This is because egyptian archietcture seems very religious.How they make pyramids and ziggurats to be based on gods.This seems very religous to me.
DeleteThey beleived that when they beleived? i agree but think that you should put more detail on to yours!!!!!!!
Delete-Anthony Anzueto
I agree with you.This is because egyptian archietcture seems very religious.How they make pyramids and ziggurats to be based on gods.This seems very religous to me.So I agree with you.In conclusion I think Egyptians are more religious then Mesopotamia in artchitecture.
DeleteI agree with Justin Herrera because the pyramid is beilieved to be the Pharoah tomb. The reason that the pyramid is pointing up is so that the Pharoah spirit can shoot up in the sky and go to haeven.
Deletejulian barragan
In my opinion i believe that Egypt expreses their religion better in architecture in many ways. this is because of the architect style elemnts. For example they use lots of sculpture in their architecture. these sculptures reprisent many religios beliefs and gods. I also, think that they express more architect because they have many signs carcved in their walls reprisenting many holy beliefs and preyers. The signs can also tell parables that tought people lessons like in the cause of jerusalem. in conclusion i believe that Egypt expressed their religion better in architecture than Masopotemians!
ReplyDelete-Horlenes Flores
Notre Dame!!! :)
I agree because they usse way more details than the Mesopatanians did.
Deletehello. we so agree with you. egyptian architecture is more shows more religious power than mesopotamia. your evidence is strong wich makes me agree with you. ;)
Delete-Damaris xD
I believe that Egypt is better for several reasons. One reason would be because they brought many things to our current culture. One example of something that they brought to our culture would be rich ancient history. For example the famous and inspirational pharaohs that contributed many things for their culture. Another example would be their pyramids. The way they designed them was so that when a pharaoh died their body would shoot out from the top of the pyramid and they would go directly to the afterlife. They also thought that the gods could come down and slide down the pyramid. These are the ways that Egypt is more influential than Mesopotamia.
ReplyDelete- Anzueto, Anthony Notre Dame
I belive that Egyption Architecture is better. This is because they worship there Gods with pyramids which is k nown as the pharoahs tomb. Also because the pyramid is charecterized by massive stone elements and represents a star. Also was designed by the first architect Imhutep.
ReplyDeletejulian barragan
I agree with you for many reasons. This is because their architecture was better by how the way they built their houses or buildings. It was better because they used more long lasting material. This was an advantage because there wouldn't be that much disasters. In sum, I agree with you
DeleteBY: Diego Rodriguez
Notre Dame
I believe that the ziggurat is the form of architecture that expresses the greatest religious power. I think this because the ziggurat was built specifically for the gods and the Mesopotamian rulers. The ziggurat was built as the dwelling of the Mesopotamian rulers which were classified as gods. Also, it was made with many stairways so in case the gods wanted to visit Earth, they could just come down nfrom heaven and walk down the steps.
ReplyDeleteJustin Davila
Notre Dame
I agree with Davila because the ziggurat is a very powerfultype of archecticture. I also believe that the stairways were good in many ways. Plus it also expresses power. - Ithzel
DeleteI disagree because the Egyptians was more powerful and unique.This is because they believe that when you die you go up to the sky. This was also because their pyramids showed it.It was structure of life because it would last a lifetime.
DeleteWhich form of architecture expresses greater religious power? Egypt or Mesopotamia?
ReplyDeleteI think Egyptians express greater religious power. This is because there architecture is very dramatic but in a good way also because every piece of architecture tells a story to what they're trying to tell/say. For example, whenever they create a new piece of architecture they usually have a god. In conclusion, i think egyptians have greater power in expressing religious architecture.
-Chelsey ;)
I agree with you becuz egyptians really did make their architecture very dramatic. Also, they lso told stories about god what they are trying to tell us? :D
DeleteWe disagree with this statement. We believe that Mesopotamia has greater religious power. We think this because Mesopotamians created their ziggurats dedicated to their gods. We know that Egyptians made their pyramids like this too, but the Mesopotamians purpose is greater. Their purpose was more religious than that of the Egyptians. The Mesopotamian religious purpose was to be the dwelling of their rulers. Also, they wanted their gods’ visits to be easy and luxurious. They did this by making a lot of stairs so their gods could walk down from heaven. This is why we think that the Mesopotamian’s religious architectural purpose was superior to the Egypyians
DeleteJustin D. and Daniel M.
Notre Dame
I believe that both Egyptian and Mesopotamian architecture are good for many reasons. This is because they both are very detailed and descriptive. The Egypt’s build pyramids to honor their pharaohs or gods. They build tombs to prevent robbery. The Mesopotamians build ziggurats and that was one of the reasons that they were so good in architecture. In sum, they are both famous for many reasons.
ReplyDeleteMesopotamia was a very religious power for many reasons. This is because they built temples for their gods. The Egyptians just made pyramids to let their lost ones walk up to the sky. Mesopotamians used temples to let the gods walk down on to the earth. The Egyptians were a lot more religious than the Egyptians.
ReplyDeleteBY:Diego Rodriguez
Notre Dame
So i think your writing was well organized.I also agree with your opinion because i think tat the Egyptians show their religion more than the Masopotemia.However i think that u should of created a better topic sentence and end with a correct concluding sentence. :)!!!!
Delete-Horlenes Flores
Notre Dame
ithzel one top
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI think that Mesopotamia has greater religious power. This is because they make everything cause of the gods. They made ziggurats because they wanted the gods to come down. In sum Mesopotamia
ReplyDeleteEgyptian art and architecture is more influenced in many ways. One way is that they had their towers very artistic. Also, Egyptian also told stories about god? I think this is the most influenced one because they have better building and have very common stories about ancient times…In conclusion that’s why Egyptian art & architecture is more influences than mesopatamia.Dulce
ReplyDeleteI agree with dulce paniagua because I believe egyptian archectecture and art are the most influencable because their art or sculptures tell stories of their gods.However this means egyptian people liked to build pyramids to honor or worship their gods meaning they were very religous and liked to bury their pharaohs.In conclusion thats why I agree with dulce
I believe Egypt architecture expresses greater relgiouse power. This is because the egyptions had created many of their buildings out of brick and stone, when they also create their buildings over their sufaces they put tile which I think it is for to make the building more sturdy.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the Mesopotamians that they are more powerful in their religion because they have the ziggurat that lives the ancient god king to live in. They respect their gods for the honor they brought to their civilization city - states. Daniel Mejia
ReplyDeleteNotre Dame
I agree with you. I believe that the Mesopotamians had more religious power. Mesopotamia had more time to pray.
DeleteCarlos Notre dame
I think that Egyptian architecture is better than mesopotemia arcitecture because it is more traditianal and their arcitecture is very artistic from the way that they built the tower to pyramids has influenced arcitecture today.Also the egyptians had made art that supposebly reprsentsed stories that were about gods. In conclution, Egyptian art and arcitecture is more influenced and advanced than Mesoptamian arcitecture.
ReplyDeleteI think that Egyptian architecture is more religious in many ways.I think Egypt is mored religious in there architecture by worshiping their once alive pharaohs.For example,when a pharaoh dies they put them in a gigantic tomb called a pyramid.A pyramid is shaped in a triangle so that the pharaohs soul goes into heaven with the gods.Then Egypt also has ziggurats which is meant so a god would step down and save them.In conclusion,I think Egypt is more religious in their artchitecture. Robert Rodriguez
ReplyDeleteI think that Egyptian architecture is better than Mesopotamia architecture because their architecture is very artistic from the way that they built the tower to pyramids has influenced architecture today. Also the Egyptians had made art that represented stories that were about gods. In conclusion, Egyptian art and architecture is more influenced and advanced than Mesopotamians architecture.
ReplyDeleteiI belive that mesopatamian archtecture is better egyptian archture because mesopatama influced most of the egyptian arttecture. Also the mesopatamians worship Gods through art and arthtecture.
ReplyDeleteNIcholas Hernandez Stanford
I believe that Mesoptamian architecture has a greater religous power this is because th buldings were bases on the gods. For example,the ziggurats were for the gods can come down to the land. Another example, is that the sculptues had half god and animals. In conclusion, Mesopotamian showed more religous power than the Egyptians.
Tomas's ane the top
ReplyDeletei would like to predict that egyptians archutecture is.I think this because it has more culture in there art.Also there is more steal bulidings in egypt.Also they have like a pyramid shape in there archutecture.This is why there achutecture shows more power.
ReplyDeleteKeItH DuRaN :P
In my opinoun I think the mesopotimia religion is most important in many ways. This is because it had better building,that ment it can be safer to other people. If they had war then they would have more protection. In sum this is better than Egytian religion.
ReplyDeleteI think mesopotamians is more religous. This Is Because they build there temple things like stairways so that the gods could come down. That shows that they care about their gods and what they beileived in. So..... In conclusion the mesopotamians were more religoius than Egyptians.
ReplyDeletemartin :D
I predict that the Egyptian s were more religious than the Mesopotamians. This is because the Egyptians built a building that allows the gods to walk down. This was built because based on their religion that’s how it would be. All of their statues were of there about the gods. They based their whole society off of their gods. For example, the building they built was in a shaped like stairs, so that gods could walk down on them. In conclusion, the Egyptians were the most religious people, in my opinion
ReplyDeleteMande Miranda Stanford June 7, 2012
i belive that egyptian architecture is beter than mesopotamian cause egytion archetecture has more like religious belifes than mesopotamian , this is beccause the zygarat was made for gods to walk down and come down to earth and mesopotamian art does not really have that much with religion . I belive that egytion art is better than mesoptamian.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Gomez (:
Stanford :)
I would want to say that Egyptian architecture is better. This is because Egyptian architecture shows more power. Also their architecture is based on Nature. For example, the pyramid is supposed to symbolize a mountain. Also the Egyptian art on the wall shows a story.
ReplyDeleteKaThY ArAuJo :p
In my opinion I think that Mesopotamia has more power in many ways. This is because, in their ziggurats one thing that they show in them is that they have stair going up the ziggurats, so gods can come up and down from the sky. Also because if you look at their art, they put human heads and animal bodies. Or they do it the other way around, human body, and animal head. This is powerful because it shows how much they care about their own religion, and it also shows in their architecture. It is very cool to see all their art and architecture.
ReplyDeleteJillian Garcia
There are many reasons why the Mesopotamian architecture is more religious than Egyptian architecture. This is because in Mesopotamian architecture the main idea for the ziggurats is that the belief of Mythical gods to step down to Mesopotamia and for they could go back up. Egyptian architecture may be religious, but it is to represent the country of Egypt and their imagination. Another way is that the religion of the Egyptians were mostly described in art instead of architecture, Mesopotamian religions are described in both ways, art and architecture. In sum, there are many reasons why Mesopotamian architecture is more religious than Egyptian architecture.
ReplyDeleteBy: Moncerrath Varela
In my opinion, I believe that Egyptians had more power than Mesopotamians. This is because Egyptians had many relationships with nature. For example, the Egyptians were known for constructing pyramids, but how did they come up with the idea to construct them in the form of a triangle? Egyptians always had a great relationship with nature and the Sun. the Sun provided the Egyptians with a triangular form for their pyramids. Pyramids were in charge of showing power and storing many important items that the Egyptians held. In conclusion, Egyptians were in charge of holding greater power than the Mesopotamians.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Gonzalez
6-7- 12
I believe that Mesopotamian architecture is more religious than Egyptian architecture. This is because the Mesopotamian ziggurat temple influenced the Mesopotamians created it to let the gods walk down to the Egyptian pyramids. The ziggurat was made to honor the gods. It allowed the gods to come down to Earth and back up to heaven. The Egyptians pyramids didn’t have steps to let the gods come down. In sum, the Mesopotamians were more religious in their architecture.
ReplyDelete- :)
In my opinoun I think the mesopotimia religion is most important in many ways. This is because it had better building,that ment it can be safer to other people. If they had war then they would have more protection. In sum this is better than Egytian religion.
There are many reasons why Eygpt has greater religious power in aritecture than Mesopotaimia. This is because it has traditional structure.For example the pyramids always had symbols on it and have lots of stairs, so the gods could up or down. In coclusion, I predict that the egyptians were very religious.
ReplyDeleteAmmy Gonzales Stanford
we perdict that the egyptain architure is better than mesopotamians . this is because thy are more artisct than any other city state.the pryimad represents the sun and the ziggeas represents mountains
ReplyDeletetiffany and andres
I predict that Egyptian expresses greater religious. This is because Egyptians built buildings that lets the gods pass through. It was based on the Egyptians religions. Mostly all of there statues were about the gods. Like some buildings were built so the gods can walk down. Also because they wroshiped the gods.the created the zigguratesfor the gods to express there power. In conclusion that’s why I predict that the Egyptians were more religious on there architecture.
ReplyDeleteby kaila salguero
i think that both mesopotamians and Egyptian have good skills in art/architecture. this is because mesopatamians created ziggurats which are different than other buildings in the world! but the Egyptians had better art than mesopatamians . but mesopatamians had better architecture than the Egyptians cause of the ziggurats !
ReplyDeleteCrystal B. STANFORD! :P :D :) :(
I belive that egyptian architecture is better than mesopatamia architecture. This is because egyptian architecture is more of the pyramids and it has the carvings on the wall of the history.Lastley mesopotamia is more about the half person and animal thing which frankley does not interest me.So that is what I think is more interesting.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Iman because I also think that Egyptian architecture shows more religious values like when the Egyptians built the pyramids they meant it to connect with the stars and the souls of the pharaoh would shot up to the sky.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos Gaga