Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Class Curriculum For Athens

Describe 3 classes that Ancient Athenians would have studied and explain why they would have been important for the development of citizens of Athens.

Please write a powerful 7-10 sentence paragraph describing your findings. Do not forget to put your name and team at the bottom of your post.


  1. there are manythings that ancient Athens would of learned.For example they lesrnd phisical education.For example they learned how to run, jump, and fight.They also learned how to survive on there own.Also they learned how to write and mathematics.They were taught how to do manythings

    Keith duran :D

  2. Athenians would have many things to study. They study mathematics. They also study writing and reading. They may want to have produced thinkers.Athenians study many things.

    Andres Tapia

  3. The education that Athenains learned was to learn art,physical education,science,and speaches. These classes were chosen becuase they made Athen have clear thinking,and communiction.this would benefited the Athens

  4. Some of the classes they took were math,reading,and writing. They studyied reading this was very inportant beacause they could read and write and that was a very inportant value in athens. One of the other things they studied were ma to. They wanted to learn math,because they needed to count. Writing was also important to them to become a lader they needed to write.
    Adrian Brambila

  5. Athenians would have many things to study. Three of the classes that athenians would take are reading, writing, and mathimatiics. these classes help the athenians becoome very good leaders.
    Jillian Garcia

  6. The three classes(in my opion) that Acient Athens should have chosen are mathimatics, writing, and reading. The reason I had chosen those was subjects is because I think that they would probaly would have used them.
    Mande Miranda Stanford 11\2\11

  7. The three classes that the athenians may have chosen are writting,reading,and P.E.These may have been chosen because it could prepare for war and for participating goverment

    kaila salguero stanford
    and crystal badillo stanford

  8. The three classes that Athenians took were reading, writing,and mathimatic.they used each o f these things tobecome great leaders angie standford

  9. The three classes that the Athenians may have choosen are reading, writing, and mathamatics. These classes were chosen because they would really help you in your life. In Ancient Anthens was the bright, intellectual, educational,and cultural centre of all Greece.
    Moncerrath Varela

  10. The three classes were reading,writing and puplic speaking. These classes have been chosen because for the Athenian boys can be ib=n the army and for they can participate government. they were alot of classes of Athenian classes.

    Francisco Santos

  11. the three classes that the athenians may have chosen are reading, writing, and mathematiccs. These classes may have been chosen because


  12. There were many studies that Athens had as classes.One is that they were taught 2 main things.They were taught Homer, a famous poet.The other thing was that they learned how to play the Iyre.They also learned math, reading, and writing.They thought a healthy mind was as similar as a healthy body so they did alot of P.E. Those were the diferent studies Athens learned.

  13. The three classes that I found that would be important to the Ancient Athenians would be the following: public speaking, reading and writing. These forms of classes would be helpful to create citizens who could speak and write well. This would be beneficial for Athenians who were thinking about doing public office and being leaders in Ancient Athens.

    Joe Garza


  14. Athenians had many classes. They learned how to read and write. The purpose was to produce citizens. Athenian boys from age 6 to 14, they went to a primary school or private school. All of the Athens education begaon on the day of birth and lasted until age 20.They studied arts and they also studied science.
    Valeria Armenta

  15. Athens had three main Athenian classes.one class was physical education that mostly boys learned.Also Athenians learned music.Athenian boys were taught about music and how to play musical instruments.Also Athenians were taught how to read and write and arithmetic.Athenians were taught reading and writing for more education and they were taught arithmetic which is math to make them have more knowlodge.Those were the three main classes athenians were taught.
    Amelia Carrillo

  16. Kids in Athens learned how to read, write, physical edcuation, and music. They were tought until they were six years old. During those six years their mothers tought them. they went to school till they were probley fourteen years old. Athenien boys went to several diffrent schools. 3 for reading and writing, 2 for music, and 1 for sports. Athenien kids learned many things.
    Juan Carlos :p

  17. the 3 classes i found were p.e., music and arithomatics. Music was important to Athens because they needed to knoiw how to like for example attract women to the sweet sound of music. The other one i found was p.e. they found this interesting because they thought that a healthy body means a healthy mind. The mind is excercied mind helps pump blood to our minds. In p.e. they: threw javilens, ran, and wrestled. They thought arithomatics were important to become good men. These were the 3 classes that i found in my resurch.

    Samuel Clemens :D

  18. Alexandra Beltran

    The three classes that is important to athens is to read.Reading is imporatant because when they become leaders they could read letters.In addition, writing is also important so they could write laws.Art is another idea so they could do flags for battles or wars.Also they learn hoe to play music so they could do the trumpets or any does music for the people.The last thing is arthmetics its a fancy word for math,they use math so they could count and measure things

  19. Athens had many classes to go to. In addition they were trained in the arts.They were taught reading writing and math.they would also be taught anicent greece instrument.They would also for example they praticehed how to do physicl education.THey went to three schools one was sports and the 2nd one was musicand the third one was reading and writing. These were the different studies fo athens. Andrea[princeton]

  20. athenian classes were reading,writing,and a little bit of language.they needed to learn theese subjects to make athens alot better.alos to make the atenian boys stronger at menatl work.this is a quote about the porpuse for education(the porpuse for athenian education was to produse thinkers).theese are things for education sebastian hernandez princeton

  21. Athenian had many classes. They learned how to write, math and arts. They learned this because the Athenian wanted boys to be well rounded. That means that they wanted them to know more. They also thought arts to keep them colm. Athenian took many classes.


  22. the three classes that i found that would be importabt to the ancient athenians would be the following read and write and public speaking.these forms of classes is important becuase it will help u in the future
    james escalon :D

  23. Aninecent would be doing writing,math,reading.these forms help because math can make you count when you your mom or you at the store.Reading helps to read stuff like a paper is sent to you.also writing is important because if you sent a letter to someone you need to know how to write. by alex sarti

  24. The three classes that are important in Ancient Athen.For example they studied physical education to become soldiers.They did gymnastics to become flexable.They took reading & writing classes to get smart & have a better education.These are the three classes that the Athenians took.Vincent De Anda 11/2/2011 =D

  25. I would like to agree with Samuel. I do believe that music and physical education were important to the Athenian education. However, I do not believe music for the Athenians was not to attract the ladies only. The purpose of music was to balance both mind and body.

    Joe Garza


  26. i agree with andres but u should have written more :P

  27. There are three classes that are important to Ancient Athenians.One class is music they learned how to play the lyre.Also there aother classes are reading,writing,and p.e.Another thing is they learnd how to play sports.Those are the classes that were improtant to Ancient Athnians.

  28. The Athenians had many things to study. They studied the language of Lyre. They also learned reading, writing, and P.E. They had to memorize the language of Lyre. These classes helped Athenians a lot.
    Iman Rodriguez :D

  29. I would like to agree with Alexandra Beltran. i do belive that readind was important to the athenians.
    Valeria Armenta

  30. i agree with alexandra

  31. I agree with valerie but you should explain a little more and you should explain the classes more.And do a better topic and conclusion sentence.
    Amelia Carrillo

  32. valeria armenta why was arts and science important to athens.i agree with you that kids 6 to 14 goes to primary school or private school.

    Alexandra Beltran

  33. i agree with alex becuse reading douse help u understand what it is
    james escalon

  34. adrain what is ma?

    smauel clemens

  35. The three classes that i found that would be important to the Anint Athenians would be public speaking, reading, and writing. These forms of classes would be helpful to create citizens who could speak and write well.

    Crissy Benitez

  36. the three classes that i found was math,writing and language i picked this because they are important.Math was important because they had to do the math for everything.writing was imprtant because they had to write very lots of things for there education.Language was important because they had to understand each other people.karina loppez princeton


  38. i would like to disagree with Amelia boys didnt only learn P.E.
    Juan Carlos :p

  39. They were toght liberal arts,how to play the lyre,drama,public speaking,government,they had to play musical instruments.These were all important to athens so that they are able to have a job in athens when they grow up.they were tought liberal arts so that they can read and write while they have a job.Athens encouraged their life and their jobs. GILBERT VILLAREAL

  40. I would like to agree with valeria. I think that reading and writing was important. I just would like to ask why do you think those classes are important.

    Gabrielle :)

  41. I would like to disagree with alex because anicent athens didnt need to know how to learn math to count for the store. Also when they write sure but needs to be more details on athens but more details and be specific. Andrea [princton]

  42. i agree with alexandra beltran you explained very welll but maybe a little more detail.....
    Amelia Carrillo

  43. i dont agree with valerie because you need to put a stronger topic sentance.you also need to add more detail

  44. The 3 classes that they have taken is pysical education, reading, and writing.I said reading because so they would know how to talk.I also said writing because so they would know how to write good.
    By:Celeste Meza Princeton

  45. I agree with sebastion hernandez because they learning reading,writing,and language but he could fix his spelling.vincent de anda =D

  46. Ancient Athens valued many types of classes. Three examples of classes that The Greeks would have valued were physical education, music, and reading and writing. Physical education would have been important for the Greeks to develop strong bodies and remain healthy. Music was important for the Athenians to produce inner peace and develop eloquence. Reading and writing were important for Athenians to better communicate with each other. This form of education inspired Greeks (Athenians) to become leaders and amazing public speakers.

    Joe Garza

    Notre Dame

  47. Many Athenian classes helped them in the future. Three classes were reading,public speaking,and goverment. These classes will help them to become good leaders or good public speakers. Maybe one unknow citizen can be a great leader like Pericles. Athenian classes gave us our classes in our time.

    By:Chandler Bullock
    Norte Dame

  48. Ancient Athens valued many classes. One of the classes that they valued is physical education they may not have valued it that much but they still valued it. They believed that physical fittness was also as important as mental fittness. Another type of class that they have valued is musical class. The Athens partly focused on music. The Athenians were tought how to sing and play other musical instraments. The last type would be reading and writing. The Athenians valued this because this prepared them for leadership.In conclusion tha Athenian cultuire valued many forms of education.
    BY: Anthony Azueto
    Notre Dame

  49. The athenains boys learn how to public speaking goverment,art,reading,writing,math,play the lyre,play the instruments and how to play other instrumentsincluding the flute,and do the physical.It was important cause the spartan i belive never let them study but then they satrt to study and learn all those things,and got smarter and started to survive in the wars.

    Dulce paniagua
    notre dame

  50. athenian civilization learned mant things.for example phisical training,music,reading writting,lititure,and art.phisical training was inportnt for athenians because they wanted to become strong , healthy athletes and protect their city aswell as thier people.music was another inportant part of education for their civilization.they were tought to sing and learn the lyre.boys also learned how to read and write aswell as arithemsmetics.they learned this to become public speakers when they are older and show their opinions aswell as their ideas.they were also tought litichure , which was leaening passages to teach them about right and wrong and make good disisions as adults.finally they were toght art to continue athenian artistic culture.

    horlenes flores
    notre dame

  51. The three classes that I personally think that are most important to the development of Athenian society are the following. I chose physical education because a healthy body will result in a strong and healthy mind as well. Also, I chose philosophy because Athenians will know how to solvbe problems,and so they know what right from wrong is. My final class that i chose is architechture. I chose this because the Athenians and other Greek city states are the origins of architechture. Without them, we wouldn't know how to make buildings now in the 21st century. Those are the classes I think are important to the development of Athenian society.
    Justin Davila Notre Dame

  52. The 3 classes that Athens took were reading, writing, and physical training. In physical training they wouldn't just help their bodys but there minds to becauses athenians thought it was just important to train your body & minds. In reading they would study that so they would be able to talk good. The reasons they would learn to read and write so they can become AWESOME leaders just like everybody liked Pericles.
    By: Quetzaly Castaneda Notre Dame

  53. The Athenians valued many classes. One of the classes that the valued was gymnasium. They belived having a physical fit body was very important to the Greeks. Geometery and all of those kind of classes were important too. Because Athenians believed that intellectual edcuation was a key component to a person's identity.

    Justin Herrera Notre Dame

  54. Athens learned a lot of things. They learned more then 3 but i will only name 3.There was art,astronmy,and phsical education. Those helped athens to get jobs .The phsical education was used to be in the military and be a good soilder.Those were all of them.

  55. Their are many classes that the Athens valued. For exaple the three important classes are physical education,reading,public speaking.These classes were important to Athens so they can become great learders.

    by:Roberto Gutierrez Notre Dame

  56. The Athenians were taught and leaned many types of subjects. Three kinds of subjects or classes Greeks took were government,physical education,& learned how to play the flute. Government was important to the Greeks because they can become great and successful leaders. Physical education was important because they can become army material. Finally,learning how to play the flute was important because they liked music. Those are the three classes that Athenians took.

    By:Justyn Garcia,Notre Dame

  57. Athenians valued many classes.For example they learned how to read.They also learned how to write and physical education.Reading and writing was important because it was getting them ready to be good leaders.Physical education was impoetant because it halped them have a strong body and be healthy.This form education helped devolp a healthy mind and body.

    Verenice Zuniga
    Notre Dame

  58. Anient Athens valued many types of classes.One of the types of classes that they valued was physical traning they belived a helthy boby is as inportant as a helthy mind.But also the yonger boys in athens lerend calisthis and they were some times thought how to play ball.They also were thought reading.The athen also lerend pulic speking.They learned this becues they were studing to be goood leders like Pericles.So that is why the athens think educatinon is important so they can becume leders. by sarily uribe norte dame

  59. Ancient Athens learned many things.One thing they would learn was physical education at a palaistra-an open field.They would learn how to run,box,jump,wrestle,dicuss,and about javelins.Another subject they learned about was about music and to sing.Athenians also learned about art.they were also taught how to read and write. Athens also studied literature and were taught about arithemetics.Athens were taught many things.

    BY:Damaris Esquivel Notre Dame

  60. Ancient Athens valued many types of classes.Some classes Athenian boys took were reading,writing,arithmetics and more.They also learned how to throw javelins,government,music and other classes.These classes were important because they will become leaders like Pericles.

    Alec Torres Notre Dame November 2,2011

  61. Ancient Athens valued many types classes. The three main classes athens were grammar, music, and gymnatics.The was for them to speak like scholarly. The music was for them to know how to play intsrument.The gymnatics was for battling in the war.

    BY Daniel Mejia

  62. the classes that i think the anciant ahtens would take.i think they would take p.e because they needed a heathy body.a other way they would do p.e because they also needed a healthy mid too.i think they would also take writing in many ways.they would learn how to write for they can comunnicate with others in the city state.that is a type of comunication they learn how to write.they would also learn the history of greece.they would be able to learn the history of there city state they live in.

    javier sanchez
    norter dame

  63. ancient athens valued many type of clases. some clases athenian boys took were reading,writig,and physical education.they would learn how to run jump swim and throw a javelin.as well as for the girls they would learn how to do these things to,they also owned most of the land in sparta because there husbands were spartan wariors.

    by:ujulian barragan

    notre dame

  64. The three classes that ancient Athens have stuied would be reading,writeing,and military activities.This was important for their development because this was very important for their education. Madelyn bonilla NotreDame

  65. Ancient Athens valued many things.The main things were public speaking,reading and writing.
    These things were inportant because it showed
    Them to talk and write clear detailed sentences
    when they were doing inportant speeches.
    giselle romero notre dame

  66. There Were 3 Main Classes That iHave Found. They Are Music, Grammar And Gymastics.Music Was Important Because It Would Get Stuck In Your Head And Your Could Remember It And Play It To Your Friends. Grammars Purpose Was That To Produce Literate Citzens.

    Vincent Vallejo ;D

  67. The three classes that I have found that were important to Athenian culture were the following: reading, writing, and art. Reading and writing were important to the Athenians because it allowed them to communicate clearly. Art was important because it allowed them to express themselves. This form of education was important for Athenians to participate in government and become leaders in Athens.

    Joe Garza


  68. The Athens studied 3 main things. One thing they studied was grammar. They learn grammar so that if they need to talk to someone before the war. They also studied music. They learnd how to play music so that they could memorize stuff. They also learned to do gymnastics. They leaned gymnastics so that they have a good chance of not getting killed in war.
    Patty Garcia

  69. The 3 types or more of classes that athenians boys token. 1 was writing and reading . 2 was music. 3 was to wretling ,jumping , running , and throwing . 4 was to speark like you are a scholar .

    CLOUMBIA 11-2-11

  70. the three main classes i have found are music,grammer, and sports.music was important because when they did usic it would kind of be like memory to them.sports was impotant so they could be strong and wealthy while they exersize.when they play sports you need to exersize and stretch.of course grammer is important so they c an communicat with others denise vasquez columbia

  71. There is 3 classes in Athens.The poor classes never got education.They had to work for the rich classes.That is the poor class.The rich class has more power then the poor classes.The rich kids learned music.The rich classes had more rights. Henry Lopez Columbia November 2,2011

  72. There were many things ancient athens learned.Some things i learned was that they learned how to jump,run,and throw.They also learned grammer and music.They learned music because it would help them memorize things.This is what ancient athens learned.
    Noemi Delao

  73. the three classes i have found were important to athenian culture were the following reading writing and art. reading and writing were important to the athenian because it allowed them toremeber.i learned that sports helped athens grow strength and able to fight in the war. gymnastics helped athens by letting them do a little stuff that is hard to do. not to mention that it helps them to be more athletic

  74. many things were valued by acient athens.some are art,speaking in public,and writing.its important to learn that because its training to become citizens.athens did that because they had to make smart choices. leila rodriguez<3

  75. The three classes that was inportant to athenians.Was learning sports such as jumping,throwing,running,and how to fight.And also grammer

    yolanda arellano

  76. The three important classes that athenian had are reading,writing,and art.Reading and writing helped athenian comunicate faster and easier.It was also easyer to do art so they can be creative. justin guzman columbia.

  77. Ancient Athens valued many things.Three classes that were important to Athenian culture were reading,writting and phisical education. These things were important because they needed healthy bodies and education to be ready for office.Also if they would like they can take music and play these instruments.If they were poor they would become farmers who would sell crops to the rich.Therefore Athenians became well known citizens in Athens



  78. The three classes that I have found that were important to Athenians were sports,music,grammer,and gymnastics.Also Athens learn tghe words of Homen a famous Greek epic poet, and how to play the lyre.

    Anya Ells

  79. the three things that was important to the athinanss was to run, jump ,fight Also they also played musical instruments so that they can memorise what they were learned.
    a belen castro

  80. The three classes that I have found that were important to Atheinean boys are phisical education, music, and reading. The reason music was important is because it helped Ahtenians remember important imformation. The reason phisical education was important to the Athieneians was becausethey belived a healthy body is just as important as a healthy mind. The reason The reason reading is important to Atheniean is because they had to memoorize long pays like the Odessy. So that is a few skills important to the Athenienas.
    Teresa Perez<3

  81. The important things that are important to Athens culture is art and writing.Art is important to them because it will express their feelings.Reading and writing is important to them because it will express their feelings.


  82. Ancient Athens valued many things. The main things they valued was public speaking, reading, writing, and.These things were important to Athiniens because it showed them to talk and write better and clearer.
    Ari Sorkoram Columbia
    november 2, 2011 1:55

  83. the three class that i have found that are important to the athenians are grammer ,gymnastics, music. these subjects are important because they helped you memorize.also grammer was important because they were excpected be apart of the public office thats why grammer was important . also gymnastics was important because it taght the athiens stenght and balance
    sydnee deharo

  84. There are three main classes. One class is the poor. The poor never got or get an education.They just became farmers. Another class is the rich classes.They got to learn more than the poor. They also got to choose to become soldiers or not.So now you know richer classes learned so much more and also got more rights
    Sandy Garcia

  85. Ancient Athens studied many things. Athens studied speaking, reading,and writing.They also studied music and many other things

    Cesar Favela

  86. The two thing I leanrd about Greece is that wrigiting is important and they studyed gomtery. diegomendez columbia

  87. The Athenians valued three classes that were important to Athenians. They were reading, writing, and swimming. Reading and writing were important to the Athenians because it allowed them to easier to talk. Art was important because it let them to show how they feel. Swimming made their arms strong for war. Athenian thought these were very important.
    Kathy Araujo

  88. There are many types of education(ed-uca-tion)
    in ATHENS.Writing is one of the few.In writing usally Athenians use this with education.This is important to ATHENS.IT is important because Athenians want others to particapate in democracy offices.In conclusion all is important.



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