Do you believe democracy is the best form of government? Why or why not? Please respond in a powerful 7-12 sentence paragraph.
Please make sure you have a topic sentence, supporting details with a concluding sentence.
Don't forget to put your name and team!!!
I think democracy is the best form of goverment.I thought of that because democracy is almost like majority because it lets people do things.Also that it made people be a citizen.It made people participate with the goverment.Democracy was people ruled over.That is why democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteJacob Palacio
Notre Dame
Democracy is a form of goverment, that people rule themeselves. I think that this form of goverment is not very good. I got a reason to support it, when people rule themeselve people would want to do their own rules in their way, which is bad because when people control their own way, they're will be chaos. Because everyone thinks diffrent. For example like a prisoner would think stealing ca ndy from a baby is good, but in real life it is cruel and mean. Thats why i think democracy is a bad way of goverment.
ReplyDelete-cielo, lachica.
Notre Dame.
Democracy is the best form of government.It is the best form of government because it lets the citizens vote.Democracy lets the people have more rights.Back in the ancient times men had more rights then women.Now all the genders and all the races have rights.The greeks made the democracy possible.In conclusion democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteJoie Luna 5-2-11
Democracy is the best form of goverment because the people have the right to vote and have an opinion of the laws and e.t.c.Democracy lets people decide who they want for ruler and the laws they want.Democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteCatherine Vera
Notre Dame
Democracy is the best form of goverment.It is the best form of democracy because everyone is equal.It is good for it because their is no big ruler and all get to vote.Also because woman get to vote too.It is the best form with it because before woman can't vote but now they can.Democracy is the best form.Without democracy we wouldn,t be fair.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Ramirez N.D. 5-2-11
Democracy is the best form of goverment for many reasons.One reason is that each citizen gets a chance to vote and that is fair.People get to deside on what affects their society.Not just one small group of people making the decisions like an oligarchy.Democracy people have more freedom. So this is why democray is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteCristian Miranda
Notre Dame
I predict that democracy is the best form of government.The definition of democrasy is a type of government in which people rule themselfs.One example is that everyone should have the write to rule there own lives.
ReplyDeletekayla santana
There are reson that our forn of government is the best form of government. We have the ablity to vote.We are ale to make laws and decide how we are gongto be able to have our country. We are able to shape our country and we can decide how our society is.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is the best form of government. For example with democracy, many people have the opportunity to vote. Another example is that with democracy, people have a say in government. This makes it more unbiased when people are treated equally. In places like Egpyt and Mesopotamia they had things like social pyramids. People were treated differently based on their status. Due to these reasons, democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteAna Ocaranza
Notre Dame
I believe that democracy is the best foom of govenment in many ways.One way is that democracy lets everyone have equal rights.Also lets people vote.Also lets people participate in trying to be a government.I belive that a goernment has a lot of power.Apresiden lets people vote.A government has to put democracy in a form of government in many ways.
ReplyDeleteallison hemm
notre dame
I believe that the democracy is a good form of goverenment because it is one where they rule themselves and have all citizens vote to decide who the president should be. Plus there re two types of goverment-democracy and republic. Those two goverments are very helpful and give us freedom of speech.so tht is why the two re very different fromm each other.That is how the democracy is different than the republic.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is the best form of goverment in many ways.Democracy is a type of goverment in which people rule themselves.For example,Solon created laws for people that were less harsh.Those laws gave people rights.Under those laws it made people citizens.Since they had laws they were able to speek their mind and give ideas .In cunclusion,democracy is the best form of power.Melissa Reyes ND
ReplyDeletewilliam nd
ReplyDeleteI think that democracy is a good form of goverment because it allows evryone to participate in goverment events. Another reason why democracy is a good form of goverment is that it is fair to let evryone participate in what the goverment does. BY Luis.g ND
ReplyDeleteI think that democrocy is a really great idea for a goverment.Democrocy is agreat idea because the goverment looks at how they treat them selves.When democracy is done it is when people rule themselves. For the people it is not harsh because they can do what they want.It is always the goverments choice if or if not to do democracy.It would be great for democracy but we can not do it.
ReplyDeleteDempocracy is the best form of goverment. It is the best form of goverment because people rule themselves. It makes people express their opionion how ever they want. They can say that they dont like the king and they nwont get punished. People need this type of govermant because it is FAIR. In conclusion democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteAislinn Ibon
Democracy is the best form of government.One reason to prove why it's the best is beacause "non-aristocats" get to vote.They get to vote for who's in charge and laws to.Another reasooon why it's the best form of government is beacause it makes it fair,beacause they get to vote for who they want.They just don't geta leader or a law past without the people saying what they think.
ReplyDelete-Natalia Martinez
Democracy is the most important form of goverment. The reason is because it gave every one a voice. The way they did that is because before, only high class people could vote. However after democracy even the lower class could vote. Another reason why democracy was the best form of goverment because other people could be a leader. The reason is because before only people who took over would rule.This is why democracy is the most important form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteMitchell Perez
I believe that democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is the best form of government because it allows the public to vote for what they believe in. The public/citizens were able to vote for what they wanted and everyone was able to agree or disagree in the laws that were in the making. There was no tyrant or single ruler to decide what they wanted. Every person was a part of the democracy so no one was left out and no one was hated. This is why i believe that democracy was a good form of government.
ReplyDelete-Alexander Celis/Princeton
Democracy is the best form of governement. democracy has fairness. Fairness is important because you can be safe & repsected. Also, democracy lets you be your own boss. That means that you can have your own rules but they can only be good & being your own boss is good because you can be yourself & you won't have to talk some talk from other people. Democracy is very loyal. In the best term of government Democracy is the best.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Ayala.
I think democracy is the best form of government.It allows many people to participate. It can be fair for people to vote. They vote for who they think would make the best government. Also so they can be able to be a good government. Therefore, the greeks were good at having briliant leaders such as pericles. As one can see, democracy is the best form of government.
Anonymos said...
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is imporortant it gives people a longer live. Other laws would end with having you killed. Also it is because it gives you chances. Usally they let anyone be king. Also democacy isnt so strict to people. Which is diffrent from Dracos law. These are how democracy is important.
Eduardo princeton
I think that democracy is the best form of goverment. The reason why is because people get to control themselves. Also because no one can tell you what to do.You also get to make your own desicions with no one telling u not to. Democracy gives you a vioce.That means you get to speak for yourselve.That is why democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteJessica Estrada
I think that democaracy is important to goverment.This is the best from because it provide the citizen to vote for what they think. However after democracy even people say what they think. The reason is because before only people who took over would rule which is a good thing.This is why democracy is the most important form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteluis rodriguez aka luis p
Democracy is the best form of government.It is because it shows mny great qualities.For example, it dictates.Also shows it is organised and trustworthy.It shows ownership, too.democracy also shows great responsibility.This is prove democracy makes a good government.
Democracy is the most important form of goverment. The reason is because it gave every one a voice. The way they did that is because before, only high class people could vote. However after democracy even the lower class could vote. Another reason why democracy was the best form of goverment because other people could be a leader. The reason is because before only people who took over would rule.This is why democracy is the most important form of goverment.because the people have the right to vote and have an opinion of the laws and e.t.c.Democracy lets people decide who they want for ruler and the laws they want.Democracy is the best form of goverment.
Democracy is the best form of government in my opinion. It's the best option because it allows all citizens to participate in the voting. If we were not in a democracy there would be tyrants a lot. You cannot just decide on your own opinion. You can't because you aren't the only person living in that part of the country or anywhere else.For example if you are debating on a topic you can't have 1 or 2 people because it wouldn't be fair you need more people.This is why democracy is the best form of government to have.
ReplyDeleteSunshine Martus
Democracy is the best form of goverment.Its the best form of goverment because it shows your power.In addition democracy shows ruleness in the or in a dynasty.WITH democracy it shows how powerful a goverment is.
ReplyDeleteIsrael Ibarra Princeton
Democracy is the best way of goverment.The reason for this,is because it s better than other goverments for example,other govermenmts have harsh consequences like execution or torture.Democracy on the other hand lets citizens to vote for their rights.Also they can chose fair laws they want to obey.Also the citizens can chose their king. [LUIS ARAYA] [PRINCETON]
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is a type of goverment in which people rule themself.democracy is a good form of power because it is fair to everyone so it is not rasism or any other thing that is not fair.democracy brings ethics to greek society in a good way.as you can see democracy is a good type of goverment. esther garcia princeton
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is a good way of government because.For example you get to vote on your own rights.You can have different leaders.Democracy is the best way,becuase if we didn't have rules everything would be crazy,and will have chaos.Thats why we need laws to prevent from happening like chaos.We all have to agree in laws,because if we did not we will all disagree.
ReplyDeleteJocelyne Ruiz Princeton
i believe that democracy is a good way of government.Because is a form of government in which all the citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives.This is important because everyone has an equal chance to give an opinion.They also respect everyone. They treat everyone the same.Democracy is made up of many things. There are another types of governments for example Oligarchy and also Aristocracy.this is why i think domocracy is a good form of government.
ReplyDeleteFransia de la cruz
I believe that democray is the best form of goverment.Democracy lets citizens vote freely.
ReplyDeleteSince democracy is a type of goverment in which people rule themselves.So i think a democracy is the best form of goverment.
what i believe is that democracy is very important in the form of government. some ideas is that everyone could speak up and defend yourself.it is not fair that some people can vote and others can't.they aren't special!we are the same!democracy is important to the whole point of a fair government. all people could be a leader because others are.this is how democracy is important to the form of government, because we get equal rights.
ReplyDeletelizeth campos,princeton
I believe that democracy is the best form of government because it allows everyone to vote.If there wouldn't be democracy it wouldn't be fair.It wouldn't be fair because it wouldn't give the right for all people to vote.Only certain people will be able to vote.In my opinion it would be easier for everyone to vote because when everyone votes,the votes will come to an agreement faster.If only a few people were able to vote the agreement will take more longer because the people will have to discuss aboout it a lot.That is why the best form of government is DEMOCRACY.
ReplyDeleteI believe that democracy is the best form of government because it allows everyone to vote.If there wouldn't be democracy it wouldn't be fair.It wouldn't be fair because it wouldn't give the right for all people to vote.Only certain people will be able to vote.In my opinion it would be easier for everyone to vote because when everyone votes,the votes will come to an agreement faster.If only a few people were able to vote the agreement will take more longer because the people will have to discuss aboout it a lot.That is why the best form of government is DEMOCRACY.
ReplyDelete-Jessica Noyola
In my opinion I believe democracy i sthe best form of government.The reason i think that is,is because you get to express your thoughts on the topic.Everyone can participate as a citizen.By doing that everybody can agree on the same thing.Therefore,everybody will be happy with the desicion.It will be like the peoples own form of government.That is why democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Palma
I think democracy is the best form of goverment.Democracy means a type of goverment in which people rule themselves.For example,we rule ourselves.No one could rule us.They could express thier opinion.They wouldn't have to take orders from anyone,just themselves.This is why I think democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteEsmeralda Lima
I believe that democracy is the best form of government. Democracy gives everyone a chance to vote and to be equal. It also lets people speak their minds freely. Also democracy lets people be a citizen and participate. A democracy lets everyone decide what goes on in a community instead of a small group of people. Democracy is also better because people get a chance to speak and people will agree more with the system because it goes with a majority of people. Even though some people dont get what they want it is fair for everyone who voted. That is why the best form of government is a democracy.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Rosa
I think yes because democracy makes you think a lot. The word means a lot to the people in their comunnity. Citezens, including me, think democracy is a rule. A type of general rule that adds up to all laws the government made. Without Democracy, there is no laws for people to follow. Without laws, there is no safe comunnity for people to live in. So yes, I do think Democracy is a form of governmentin the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteI think that democracy is the best form of government.It is because it wouldn't be fair or right if only some people were able to participate in anything that has to do with government.It lets citizens to vote freely.Alson to vote for what they think is the right thing to do and a law that they would fallow and listen to.This is why i believe that the best form of government is democracy.
ReplyDeleteLaura Flores
I believe democracy is the best type of government. It is the best because it has to do more with the people. The people are important because they have the options in their hands.If the people have the option, the could be content with the leader. Another reason why is becauseit is fair. If the people do not like a law, they should have the right to take it out.That is why democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteJorge Quezada
There are many types of ways to run a goverment, but i believe the bestone is a democracy. I believe this because in a democracy citizens have the right to vote/change laws and speak to goverment officials. Sice the citizens have the right to vote they can keep,get rid of,and change laws. Also because they can speak to goverment officaials we choose the way our goverment runs. That is why i believe a democracy is the best form of a goverement
ReplyDeleteElias p. Columbia
I think democracy is the best form of goverment.I think that because itn is a type of goverment in wich people rule themselves.For exsample we have to rule ourselfs no one elece can rule us.Also because we could express our selfs and our opinion and what we believe.That is why i think demmocrasy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteSamantha gonzalez
I think democracy is maybe the best form of goverment.One way it doesn't help the goverment is by giving bad,crucial,and bad laws.But it also gives ghelpful good and laws.So democracy could be a bad thing or good thing .In addition,a good thing about democracy iz that it lets people do things like vote .This is how democracy is a good thing and bad thing for the goverment.
ReplyDeleteAshley Gonzalez
Columbia 5-2-11
I believe democracy is the best form of goverment.I believe this because its fair to citizens.This is fair because they are voting for something that affects their lives.Therefore, they should have a right to choose their lives.Also, if a leader chooses for them they might have a different opinion.This could lead to rebeling because of the opinion chosen.These are the reasons why I believe democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Jaimez Columbia 5-02-11
I think yes because democracy makes you think a lot. The word means a lot to the people in their comunnity. Citezens, including me, think democracy is a rule. A type of general rule that adds up to all laws the government made. Without Democracy, there is no laws for people to follow. Without laws, there is no safe comunnity for people to live in. So yes, I do think Democracy is a form of governmentin the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteMiguel Bravo
Columbia University
I agree with Melissa Palma but i also dissagree beacuse she says that everyone would be happy with the decision made but not everyone would be happy with the decision made.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Rosa
In government, I believe that democracy is the best form of government in Ancient Greece. I beleive this because democracy gave people some power in government. The people who could vote were only men and they were called citizens. The citizens could vote on who they wanted to rule over Greece. For example, if there was two people who wanted to rule and one was going to be an noneffective leader, the other man would have the most votes and rule over Greece. In conclusion, I believe that democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteAlissa Arnold
Columbia University
I believe that democracy is the best form of government. A democracy lets people rule themselves by voting on differnt laws. Different forms of democracy, like oligarchy and tyranny, do not let people vote unless they are aristocrats. A democracy lets it's citizens vote because they are part of their government. Citizens are able to vote on laws that can affect their lives by making them easier or harder. Other democracies vote on laws that are made by aristocrats and only they can vote and not other people. Democracy is more fair with it's people so it makes it the best form of democracy.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Gomez
I believe democracy is the best form of government. that is true becuase in democracy men and woman can vote. But sometimes democracy is unfair. I remeber that when bush was elected supposudly thay counetd the votes wrong.also taxes. allot of people hate!! taxes. Democracy can be bad or unfiar sometimes and other times it is good
ReplyDeleteAndres Diaz
I think democracy is the best form of goverment because of many reasons. First of all in a democracy people are able to vote and get to say their opinions towards a new set of laws. Also everyone who is a citizen can participate. In addition, unlike oligarchy its not dominated by the desicions of nobles. That is why democracy is the best form of goverment.
ReplyDeleteby Alexa calderon
I believe Democracy is a formof Goverment.I believe that goverment is a better goverment because democracy is thier gover5ment with different laws that we can't agree with.Our goverment has laws that we agree with and democracy has different religon laws. GIOVANNI VALLEJO-COLUMBIA-5-2-11
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that democracy is the best way of a goverment. It is the best because the citizens got to make or change a law. Also you have more rights. That is why it is better.
ReplyDeleteMichael m.
e for I belive that democracy is the best form of a government.A democracy is the best form of governtment because it may allow the people vote in their believes.The citizens were able to vote for what the wanted. They were able to agree and disagree with others.Everyone was part of the democracy and no one was left out.
ReplyDeleteBryan Navarro
Democracy is the the best form of government in many reasons.One reason is that democracy is a tpye of government in which people rule themeselves.In addition democracy gave them ablity to vote.Also the people get to deside.For example on the laws and other things.People,they had more freedom.Then they were all treated equally.Another examle is like in Egypr and Mesopotamia they were treadted differently, like by the social class/there level.
ReplyDeleteGenesis Cazares
Noter Dame
There are many reasons why democracy is the best form of government. One reasons is that peole have the right to speak for themselves. For example, some people are able to vote and a being able to speak for who the want or what they want. Another reason is that people have more freedom and that is being able to what you want but in good chooses. These were two reasons why democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeleteKenya Ruiz
Notre Dame
Democracy is the best form of government for many reasons one reason is that each citizen gets a chance to vote and it is fair to deside on what affects their society.It lets people vote and be citizens.This is why democracy is the best form of government
ReplyDeleteD3mocracy is the best form of government for many reasons one reason is that each citizen gets a chance to vote and it is fair to deside on what affects their society.It lets people vote and be citizens.This is why democracy is the best form olf government.
ReplyDelete-Melissa Interiano
Democracy is the best form of government because of different things. One reason democracy is the best form of government is because it gives the citizens a chance to vote. with oligarchy people don't get to vote the rule is because of rich and noble.Another form of government that doesn't give the citizens a chance to vote is tyranny. Tyranny is the form of rule by force and is a ruler with harsh use of power. Out of all of these forms of governments democracy is the best form because it gives the citizens a chance to vote for their ruler. That is why democracy is the best form of government.
ReplyDeletethat is by Jonathan Devera Stanford
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is the best form of government for many reasons. One reason is because it provides a say for everyone to agree or disagree to laws and share their opinions. Secondly, Democracy is a better way to govern whole countries. It is better because in the past the other forms of governing was Oligarchy and tyranny which didn't work well for the Athens. Oligarchy was a government in which only a few people had power. Tyranny was when a leader who held power through the use of power. Overall, Democracy is the best way to govern a country, state and cities all through out the U.S.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn Pina
Democracy is a form of goverment.Democracy is
ReplyDeletegood becouse with it you could be able to vote.
Some times it was good or bad becouse like some were laws and were haers.Some democracys you could be able to vote and you could if you were poor to.
luis v
Democracy is a form of government, that people rule themselves. I think that this form of government is not very good. For example, when people rule themselves people would want make their own rules, which is bad because when people control themselves they're will be chaos. Because everyone thinks different. For example, unfair laws can create an unfair living. Thats why I think democracy is a bad way of government.
ReplyDeleteShannon T.
who are thoses people?