You have now researched on Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles.
Which of these Greek statesmen has been the most influential to the development of democracy?
Please write a powerful 7-12 sentence paragraph explaining which Greek statesman has been the most influential to democracy. Provide a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
Don't forget to write your name and team below your paragraph.
When done please find a peer's comment to agree or disagree with. Please make sure you include the person's name in the comment and write a 5-7 sentence response. Be specific as to what you agree or disagree with.
Mr. Garza
He was a rich powerful man.Also he invented a new goverment, democracy.He organized a new way of making polithical desicions.
ReplyDeleteJesssica Estrada
I chose that Percicles is important in many ways.He was the leader in the war.Which he made more fairness for people.He was also important because he did the most things.Also he brought the demotaric to the highest classical greece.Which made it easier to make things fair.These are how is the most fair.
ReplyDeleteEduardo Martinez princeton
Cleisthenesis the most most influential person in demcracy. He provided the Athens righteousness. What that means is that,his laws weren't so harsh to people & he let others have their own fairness. Also, Cleisthensis Was the fist giver to really set the foundation of democracy. That was very meaningful because other rulers/kings had laws but they were unfair & they were very scary. Cleisthensis was loyal. Cleisthensis was lawful & was the greatest ruler in Greece.
ReplyDelete-Ashley Ayala.
The greatest Greek statesman in my opinion is Pericles becuase he was a very persuavesive leader.He was the first to be picked as a general.He put more people in the war so they can fight with others and defeat.By fighting they also fighted to make themselves win.Pericles is a effictive leader In Greek.
ReplyDeleteJocelyne Ruiz Princeton
Out of the four Greek statesment the one that has been the most influential to the development of democracy is Solon.Solon is very important to the Greeks in many ways.One of the way was because he was known for repealing the most of the laws of draco.He was also important because he changed the law, so poor people couldnt be sold into slavery.That was very hurtful for the ones you didnt obey the laws.They would even get killed if it was so bad.Finally he started an assembly that any citizen could come to vote on important quiestion.This is why Solon has been the most influential to the development of democracy.
ReplyDeleteFransia De La Cruz.
Pericles was least important b/che was a persuasive speaker. He was important b/c he encoureged his people to build a wall to defend the city.He was most important b/c he was a leader. Jonathan A Princeton
ReplyDeleteThere are three important reason why solon was important and powerful.One way that he is important is he made a new set of law that were less harsh than Draco.Another reason is that he will reform the goverment.I would like to add that was a law giver .this is what i think on my opinion.
ReplyDeleteluis rodriguez
The greatest statesman that contributed in democracy was Pericles. He had made democracy better. He did that by having everyone vote for who they want. Therefore, people were comfortable in choosing who they thought would be good. Pericles had developed a good democracy. He was a briliant leader to the Athens. He had encouraged the Athenians to take pride of their city. As one can see, Pericles was the best statesman in developing democracy.
I think the most important greek states manis Cleisthenes.in 570-565BC his distinction thruogh war againist the Megarians.Then 5 years later he seized power and became a tyrant for 33 years .Finally in those 33 years he had rich and wealthy enemies called the Aristocats. So he got mad and went into in541BC and deafeated them. This is how Cleithenies is a important part in ancient greece.
ReplyDeletenaomi sanchez
So fars the most important greek statement since i have studied is solon for many reasons. First after dracos harsh laws solon got or had an advantage because his parent were wealth and had a high position in democracy. This influenced solon also to learn and study about democracy. When solon ran for governer he won after he was reelected for about 30 years. After all that he should be known as the greatest demoratic
ReplyDeleteelias solis princeton
Cleisthenes is the most important greek statesman.He is because he overthrew other aristocrats.Also, he gave power to the poor.He allowed all people to vote, which helped create the first sense of democracy.Assemblies were also held, too.They were held to help Cleisthenes.These are the qualities that make him a great statesman.
I believe that solon has been the greatest Greek statesmen. He is because he did a great change to the greek government. The first laws were Draco's his were barbaric and super strict. He would force his laws and if anyone broke them they would die.Solon has a bit of influence since he appeared to be a politician.So solon saved the greeks by making a new set of laws. They weren't as harsh as Draco's.This is how solon contributed the most to the democracy of Greece.
ReplyDeleteSunshine Martus
The most important Greek statesman was Solon.He was important because he freed as many athenians as he could.In addition he was a Tyrant for as much as 33 years.This made him become a great leader and king.Solon was a cofident leader.He was a cofident leader because he wanted to reform a goverment.Thats why Solon was a great leader.
ReplyDeleteI predict that Cleisthenes is the most inportant because he was a law giver.Also hes inpotant because he established the concept of the popular vote.Also he is inportant because he gave more structures.This is my evidence why he is the most inportant. KEITH DURAN :D
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion Solon is the the best statesmen.The reason for this is because right after Draco,which is another statesmen made unfair laws solon came into democracy making less harsh laws.After draco left life was easier for the greeks with the new laws.Also solon made laws that cancelled debts and madelaws so slaves would not be sold. [LUIS ARAYA] PRINCETON
ReplyDeleteCleithenes was a very important statesmen.He was important because he was a rich powerful man.Also he invented a new goverment,democracy.Democracy is when people make their own decisions.He also organized a new polithical decision.That is why he is important.
ReplyDeleteJessica Estrada
There have been many great Greek statesman. Many have accomplished many things, but I believe that Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy. Clesithenes gained power in Athens around 500 BC. Cleisthenes had power and wealth but did not want aristocracy as the form of government. He thyen decided to get rid of aristocracy completely instead of having the risk of it taking over again. He then decided to add a new form of government,democracy. This is why I believe that Cleiethenes contributed most to democracy.
ReplyDelete-Alexander Celis/Princeton
In my opinion Solon is the greatest statesmen in Greece.One reason is that he was called upon the Oligarchy.Therefore he had power and wealth.Another reason is that he was known for repealing most of Draco's laws.That made him against Draco.Last reason is that he enjoyed a universal reputation for wisdom and uprightness.That was the cause of the oligarchy to call him upon.The greatest statesmen in Greece is Solon. -Apolinar Hernandez Princeton
ReplyDeleteI think pericles is a important greek statesman.For example Pericles engouarge the people of Athens to introduce democracy into other parts of Greece.He also encouraged the Athenians to take pride in their city.he believed participating in government was just as important as defending Athens in war.these are some reasons explaining why I THINK Pericles is vital. REY MITRE PRINCETON
ReplyDeletein my opinion pericles the influential to democracy.he was known as the famous greek leader.he was also a great beleiver in democracy.he wasn't that sriaght like Draco. he made better laws than him.i also believe that there are others leaders who were kind of like him. he was nice to his people and what i notice is that the rest of the leaders didn't have that much people died as draco did. i believe that all leaders are good but not draco. perciles started paying people who served in public offices or juries. he did some other great things
ReplyDeletelizeth campos,princeton
I belive that Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek stateman that has been most influential to democracy.He was the greatest Greek statemen because he was the first law giver.Cleisthenes is also a great Greek stateman because he established the concept of the popular vote.Cleisthenes also gave more power to the people of Athens.Thats way I think Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek Stateman.
In my opinion I believe that Cleisthenes is the statesman that has contributed the most to democracy.Cleisthenes has contributed the most because what he did was that he was the first lawgiver to really set the foundation of democracy.I think that means that he was going to reform a new government.He also wasn't only giving power to the rich and wealth he was also giving power to the poor.Cleistheneswas also an aristocrat.That is why Cleisthenes was the statesman that contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDelete-Jessica N.
I think that pericles has been the most influential to the development of democracy. i think this b/c he opened the athenian democracy to the ordinary citizen. he was first to be picked as a general. he was reelcted as a general for 30 years.this is why i think pericles has been the most influential. MIGGY PRINCETON!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteThere have been many great Greek statesman. They have accomplished many things, but I believe that Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy. Clesithenes gained power in Athens around 500 BC. Cleisthenes had power and wealth but did not want the aristocracy as the form of government he lives in. He then wanted to get rid of aristocracy for good because of having the risk of it taking over again. He then decided to add a new form of government,democracy. This is why I believe that Cleiethenes contributed most to democracy.
There were a lot of Greek leaders that contributed to the development of democracy.Although I believe Pericles was the the most vital statesman that gave the most important contributions to democracy. The most important contribution of Pericles was he encouraged people to introduce democracy in other parts of Greece. This is crucial because it gave other parts of Greece and the world to have this form of goverment. The second most vital is he encouraged democracy. This is important because not only does he allow it but he encouraged it by paying citizens to vote. The least most crucial is he allowed participation in goverment. This is important because he kept democracy going . These are the reasons why Pericles is the most important contributer to the develpoment of democracy.
ReplyDeleteAdriana Jaimez Columbia 5-05-11
In my opinion Cleisthenes was the Greeks statesmen that contributed the most to Athenian democracy.He did many things that helped the society.He started out first as ab aristocrat.Then he changed some rules for Athenian government.Cleisthenes let everybody participate in government to give their own opinion.When they participated they were called citizen.Therfore,Cleisthenes was known as the "The father of Democracy".
ReplyDeleteMelissa Palma
I think the greatest statesmen is Solon .First reason is because he was thoughtful like moses.And he thought for other people.In addition ,he also had a side for crucial pain.Like making the law that it is illegal to hit and abuse your childern .
ReplyDeleteBy Ashley Gonzalez
In my opinion I think Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy because of many reasons. First of all he was the first one to come with this form of goverment. Second he made it so every citizen was able to participate in the assembly that created city laws. He also was the one who overthrew the aristocracy because much of Athenian goverment was dominated by the decisions of the rich. That is why I think Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteby Alexa Calderon
In Greece there were many leaders like Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles just to name a few. Out of the three I believe that Solon is three most important. On fact that supports my belief is that he frees slaves from the many things they faced. By freeing the slaves there was a more accurate vote in democracy. The last fact that supports my opinion is that Solon changed Draco's laws so they were less harsh to the people of Greece. That is my belief and the facts to support my belief.
ReplyDeleteAlissa Arnold
There was alot of Greek learders that were part of the democracy.But i think that the best one was pericles beacuse he introuduced democracy to other parts.This was important beacuse it allowed other people know.Also beacuse it encourage citizen to vote.That is why i think that pericles is the best.
ReplyDeleteSamantha gonzalez
I believe that Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek statesman beacuse he contributed to then Athenian democracy that most.He was the father of Athenian democracy because of his actions.He was the first lawgiver.He let the governtment be fair which is important because everyone has a right to believe in what they think is right.This is why i think that Cleisthenes is the most important to Greek democracy.
ReplyDeleteLaura Flores
The Greek statesman that has the most influence on the development of democracy is Pericles. He encouraged people to take part in their government and take pride of their city. Pericles was the leader and general of Athens so he was powerful enough to make democracy more advanced. He paid people to vote and even created a council to make the most toughest decisions. I think that Pericles influenced Athenian democracy the most because of the act he did in allowing the citizens to vote and participate in their government by discusing laws and other issues.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Gomez
In Greece there was a lot of greek statesman that man a difference in democracy and life. In my opinion Cleisethenes is the most important of them all. Cleisthenes was the first one to create democracy. That is both important and very impressive beacuse that means that he had the guts to beyond what everyboby else in wealth said. Even though he was an aristrocat and he was very wealthy he stood up for the people that werent being treated fairly and that didnt have a say in the decisions made in a civilization. Although Solon repeled Draco's unfair laws, Cleithenes was the very first law giver to support democracy. In conclusion Cleisthenes was the most important staesman in Greek history.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Rosa
To me Pericles is the most important Greek Statsman. This is because he made the most importanet contributions to democracy. The contributions he made were saying the funeral orielion. Secondly he opened Athenian democracy to any ordinary citizen. The final and most important reason is because he encouraged citizens to introduce democracy in other parts of Greece. What this means is that he wanted people to spread the word about democracy. That is how he was the most important Greek Statesman.
ReplyDeleteEliasp. Columbia
I think that Solon has contributed in democracy. He changed the law so poor people wouldn't be sold in slavery. He also changed the law to make it illegal for parents to abuse thier children. Another reason that he changed the law is because so that people couldn't be killed except crime and murder. This is why I think Solon has contributed in democarcy.
ReplyDeleteEsmeralda Lima COlumbia
I think Solon is the most important statesman out of all others. The reason why Solon was an important statesman because he made a lot of legal laws to make it illegal to sell poor people to slavery. Another example, is that Solon made a law for parents not to abuse thier children or they will be sent to the dungeon. Without these laws,the whole world would be in a serious crisis to survive life. this is why Solon was an important statesman because we all would not suffer any other violence uses. Like murders,assasins,etc. That is why Solon was an important man to any civilization.
ReplyDeleteI believe that it was Pericles because did many things that other leaders didnt do. Pericles opened democracy to ordinary citizens. He was the first elected general. Last but not least is that he gave a public speech to honor Athenians.
ReplyDeleteI also believe that it is Cleisthenes because he aslos did things for his people. He was the father of Athenian democracy. He was credited for reforming the consitution of ancient Athens. He is responsible for over throwing Hippa.
Yoseline Talamante
I believe that Cleisthenes has contributed the most to democracy.He has contributed the most because, first of all, he started democracy. What he did was that he overthrew aristocracy. That was an important factor because he was an aristocrat. He overthrew aristocracy because he believed not only a small group should lead. He believed that everyone had a right to vote except for slaves,woman,and children. Only men were allowed to vote. That is why I believe Cleisthenes contributed most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteJorge Quezada
I would like to say that Solon is the most important one. He is the most important because he started democrasy.
ReplyDeleteMichael Munoz
-__- +__+
I think Solon is the most important statesman out of all others. The reason why Solon was an important statesman because he made a lot of legal laws to make it illegal to sell poor people to slavery. Another example, is that Solon made a law for parents not to abuse thier children or they will be sent to the dungeon. Without these laws,the whole world would be in a serious crisis to survive life. this is why Solon was an important statesman because we all would not suffer any other violence uses. Like murders,assasins,etc. That is why Solon was an important man to any civilization.
ReplyDeleteMiguel Bravo
Columbia University
There are a lot of great leaders but I think Solon was the most important.I think he is the most important because he changed the law so that people could not be sold if they owed money. Another reason why I think Solon is important is because he made it illegal for people to abuse children. This is the reason why I think Solon is the most important out of all of them.
ReplyDeleteMichael Castro
I think solon made many important things in his life.Solon made a law for poor people would not be slaves.He also made it ellagal for people to abuse children.He cancled debts on land to.Solon made greece a better place.If the law not to abuse children was never made people would have still be doing that now probably.Solon made greece a better place.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Laura Flores but not so much. Cleisthenes was very powerful but Pericles was way more successful. Pericles provided people strength & to stand up for themselves. Cleisthenes Didn't do that. Also, Pericles PAID people that work or who were on duty. Laura you have parts good but you should check out Pericles. (:
ReplyDelete-Ashley Ayala.
I agree with Alexa Calderon from Columbia.Cliethenes was the greatest statesmen because he is the one who created democracy.Since he created democracy he contribued most to democracy.Also he was important. That is why i agree with Alexa Calderon from Columbia.
ReplyDeleteJessica Estrada
Princeton :D
I would like to agree with Melisa Palma,,(: from Columbia. I also think that Cleisthenes was the most important/powerful statesman because he invented another democracy. He also organized a new way of making political decisions. Like for example not everybody could give his or her opinion in those days. So this made it easier for them to share what they would thing or express themselves. This are some reasons why I think Cleisthenes was an important/powerful statesman.
ReplyDeleteFransia De La Cruz.
I agree with Samantha Gonzalez,becuase I also think that Pericles is the best greek statesman so far.Also Pericles was the first to be picked as a general.He put more people in the army so they can have a more chance of winning for their country.He was a persuavsive leader and did the right things and advice for laws.
ReplyDeleteJocelyne Ruiz princeton
I disagree with Miguel Bravo from Columbia that Solon has been the bet statesman. Pericles is the best statesman because he had done contributions that other statesman did not do. Like Pericles he had encouraged his people to introduce democracy to other parts of Greece. He also started to pay public office and jurie workers. Other statesman did not think of this. That is why i disagree with miguel bravo.
I disagree with Elias Perez from columbia because Pericles was an important person but cleisthenes was a better person. I believe this b/e cleisthenes had great fame he was known as the "Father of democracy".he also had a hed start his parent were ones of the most important families in athens. cliesthenes was also the first to overthrow the aristorats. he also had a fair law and let everone vote as citizens . this is why i think he is important and the greatest statemen.
ReplyDeleteelias solis princeton
I disagree with Jorge Q because i think that Solon is inportant because he changed the law for that pepople can not sell any slaves for money.Also i disagree with him because he was the most fair out of all K$ITH :D
ReplyDeleteI disagree w/ Michael Munoz.I think it is Pericles b/c he encoureged his people to build a wall to defend the people from the outside.He was a leader in his time. HE was a persuasive speaker. He was more impotant than Solon.Jonathan Alvarado Princeton
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with Laura Flores because I belive that Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek stateman that has been most influential to democracy.He was the greatest Greek statemen because he was the first law giver.Cleisthenes is also a great Greek stateman because he established the concept of the popular vote.Cleisthenes also gave more power to the people of Athens.Thats way I think Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek Stateman.
I agree/disagree with Jorge Quezada that Cleisthenes was the greatest statesmen.I agree that Cleisthenes was the father of democracy and got rid of aristocracy. He also allowed commoners to vote and gave them the power to create new laws. I disagree with your response that states "he believed that everyone had a right to vote except for slaves,women or children" because you contradict yourself. First you say everyone has the right to vote, but then you excuse most of the population. This is why I agree and disagree with what you said.
ReplyDelete-Alexander Celis/Princeton
i agree to stephanie rosa that cleistenhenes is the most important because he made things equal. also he gave power to the athens power .i also agree that he created democracy which was very important. also he did more good things then the other statemen.also cleistenes was fair to everyone as you can see he is a good statemen. esther garcia princeton
ReplyDeleteAnoymos said...
ReplyDeleteI agree with josilene because Percicles was known to be one of the best statesmen.He was the most important because he beought it to higher people.Also he made more people like democrecy. Pericles was very impotant becuse of the way he made democrany.Thats why agree with JOSILNE
Eduardo martinez Princeton
I agree with laura flores because he fought in wars which is where he got his distinction.He was a law giver.Later he seized power and became a tyrant. He also deafeated the Aristocats.This is why i agree with laura that Cleithenes was the the graetes grek hero.
ReplyDeletenaomi sanchez
I agree with Esmeralda Lima that Solon is the greatest statesman.One reason is that Solon was the only statesman to be called upon the oligarchy.Another reason is that he is most known for repealing most of Draco`s laws.Last reason is that he enjoyed a universal reputation for wisdom and uprightness.That was the cause for the oligarchy to call him upon.Those are the reasons why I agree to Esmeralda Lima that Solon is the greatest statesman.-Apolinar Hernandez Princeton
ReplyDeletei agree with miguel b because he had true facts. He also made powerful facts.He also gave an example. HE said parent should not be abuse their children. THAS why i agree. ISRAEL IBARRA PRINCETON
ReplyDeleteI agree with adriana jaimez from columbia that pericles was the greatest statesmen.The reason for this is because he encourged people to spread democracy in greece.He gave the most contributions to greece.Also he paid people to go to goverment events or voting.This is why i think he the most vital statesmen in greece. [LUIS ARAYA] [PRINCETON]
ReplyDeleteI would like to disagree with Michael Castro.I THINK Pericles is a great statesman because he encouarged the athenians to takepride in their city.he believed that participating in government was just as important as defending Athens.He also encouarged the people of Athens to introduce democracy in other parts of Greece.this is some reasons why i think pericles is a great statesman. REY MITRE PRINCETON
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jorge Quezada.I agree with him because Cleisthenes made the democracy.He also over threw the aristocrats.Another reason why i agree is because that was an important thing he did.this is why i agree. MIGGY PRINCETON :)
ReplyDeleteMicheal Castro,
ReplyDeleteI disagree w/ you. I believe that Cliesthenes was the most important because he was the most contributive. He was the most important because he over though the aristcracy for good. He did that because he didn't believe that was fiar. So he set up a better one. That was democracy. that is why i believe Clesthenes cotributed the most.
Shannon Turner :P
Princeton :P
i agree with jorge from columbia but as my answer because i pick all of them.he has a point on his bcause he created the first democracy. actually all of them were important to democracy except draco because i just didn't like him.all men had the right to vote except others like woman. jorge actually convienced me to pick him as the best one.
ReplyDeletelizeth campos princeton
I would like to disaggre with Elias P.because pericles is a good statesman bue Cleisthenes is a little of a better statesman.He is better because Cleisthenes was the firt lawgiver to really set the foundation of ddemocracy.Cleisthenes was also a nice statesman because he wasn't only giving power to the rich and wealthy he was so nice that he was also giving power to the people that were poor.Besides all of that Cleithenes was an aristocraft.
ReplyDelete-Jessica N.
I would like to disagree with Alissa Arnold.I belived that it is cleisthenes because he has powerful reasons .One reason that he is important is that he was the first aristocraft.Another reason is that gave more power to the poor.Also first law given to really set the foundation of democraly.
ReplyDeleteluis rodriguez
I agree and disagree with Michael Castro. I am not familiar with Solon making it illegal to abuse children. I would like to add on that he created new laws. He basically saved the greeks from death. I would like to agree that solon is the best. He conttributed the most and hbelped the most. This why I agree with him.
ReplyDeletesunshine martus
I agree with Michal Castro. Solon was a great leader,compared to Draco. Draco was a crazy harsh man. All his laws were that if you did somthing bad, you would most likly die. Solon was all about peace and forgivness. Draco was all about killing and blood. Solon liked to give second chances to the people. This is why I agree with hhis coice of Solon Eddie Lopez Princeton
ReplyDeleteI think that the Greek stateman that contirbuted the most to democracy was Solon. I think it is Solon because he changed Draco's harsh rules. It was important to change Draco's rules because his punishment was always death. That was really unfair to the Athenians. This was really important because it came to a point where people didn't feel free. This is why I think that Solon contributed most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteAislinn Ibon
Solon was the great staesman leader.This is why,He freed many Athenians from slavery.Aslo he saved people from being sold into slavery.Solon was all about peace and forgiveness.He even wanted to give power o the poor people aroundd him.This is why Solon is thegreat leader of Statesman.
ReplyDelete-Melissa Interiano
I think it was the anthens because i think they had better laws. they had more power over people in greek.
ReplyDeleteThe most influential in Greek history is Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes is the most influential in democracy,to allow people to rulle themselves.He sarted the development of democracy. He gave people rights to vote for themselves.Cleisthenes made a difference to Greek Society. Nicole Galdamez [Stanford]
ReplyDeletei think it was the athens. i thought them because to me it seemed that they had more power over people in greeks. i also think thad good laws nayleen coldivar stanford 5-6-11
ReplyDeleteCleisthenes was the greatest Greek statesman. This is because without Cleisthenes there wouldn't be any appearance of democracy. Democracy was an important Greek statesman because he also gave power to the poor and a right to vote. This is important to give to a civilization. there would be an equal descision about democracy. This why Cleisthenes was the best Greek statesman.
ReplyDeleteAthony Meza
The greatest Greeek Statesmen is Solon beacause he was the firs law giver to set the foundation of democracy.Solon was a great leader (in my opinion).Another reason he is the grestest Greeks Statestsmen is beacause he began giving power to the people of Athens.Solon was also the greatest Greeks Statesmen beacause he was an aristocat.That means he was a fich powerful man who could controll anybody.These are some reasons why he was the greatest Greeks Statesmen.
ReplyDelete-Natalia Martinez
In my opinion Solon was a great leader. He was a great leader because of the actions he has done. The most important action he has done was change the laws of Draco. This was the most important because if the laws weren't changed everyone in Greece would be in misery. If you did one little thing wrong, you could be sent to death. Another reason why Solon was a great leader was because he didn't allow people to sell their own people into slavery. This made him great becaus eit showed that he cared about his people. Overall Solon was a great leader.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn Pina
the greatest greek state person is Pericles. Pericles encouraged the pepole to take pride in the city so they got encouragement. Thats not all he also encouraged them to defend in war for thay can get protected in a war. Last he also he let pepole particapate in government issues when normally they wouldnt because they were poor with no power. Thats why pericles is the best states pepole. cesar rodriguez stanford
ReplyDeleteSolon is the person who contributed democracy. I say this because he changed the law so that poor people could not be sold into slavery. I also say because he cancled debts. He also decided that judes would be chosen thoroug a lottery. This is why I say Solon contributed to democracy.
ReplyDeleteDulce Yanzon Stanford
The greatest Greek stateman was Perlicles because he would influence his people to have pride tgo their culture. Compared to all the men he weas a vcery great man. Draco was very harsh. Solon completely changesd the law and was way too easy on the people. Clethenies was unfair to become an Arisocrat. Perlicles was a famous Greek general and a great beliver in democracy. He was the best stateman in Greece.
ReplyDelete-Bridgitte Solorio
The greek statesman that contributedmost to democracy is solon because there laws were not that bad. His laws were not harsh. I also think it is him because he was very power ful .that is who i think it is.
ReplyDeletejasmine franquez stanford 5-6-11
ithink that the best statesmen who contributed to democracy the most was pericles. i think that it was him because he influenced people how to get pride to his people.also because he was the best and greatest believer in democracy.
ReplyDeleteangelica lara
Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek statesman. He is the greatest one because he created the worlds first democracy. Without him creating that we wouldn't have freedom and the right to vote for what we want. To create the democracy he overthrew an oligarchy and took power. He did that because he was tired of aristocrats ruling over Athens. That is why Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek statesman.
ReplyDelete- Jonathan Devera
I think that the one that had contributed with Democracy was solon because he changed the law so poor people wont be sold. I think that solon did many more important stuff such as: changed laws,and helped people. This is who i think that was the most important greek statesman.
ReplyDeleteOscar Rosas
The greatest statesmen is Pericles because he made very good speeches. he made a speech at a funeral a very famous one. he was a very great believer in democracy. he made speeches about it almost everyday. His funeral speech was very famous in time. In conclusion pericles was very good statesmen. jonathan garcia stanford 5-6-11
ReplyDeleteI This statemen was most conirbuted to democracy. I think it was Solon.I think it was him because he freed many slaveys.Also he took them back to their home.He also incouraged the trade of olives,wine,and grapes.He also changed the laws of Draco.Thats why i think Solon was more important to democracy.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Salazar
I think that it is solon. I it is solon b/c he did a lot of good things. He did googd things like cancel debits. He alsomade good law fo r all people. That is why i think it is a good statman.
ReplyDeleteThe stateman that contirbuted the most to democracy was Solon.i think it was solon because he changed Dracos rules. He changed them because the were to harsh.it was important becuase pepople didnt fell free. solon was the most who contriuted with democracy Leila Gonzalez(:
ReplyDeleteThe most important states man is Solon. The reason is because he is the one who started using democracy. This is important because it makes people worth something and gives people the rights they deserve. Another reaso why Solon is the most important states man is because he made the laws fair. The way he did that is because before he a harsh law was that if you were poor than you were sold into slavery. This is why Solon is the most important states man.
Solon was importnant is in grecc history.The most important thing that solondid that he canged the goverment.Next in in portance is that he lit the poor vote.When they did they be came a citizenin.The least inportant is that he did a law that people can not hit their kids.
I predict that Solon is t5he best Greek statesman is Solon. yhe first reason he is important is beacause he reinvented Dracos laws beacuse Dracos laws were extremly harsh. Also what he did was he wrote poetry. Lastly he was a aristocrat. THat is why Draco was important.:)
May 6,2011 11:14
There are many reasons of how Poricles influential to the developmentof democray. One reason is because he told Athenians to take pride for ther city. For example, he pay the people that work in the government money to convince the peole. Aother reason is that Athenians show state of fairs in demcracy. For example, this shows how he has good laws for them.
ReplyDeleteKenya Ruiz
Notre Dame
In my opinion the best states man is Pericles. He is the best because he influenced many other states men. Also, he was the first elected general. Next, he made very good speeches. The most important thing he did to me was he introduced democracy. Last, he made people take pride in themselves. In conclusion, he is a great statesman.
ReplyDeleteLeo Chitica
Notre Dame
The person who is the most influential is perciles.He encouraged people to build walls to protect themselves.He was also a persuasive speaker.He was able to participate in assemblies.He was a very good believer in democracy.He had a famous speech for funerals.He was important in many ways.
ReplyDeleteallison hemm
notre dame
I predict that solon was a great statesman. Because I chose this is because He freed the slaves, this is very important because people have the right to be free. He is also a good statesman because he changed the government, by letting the poor vote for what they want. He also made laws that were good enough for people to understand, not like Draco’s, it’s not too harsh. Another way he was a good statesman was he made people be a citizens. That why I think Solon was a good statesman.
ReplyDelete-Cielo Lachica.
Notre Dame.
I believe that Cliesthenes is one of the best state men because he had a good democracy. He had a direct democracy that let the people have power and they had the power to make their own rule and they were to benefit them self. Then the people were treated right then they were treated very fare and they. They were the ones that shaped their country.
ReplyDeleteThomas morales
There were many important statesman but the most important is Cleisthenes.He is most important because he created democracy in Greece.That is important because no other did that.Also he stoped the aristrocates.Other did but he brought freedom.Cleisthenes was the most important.Out of four he is the most important.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Ramirez N.D. 5-6-11
Pericles has many importances. One importance is that he led government until his death in 429bc.Second is that he was the leader in war. Third is that he reduced taxes and helped the poor.ROBERT
The statesman Cleisthenes has contributed the most in democracy because he was the first to think of the rule of the people.This shows that he disagreed with the rule of the tyranny.When Cleisthenes became ruler the people had the had the same amount of power.Cleisthenes' proved he contributed the most in democracy because when he ruled in Athenes it was the most successful city-state in Greece.
ReplyDeletecatherine vera
notre dame
In my opinion Pericles was the most important stamen in accent Greece. He was called the grates stamen in ancient Greece. He was a law maker. He also was a gnarl in the Greek army. That is why he was a grate letter and stamen.
ReplyDeleteTommy Porras
Notre Dame
To me Cleisthenes is the most important states men in many ways. The first and most important job he has done is that created democracy. Without democracy there would be no rights for each individual. We also wouldn’t be treated with respect. The second most important idea was that Cleisthenes wanted to give power to the powerless. This was very righteous of him. These are reasons why Cleisthenes was the most important states men.
ReplyDeleteKayla Santana
Notre Dame
My greatest statesman is Solon. Solon is important to me because he made a set of laws that were not too harsh or to strict. First in important is he made better laws than Draco. Draco laws really harsh and to strict and people did not like his ideas of laws. That is why the leader Solon is important and statesmen .Solon was also a poet but most people like him because of his laws that he made. That is why Solon is important. That is my statesmen leader.
ReplyDeletei think that cleithenes was the most import because he created democracy . he changed the greek govermental system. he also made it easier to make laws and with out leaders. now greeks coud do whatever they wanted if they were citezen-gilbert notredame
ReplyDeleteThe greatest statesman is Cleisthenes in many ways. One way is he created the first democracy .This democracy was direct democracy .Also he made all free men citizens which allowed them to interact in discussion. He ended all aristocrats and oligarchy. which aristocrats were rich or wealthy men . This is why Cleisthenes is the most important.
ReplyDeleteAlexander Galindo 5-6-11 N.D
I think Pericles was the greatest Greek statesman.Pericles was good because he gave democratic thought to Athen.He also gave a great speech at the funeral oration.He also created direct democracy.That is why Pericles was the greatest statesman
ReplyDeleteJacob Palacio
Notre Dame
My greatest statesman is Solon. Solon is important to me because he made a set of laws that were not too harsh or to strict. First in important is he made better laws than Draco. Draco laws really harsh and to strict and people did not like his ideas of laws. That is why the leader Solon is important and statesmen .Solon was also a poet but most people like him because of his laws that he made. That is why Solon is important. That is my statesmen leader.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Calderon ND
IN my opinoin is perciles.He was known as the famos Greek leader.He was also a great believerin democracy.He was famous ibn so many ways.He also spoke ian important speach.He sometimes write an important speach.He was loved and didnt fihht anybody.He is very important in so many ways
ReplyDeleteThere have been very important Greek statesmen but one has more significance. I believe Cleisthenes has been the Greek statesman that has contributed the most to Greek democracy. My first reason is that he is named as the father of democracy. This shows that he is credited with being the maker of democracy. He gained power at about 500 B.C. and was born to an aristocratic family. When he had power he didn’t want to have the Aristocrats to keep ruling. Due to this reason he wanted to make a whole new system to ruling though this was risky he wanted Athenians to have power so he created democracy. This way everyone had the power to vote and propose new laws. This form of democracy was kept until they were taken over by another civilization and democracy was lost almost forever. This is why Cleisthenes was been the Greek statesmen who has contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Orozco
Notre Dame
There are many Greek statesmen but the most influential was Cleisthenes. The reason Cleisthenes was the most influential is because he started democracy and gave power to Athens. This was important that he gave power to Athens because the statesmen before him were in an oligarchy and many people did not like that. So that is why Cleisthenes was the most important of all the statesmen.
ReplyDeleteLuis gutierrez
Notre Dame
Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy. He was born to an aristocrat family. Aristocrat means a rich or wealthy person. After that Cleisthenes invented the idea of democracy. Democracy means the rule of “the people”. Cleisthenes fought many Persian wars to keep democracy. This was important because it shows how he believed democracy was the right thing to do so he wanted to protect it. Due to these reasons, Cleisthenes contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteAna Ocaranza
Notre Dame
Cleisthenes has been most influential to the developement of democracy in many ways.For example,without cleisthenes democracy wouldn't exist today.Without democracy people wouldn't agree on how to make political desicions.Voting would also not exist because he also came up with voting so making political desicions would be easier.To finalyze,Cleisthenes has been most influential in the developement of democracy.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Reyes Notre Dame
IN my opinion is perciles.He was known as the famous Greek leader. He was also a great believer in democracy. He was famous in so many ways. He also spoke Ian important speach.He sometimes write an important speach.He was loved and didnt fight anybody. He is very important in so many
ReplyDeleteKImberly saanbria
Noter Dame
I would like to agree with eduardo martinez i think that perciles is very important and influential.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Jessica N. because Cleisthenes was the creator of democracy and his contribution was proven in the success in Athenes when he ruled.The democracy in Athenes was more successful than the other city-states.
ReplyDeletecatherine vera
notre dame
Cleisthenes was the most important statesman for many reasons. One reason is that he invented a new kind of democracy. It is important because he made democracy easier. Another reason is that he allowed the poor to vote that gave people more power. He also made the golden age possible. So this is why Cleisthenes was the most important statesman.
ReplyDeleteCristian Miranda
Notre Dame
I agree with Alexander from Princeton that Cleisthenes is the most important. I agree with him because like he said "a new form of government" this is democracy and proved he created democracy.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Orozco
Notre Dame
Dear Jessica Estrada from Princeton,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that Cleisthenes was the most important states men. I would also like to add that Cleisthenes wanted to give power to the powerless. This was very righteous of him.
Kayla Santana
N.D :)
Cleisthenes was the most important and contributed the most to democracy. First he is the one that invented democracy. That was the most vital thing he contributed to democracy. Also he fought in many Persian wars to keep democracy. Without him fighting for democracy it might of bin not used in modern times. Finally he was born to an aristocrat family so he was rich. In conclusion Cleisthenes was the one person who contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteJOIE LUNA NOTRE DAME 5-6-11
Pericles is the greatest statesman to the foudation of Greek democracy. He became a stateman and became known in Athene very well. He created the idea to spread the idea of democracy throughout Greece. He also created a writing piece called The Funeral Oration. It stated Athenian patiation and govenment. He gave an impact on Greek democracy the most. Pericles the most important statesman that came to Greece.
ReplyDeleteEduardo Juarez ND
I believe that cliesthenes is the greatest states men because he was one of the first law givers to the athenian society. Also he was a person who came up with the idea of popular vote. Also he was a person who gave the whole athenian society more power. Even to poor people. He was also a noble. He also really settled the idea of democracy.He also was an aristocrat. That is how he was one of the greatest states men in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Notre Dame
I diagree with Fransia because Pericles was the most powerful person becace he will convince his people to take pride for there city and also how did the person you write change the laws.
ReplyDeleteKenya Ruiz
Notre Dame
The greatest statesman that contributed the most to democracy was Cleisthenes. He also invented a new type of democracy. Which was allowing all citizens to vote. He allowed the poor to vote which they weren’t able to. But he also had to overthrow the aristocrats involving him of being an aristocrat. That is why Cleisthenes was the greatest statesman that contributed the most to democracy.
ReplyDeleteChelsey Valdovinos
Notre Dame
I agree with Joselin Ruiz,becuase I also think that Pericles is the best greek statesman so far.Also Pericles was the first to be picked as a general.He put more people in the army.He was a persuavsive leader and did the right things and advice for laws.He help people in so many ways because it was perciles.
ReplyDeleteKImberly Sanabria
Noter Dame
dear Ashley Ayala,
ReplyDeletei disagree with you.Because i though that solon was better than Cleisthenes. Because solon made poor people vote, when other didn't let them. He also let them and other vote, which mean't alot for them. Also he made laws that wasn't to harsh. So i disagree with you.
much love, Cielo Lachica
Notre Dame.
I agree with Ray Mitre I think that Pericles was a great statesmen.He was good because he gave a democratic thought to Athen.Also that gave a great speech to the funeral oration.He also proves direct Democracy.That is why I agree with Ray.
ReplyDeleteJacob Palacio
Notre Dame is awesome
Alexander Celis I agree with you and I like your examples.
ReplyDeleteCristian Miranda
Notre Dame
Jessica Estrada from princeton I agree with you that Cleithenes is the most important states man.
ReplyDeleteJOIE LUNA NOTRE D. :)
i disagree with luis araya because i think it is cleisthenes.wellluis thinks it is solon and i think that it is cesthenies be cause he started democracy-gilbert castro notre dame
ReplyDeleteAlexander,I agree because without cleisthenes democracy wouldn't exist.He is also important because he made political desicions easier to decide.He also organized a new ways of making political desicions and thats by voting.
ReplyDeleteMelissa Reyes
I disagree with you Liseth Cmpos from Princeton. I think Cleisthenes was more important than Pericles. Pericles didnt even invent democracy he just helped bring it to the Greeks. I still like your paragraph.
ReplyDeleteAna Ocaranza
Notre Dame
I would like to disagree with Patrick. I would like to disagree because he doesn’t provide enough justification to prove it.
ReplyDeleteLeo Chitica
Notre Dame
I would like to disagree with Eduardo Martinez from princeton.I would because you didn't explian why he is fair.Also you didn't say the things he did.Also when you wrote "which made it easier to make things fair" but how.To make yours better is explain more.Also Percicles isn't the most important is Cleisthenes.I disagree with you Eduardo Martinez .
ReplyDeleteJoseph Ramirez N.D. 5-6-11
Alexander celis I agree with your comment .I liked that you put that Cleisthenes got rid of aruatocratcy. So that they wouldn’t take over again . He then decided to add a new form of government ,democracy.
ReplyDeleteAlexander Galindo N.D
Cleisthenes has been the most inflential to the deveolopment of democracy in many ways.For example because Cleisthenes created democracy.If democracy wouldn't exict people wouldn't be treaed equally.In addition because he helped the poor people.Also Cleisthenes he wan'ted people to participate with the lawsso they can be fair for them.Voting would'nt also exsit because he was the one that invented it.He wanted poeple to be treated fair to each other.Finally,these are ways he had the most inflential to the development of democracy.
ReplyDeleteGenesis Cazares
Notre Dame
Ashley Ayala I agree with you and good details.
ReplyDeleteChelsey Valdovinos
Notre Dame
I will like to disagree with davieon because you did not do fully justifaction
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you sunshine. I think that Pericles has had more achievements then solon. He was a military letter and as a stamen. He won many battles and the war. That is why think that he is a better stamen
ReplyDeleteTommy Porras
Notre Dame
I would like to dis agree with Davieon and will like to point out that you should be puting your own name not monkey . Also that you should be putting more justification and deatails because i didnt see that many fine deatails maybe you can insert some more details.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Notre Dame
I agree with Eduardo Martinez in Princetin that Pericles was important in shaping Greek democracy .Pericles has the most influence.
ReplyDeleteEduardo Juarez ND
I disagree with you sunshine because I think Cleisthenes was the most influential statesman.The reason T say this is becuase Cleisthenes started democracy and gave power to Athens. One way he gaver power is that he got rid of the oligarcy and gave evryone a chance to participate in govermental activiteis.So that is why I think Cleisthenes was the most important statesman.
Luis Gutirrez
Notre Dame
Cleisthenes is the new leader of the democracy. He gained power from the Athens. He was a member of one of the most powerful families in Athens. He started Democracy in Athens. The people in the city were responsible for the government. Angel Reyes Notre Dame
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cielo from Norte Dame because Solon was a great leader. He has done many great and generous things for people of Athen. He did'nt allow people to sell their people into slavery. He would rescue people from slavery. Overall Solon was a great leader. That is why I agree with Cielo.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn Pina
I agree with Gilbert Castro in Notrfe Dame. This is because cleisthenes made democracy. without democracy citizens could not have a democracy. There will not be a civilization.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Meza
I disagree with Genisis. I would like to disagree with Genisis becasue it was Solon who created democracy. He changed Draco's laws. This was important because he had harsh laws. If you broke one of the most simple laws your punishment was death.
ReplyDeleteAislinn Ibon
I agree with Melissa reyes because Cleisthenes was a reasonable statesmen. He was also the creator of democracy.How melissa said that we wouldnt probably have democracy.We would be treated unfairly.Nicole G. Stanford
ReplyDeletei wpould like to agrre with Angel because cliethenses was the great qleader.He gave more power to the poor people.He was also responsible for government.This is why i think cliethenses was tnhe best leader.!
ReplyDeleteMelissa Interiano
I agree with Eduardo Juarez because Pericles because he was a important guy.He had persuaded many people.He used that gift to help his people.This is why i agree with Eduardo. Natalie Aguilar Stanford
ReplyDeletei dissagree with cielo N.D this is why. solon was not the best states men. i think the best one was pericles. because he gave important speeches. Also he was a general because he was chosen to. inconclusion solon is not the best states men. jonathan garcia stanford
ReplyDeletei would like to disagree with eduardo juarez in noter dame. i do not think that it is pericles i think that it is cleisthenes.i think that it is cleithenes because he was the one who invented democracy.which was very important.so oveerall,i think that it is CLEITHENES.
ReplyDeleteangelica lara
I agree with angel reyes from Notre Dame.I agree becouse clesthenes was the leader of it democracy.Clesisthenes did make democracy becouse it did say that about him.
ReplyDeleteluis v
i agree with you luiz because Cleisthenes stared democracy and gave power to athena. He gave every one a chance to participate in goverment activitye. Thats why i agree.
ReplyDeleteaaron armenta
I would like to agree with Alexander Galindo from Notre Dame because Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek statesman. Cleisthenes is the greatest statesman because he created the world's first democracy. If he didn't create that peple wouldn't have freedom. Also we probably wouldn't have it today without Cleisthenes.Having a democracy let people vote for what they wawnt. That is why Cleisthenes is the greatest Greek statesman.
ReplyDelete-Jnathan Devera
I agree with Luis Gutierrez from Notre Dame. Every reason in his paragraph is good. Also he had good details. Good job Luis.
i will like to agree with robert in n.d. because he he dii help the poor people so people wont be sold to slavery.(javier sanchez stanford)
ReplyDeleteI desagree with leo from north dame.I think it was solon because he freed slaves from slavery.
ReplyDeleteHe also took them back home. He was part of democracy of the athens.
anthony salazar.
I agree with Jacob Palacio pericles is in my opinoin the best states man. He did give democracy so i agree with you on that. He also gave pepole power to defend aginst war and that was important. Also he let people particapate in government issues. That why I agree with u jacob Cesar Rodriguez stanford
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kimberly Saanbria from Noter Dame. I agree with her because Perciles was good leader. I also think so because he did good things.Some good things that he did was that he was a general.This is why i think Perciles is an important leader.
ReplyDeleteDulce Yanzon Stanford
I aggre with Cielo Lachica beacause I believe Solon was the most influential out of all the Ancient Greek Statesmen.I believe he is the most influential Greek Statesmen beacause he ws a great leader.Also he gave some power to the Greeks.Also he gave good laws,though some he got fom Draco and his laws were harsh.
ReplyDelete-Natalia Martinez
I agree with Luis because his deitals are really good and related to that.i also agree with him because he has really good evedince. That is why I agree with him because of what he has. Jasmine franquez stanford
ReplyDeleteI agree with Leo Chitica because pericles was a great man. Also because he leaded all of the people in his country. However, he is a jenoures man. This is what i think about leos comment.
ReplyDeleteOscar rosas
I disagree with Cielo because Pericles was more than a democrat but he was a general. He was Also a great persuasive speaker. Perlices was commmited to what he did. He was loyal.This iks why Perlices is better.
i would like to agree with Cristian Miranda from ND because cleisthenes was important to the history of greece.also because you are right that he made up democracy. thats why i agree with Cristian Miranda
ReplyDeletejulius garcia from sf
i agreee with melissa reyes because she explained how Cleithenes was a great leader. with him we would not have democracyHe also organized a new ways of making political desicions and thats by voting.
I would like to disagree with Alexander Galindo. The reason is because I believe Solon is the best states man. The reason is because without Solon, Cleisthenes may not have even thought of democracy. Also another reason why solon is more important than Cleisthenes is because Solon was the base of democracy. This is why I believe Solon was the most important statesman.
ReplyDeleteMitchell Perez
Stanford 5/9/11
I agree with Angel because Pericles is the powerful.He is part of Greece.That's why I agree with Angel's writing.
ReplyDeleteGerardo Chapeton
They did physical education to be healthy. They also did writing so they could communicate with one another. Another thing they would need to communicate is reading. They also needed reading so they can read the laws & follow them.they needed to learn alot of stuff to be great leaders.
ReplyDeleteDiego Rodriguez in Notre Dame
ReplyDeleteThey needed education so they can understand and follow the rules and understandings in Athens.They learned how to read and write so they can add up things and understand sighns and to learn lots of stuff to be good leaders. They also did phsical education.Thats what Athens did to be great leaders.
The arts of Athens were important because they showed and made the secity more intresting.When they play sports,music,art and other talents these are arts of athenian culture.Also these talents are more important than you think, someone had to come up with them.Also today how sports are very important to our lives.They provide us to be strong and healthy.Most people find these enertaining on tv or just playing.Music and art have their importance to the are intresting to our seocity.Thats what i think of how the arts are important to seocitys.
ReplyDeleteWalter Groges Desighn TEAM
I agree with the people who who chose Perciles because he was Athens greatest leader.I think that Pericles was the greatest Greek statesmen hero because he gave rights and had a good seocity.When he led everthing was nice,calm,and peaceful.Also that when he died the Peleponision war came and everything started getting bad,and Athens was in the war zone.Then everything started changing, and everyone was against Athens.Ibet they wish Perciles was not dead.They kept relectedhim over and over.Thants who I think who is Athens greatest leader