From your research and your learning what classes are you thinking about placing in the curriculum of your new school and why? Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her class selection. Please provide justification with a 4-5 sentence response. Please start in the following way:
"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."
When done put your full name, and design team. Look at the example below:
Joe Garza
Richard Neutra Design Team
The three classes I am thinking for my new school is reading, writing, and public speech. These classes are fundamental for clear thinking and decision making. Students in the 21st century need skills of this type to be leaders in the world and in the workplace. Reading, writing, and public speaking are powerful skills for the 21st century.
ReplyDeleteJoe Garza
Richard Nuetra Design Team
In Athenian life they had to learn to do P.E,read,write,count,and speak.They had to do this classes to own land and to join the goverment.However they did not need to do P.E everday like the spartan. School was very important for the Athens.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Brambila
Walter Gropious Desigh Team
There are many characteristics of Athenian education. The Athenians liked to take the classes reading, writing, and physical education. The Athenian boys learned to run, jump,and particpate in gymnastics.
ReplyDeleteAmandelyn Miranda
Frank Grhry Design Team
There are many characteristics in the atheinian education some of the characterustics include physical ed they would also study reading and writing this helped them in many ways it allowed them to speak and send letters
ReplyDeleteJonathan Gomez
Richard nuetra desighn team
The three classes that im thinking about is reading,writing,and public speeches.Students in the 21st century needed skills like knowing how to read,writing,and know how to make a speech.They had to be educated.Those are three classes that im thinking about to take in my new school.
ReplyDeletekeith duran stanford
They are many classes for my new school. For,example One of the classes there is history. It is important because they can study the important and the past. Another example is
ReplyDeletethat I would have Physical Education. I think it is important because for we can be healthy and strong.There are many classes in my new school.
Francisco Santos
Antonio Guadi
Some characteristics of athenien education are, reading because it allowed athens to comunicate easily. Also because it promoted clear thinking. Another characteristics of athenian is p.e because it prepared them for war and that builts their body and makes them become strong and courages. Those are some charateristics of athenian education.
ReplyDeletekaila salguero
Walter Gropius Design team
the charactertisics of Athenians are reading and writing. The reasin thes are important to them because reading is to communicate more easily and promote clear thinking.Now for wriring is to pratice there skills.Anthor class is geomtiry.The reason they studied gemotiry is to study there land or the world
ReplyDeletenicholas hernandez
Antonio Goudi Design team
There are many characteristics of Athenian education. Some of them are reading, physical education, writing and arts. Reading promoted clear thinking and allowed Athenians to communicate easily. Physical education allowed Athenians to be active and healthy. Writing let citizens share their ideas. Lastly, Arts were important because children could play instruments, learn drama, and art. These characteristics were important to learn if you were an Athenian.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas Walter Gropius Design Team
The three clsses that im going to say is reading,writing,and making puplic speeches.These classes make clear thinking.Puplic speeches was around for 21st centry.Writing is like making puplic speeches and reading
ReplyDeleteTomas Arce
Frank Gehry Design Team
There are many classes that I chose for my school. For example, one that I chose was reading because it allows you to communicate easier and products or adapts their mind. Another eample I chose was writing. Writing is important because it helps them write thoughtful speeches and to be public speakers. Lastly I chose arts because it helps them be creative and make their city state beatiful. Those are the different classes I chose for my school.
ReplyDeleteMartin Udave
Frank Loyd Wright Design Team
There are many classes that the Athens would learn. They would learn how to read,write,play musical instrument,they learn also to physical education. These things were important because if they wanted to become a goverment they would have to learn every subject. These are the ways that they would have.
ReplyDeletetiffany dominguez Walter groupius design team
Some characteristics of Athenians are bright intelletual.Eaducational and cultural center.Some of the things they learned are math,reading,and writing.
ReplyDeleteIsai Zambrano
Antonio Goudi Desingn team
The characteristics of Athenian education are physical education, arts, and acidemics. What they did in the arts, is they loearned how to sing, and play intruments. For acidemics they ,learned how to count, write,and do what we do now. In physical education they learned how to jump, run, fight, and throw javalens.
ReplyDeleteJillian Garcia
Richard Neutra
In my new school I am thinking about having Humanities.Humanities is important because you learn about other people's culture.I will also have science because it's important to know about our Earth.
ReplyDeleteDylan Martinez
walter gropious design team
The classes I may be thinking of puting on is reading,writing,and speech.Becauce in order for the people to become great leaders they have be able to read there speech and write. ANGIE ESCOBAR, STANDFORD,FRANK LLOYD DESIGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteThere are many charateristics of Anthenian education. For example, Anthenians like the Acedemics. The goverment anly aloud boys to learn how to read, write, and do mathamatics. They thought that the girls didn't have the smarts to do and learn the Acedemics that the boys did. Another characteristic that they learned is physical education. Again, they thought that the girls did not have the smarts and energy to to do it. The boys would learn how to run, jump and swim. Those are the characteristics that they did.
ReplyDeleteMoncerrath Varela
Frank Gehry Design Group
there are many chartacters of athens edcation. for exampale the athens was more of a leadership edaction. they were a leadership edaction beacuse they want the people of athens to partisapat in goverment.they were thought reading,writing,and to speak.
ReplyDeleteantonio gaudi disan team
I think we should put art, reading, writing and Physical Education. Art reading and writing refer to Ancient Athens who wanted to prepare citizens to participate in government. unlike Spartans wanted to prepare them for war so they mostly studied P.E.That is what classes I think should be in our school.
ReplyDeleteCrystal B. Stanford
Frank Loyd Wright Design Team
There are many charecteristics of Athenian education.One of the main charecteristics of Athenian people were to train in the arts and to prepare citizens for both peace and war. Until the age of six most most kids were taught at homeby their mothers. After the age of six to the age of fourteen they were taught public speaking, art, reading, math, writing, and how to play a musical instrument. At the age of eighteen, they could enter the army and graduate when they were twenty years old. However education for girls was different because they were not taught at a regular school if not at home by their mothers.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Gonzalez
Richard Neutron Design Team
the charastics of Athens were that they started school at the age of 7 through 14. This promoted a good healthy mind. They also had gymnastics because they said that a healthy body is a healthy mind. these are the charastics of a good athebnian school
ReplyDeletesamuel clemens
the classes i would like to take are gym, math, and art. I would like these because i like to draw and i also like to run and play sports. These are the classes that i choose to put in my school
ReplyDeletesamuel clemens
Walter Gropius design team =D
Alexandra Beltran
ReplyDeleteFrank Llyod wright design team
The three classes sthat should be in the school is music,art,science.I think that these classes should be in the school because music is to make them feel cofident about their souls.Arts and science should be in the school because it prepare for peace or war.These are the classes that should be in the classes
Our school is teaching reading, math, and P.E.
ReplyDeleteWe decided on math beacuse without it we could basicly do nothing. We chose P.E. beacuse it will help the students lead healthy lives and bodies
Juan Carlos Rojas:p
Walter Gropius design team
There are many characteristics of athenian education.One charicteristic was music.Music because it made them feel more confident in their selves.It also guided their mind and soul.Also arts and sciences guided was a charicteristic. Arts and siences because it prepared them for peace and war.These were the many characteristics of athenian education.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
There are many characteristics of athenians education. One charaacteristices was music because it made them feel more confident in their soul. I t also guided thier mind and soul. Also arts and science was a characteristic. Arts and science was a characteristic because it prepared for peace and war. These were the characteristics of Athenian education.
ReplyDeleteCrissy Benitez
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
THere are many different kind of atheian importance for their classes.One of the most classes that are important are reading and science because they are useful for them.First reading is useful because they allow them to commuitacte with eactother. The second thing is to they can improve their thinking. I believe science that athens use because they mi8ght they of made their own eguipent. Their was manys that they used reading and science. Andrea[princeton]
ReplyDeletethere are many charistics of athenian of the charistics was music because it made them feel confident of them selves.It even guided them to there mind and soul.Also arts was there charistics because it will prepare them for peace and war.these are the charistics of athenians.
ReplyDeleteIn this new school we will have two will be muisc because it makes you rember better also it brings peace.Another class will be is math because math is important because it helps you in the real world like if you are going to the store. byalexsarti
ReplyDeleteThe Athenians learned many things from their school.One of the classes is training.Training would help us be more brave.The second class is arithmatics.It is helpful to many people.Vincent De Anda 11/4/11
ReplyDeleteIn this new school we will include two more classes in they will be about how spartans trained and what they did to survie a war also what they used to train.Another class we will include is what were thier statagies for thier math skills and what they did to figure out or what did each number would look like in spartan lagguage or if they had learned english.
ReplyDeletemy three classes im thinking about is art, public speaking,and PE.these fundimantle for mind and body.stdent like these because there fun
ReplyDeletejames esclon
walter gropois desing team
I think the most imporatant classes are reading and writing. I think that these are important because they valued education. They didnt just want to be warriors they also wanted to be educated.
ReplyDeleteValeria Armenta Marissa Gonzalez
There were several characteristics of athenian education. They involved reading, physical education, and art. Reading helped develop skill. Physical education helped because they wanted Athenian boys to have healthy bodies.
ReplyDeleteiman rodriguez
richard neutral
I am thinking about putting three classes in my new school,Reading,Writting,and music.Rading and writting is inportant because they could promote clear thinking.Reading helps them understand what someone is trying to tell you.Those are the three classes i want to put in my new school.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Garibay
George Garibay
Boys were taught mental education. Boys at the age of 6 were taught at home by their mother or a male slave. Boys from the age of 6-14 went to a primary school or went to a private school Books were very expensive so they had to read outloud and memorize everything. And remember the words of Homer a greek poet.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Ronquillo Princeton <3 :)
The three classes that I might choose for my school are reading, writing, and history. These classes I believe are important for developing students of the 21st century. The classes help to promote clear thinking, wisdom and justice. These skills would be important for future leaders of schools, and governments. These classes would be very important for the future of our education
ReplyDeleteJoe Garza
Richard Nuetra Design Team
There are several forms of education. One of their forms was to speak publicly. They valued public speaking so that if they one day have a message for all of Athens they could share it in a public speach. Another type of education they valued was music. They valued music so that so that they could sing in the festival of Dianicies. In conclusion the Athenian culture valued several forms of education.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Anzueto of MOTRE DAME
Frank Gehry design team
The classes that I want to put in the school are public speaking, writitng. The reson i want to put publice speaking is if students want to particpate in goverment, and they have to give speeches it would be easy for theme to get up their and share their speach. Writing & public speaking is going to be kind of the cobined with each other. Writeing will defentily help with publice speaking, and ecourage them to make their speeches more better.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Frank Gehy Design Team
Theres many things but one example is grammar.This was inportant because it improves writting skills and appreciate fine literture.Reading is also inportant because it showed them to read and write strong detailed sentences.Public Speaking is also inportant it makes them read and say very powerful paragraphs. giselle romero n.d frank gehry
ReplyDeleteAthenians had many characteristics of education. One was public speaking. Public speaking will help an Athenian by being able to control Athens an be a great leader Pericles. He probably did the same class to become a great leader he was. Also,reading and writing because it would help them get a good education. Also,if the person becomes a slave they will be able to outsmart someone.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gehry Design Team
Athenains had many characteristic education.
ReplyDeleteOne was public speaking/goverment.they has this kind of education because they need a better community and a good speech espically a good speaker.They could help the community by learning how to read, write,and how to play good and strong instruments.Another thing about the public speaking was that whenever they ahd a speech to say they will always listen. if you notice there were only men in the speech no women.
Dulce Paniagua
Frank Gehry Design Team Notre Dame.
Athenians wre taught many things. For example one subject they were taught was reading. Reading was important to be able to speak well. Another subject they were taught was music. Music could've been important for them for entertainment and to be able to play or use musical instruments. Athenians were also taught about art. Art was important for probably not being bored. There were many things Athenians were taught.
ReplyDeleteBY:Damaris Esquivel from Richard Neutra Design Team
The three classes that I might choose for my school are philosophy,math,and writing.The reason I chose philosophy is so students will have knowkedge that they can apply to there lives which will include knowing right from wrong and knowing how to make decisions and how to solve problems. I chose math is because they use math everyday! They might use it to compare prices at the store, or to decide how much of a recipe to make for a certain amount of people.Finally, I chose writing because in school and in life, they will have to write essays and paragraphs for their other classes as well! Those are the classes I might chose for my future school.
ReplyDeleteBy:Justin Davila
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
Three classes i would like to choose for my school are physical education, writing, and music. I want to choose these classes for many reasons. For example, I want to put physical education because I like to play sports, stretch, and exercise. Also, writing would be important to me because I like to write and practice writing to write neat. Finally, music is a option to me because I like listening to music & watching music videos. Those are the classes I would like to choose for my design school.
ReplyDeleteBy:Justyn Garcia Frank Lioyd Design Team
Boys were taught mental education. Boys who were at the age of 6 were taught by their mother at home or a male slave. Boys who were at the age of 6~14 went to a primary school or a private school to learn Drama,Public Speaking,Government,art,reading,writing,math,and music to learn how to play the flute.
ReplyDeleteAlec Torres Richard Neutra Design Team
November 4,2011
So far from our reasearch i think my group and i are going to make an awsome project. the students are going to be tought public speaking,art, and cleatr thinking.our school will be teaching public speaking because athenian wanted theeir citizens to become good leaders as older people and represent their city-state.They will also be teaced arts because of athenian artistic coulture .Finally they will be tought clear thinking so they can make good desitions as leaders when they become men and work aficiently.
ReplyDeleteHorlenes Flores Mayen
Notre Dame
I am interested in having public speaking, writing, and physical education. I picked all of those because they all help in future. Public speaking is gonna help the students become a good leader. Writing will give them an option in being a excellent poet or any other career based on writing. Physical education will help athenian boys train for the military. BY:Ithzel Sandoval Antonio Gatudi Design Team
ReplyDeletethree classes I chose are the ones I chose because of how educational they are.The first one I chose is music because I think they should know about music from years before thier time and could inspire them to want to play music.Next I want them to learn history so they could know what their school is based on.Last I would want them to also get physical education because are school might mainly be based on Sparta and they had alot of physical education.
ReplyDeleteethan montes
Notre Dame
The Anthens had many classes I will try to develope a school for the 21 senture. Now the classes that the school will have are , wrighting, and grammer . These classes are important to the school .The classes are imporant becaues well writting is important to us so that we mite be whent we grow up we can be leader like the Athens.And another class that we toght of is pycical training now the Athens beleved that a helthy body is as important as a helthy mind so kids now should have phycical education. These are some classes that the school will have. sarily uribe antonio gatudi desin team
ReplyDeleteThe three classes I will be picking are raeding,writing,and public speakers.I will be picking these certain classes because it will help them learn new things.For example writing will help because it will get them be good writers and write good speaches when they become public spekers.Those are the classes I will be picking.
ReplyDeleteVerenice Zuniga
Antonio Gaudi
The three classes i would want to have in the school would be music, science, and writing. The reasons why i would want those is that for example in music i think it would be important to learn different types of poetry and music not just the types of music we listen to today. And science I think it would be really intresting to learn to becuase my favorite subject is science. And lastly, writing I chose writing becuase it is very important to learn different types of writing not just talking to each other.
ReplyDeleteBy:Quetzaly Castaneda Walter Gropius Design Team
Atheninan education was valued by themin many important one that was valued by them was reading and writing.they valued reading because that was uesed for communication for they can be able to commuicate with one another.writting was also valued by the athens in many was also valued for communication also.they also learnd how to write to one another.that is how the athens valued there education also.
ReplyDeletejavier sanchez
norte dame
richard neutro diesign team
The three classes that I would might have choosen was History, Math,and Science. I choose those classes because I am good at Science , and Math but , Humanities I am a little good at Humanities . Then so far on our research we are not doing any of my favorites.
ReplyDeleteAnitio Giuda
BY Daniel Mejia
The the characteristics of Athenian education. One of the characteristics would be language.Language would be characteristic because Athenian children with good language were introduced to great poets such as Homers Ilid and odyssey. There were many things Athenians learnsd in their form of education.
ReplyDeleteBY: Madelyn Bonilla Richard Neutra Design Team
The three classes I want to do is physical education. My second class is writing & my third is science. For physical education I will try putting different types of courts or gyms. Writing I will put different classes outdoors. For science I will have many labs with many chemicals.
The classes i would putin the school im building reading ,writing ,and fighting.I want my school to be the best school that anyone could go to
ReplyDeletePatty Garcia
Frank Grhy
If i was the headmaster of school i woul the subjects that are most inportant to our world. Based on the knoledge of greece i would put science,math,reading,history,music,and phycical education. FROM:TYLER RASCON
ReplyDeleteThe class I will put in my curriclum was to how to make mucis , reading and how to make or build things .I will choose those class because i wanted to learn those thng to .
The three classes that I pick are physical education,math,and reading.Those were important in their time.They need reading class for how to write and read.Math could help them in their life. Henry Lopez Columbia Frank Gary
ReplyDeleteThe class that I would be putting is music.The second one will be art.I will put art because you can express your feelings.Also I will put music because music is like hearing somebody else feelings.
ReplyDeletethere are many classes one i would like to use for my new school is writing because with out writing it wouldnt be possible to communicate and with out communicatin there wouldnt be any shcool. another is reading because with out reading what can we do when there is a sighn denise vasquez columbia
ReplyDeleteeducation is really important.i want to learn to do phisical education,how to fight,read and also write.i would want to do those because i can be educated and to be protected by others.
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez<3team walter gropius
i would like military training to no how to fight and take care of my self. the second one i would like to read like tat i no how to send letters to people columbia from andrew>:}
ReplyDeleteThe three classes I want to do are physical education.My second class is sciences and math.For phycical I would like to learn fighting.For science I want to learn chemical,for math I want to learn more.
ReplyDeleteThe three classes i would want to do is physical education.Another class i would want is a reading class.I would like to have reading because it makes it easy to write.The third class i want is writing.I want writing because it makes reading easy.That is why i want those three classes.These classes are the best ones. Sandy Garcia,Columbia
ReplyDeleteThe three classes I would put in the cirriculm PE,Writing,and math.PE makes kids healthy.Writing lets kids express their feelings in writing and perfect speech.Math can help u with money and mesurements.These are three cirriculm in my school.
ReplyDeleteiThink The Important Subjucts Ill Put Inn My School Is Math Science History P.e Music AndREADING. Those Are Really Important Sub. Because If You Can Do Reading You Could Do All The Other Subjects Because You Hav 2 Read Every Other SubJuct. Its Better Having Ok Education Than Nuthing Because You Readd 2 Learn Somthing. You Csan Be Dumd 4 The Rest Of Your Life. This Is Your Friend Vincent ;pp And i Approve Thiss Message. ;D
ReplyDeleteThe curriculum in the school I want to make.Well I would say I would like MATH,SCIENCE,READING,and HISTORY.These are the classes I would like.Its because I use these classes very well.This is why.Im pretty sure people like these classes.
The three classes i want to do is physical educatinon. The first one will be math,and writing. Math i will put different classes indooors.For writing i will have many lads because it's important. Its important because they need to know all of those education.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ellis
Frand lloyd design team
Two classes i would put would be reading and physical education.I would put reading so they can learn how to read so they can be prepared for life and could learn how to write perfectly.The second class i would put would be physical education.It is importan because you stay fit and be able to try out for sports.These are the classes i would put.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
Antonio Gaudi
Iam thinking of puting liturature as one of my class also writting i have chosen these sbjects becuse it can help student achive thier goals in life and also teach them how tobe the best if they ever become apart of public office
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo
franklloyd design team
i agree with patty garica because you want to put your school the best not the bad one
ReplyDeletedulce paniagua notre dame
iAgree With Adrian,Stanford, Because Athiean Cared About Was Education And Spata Cared About Was 2 Be A Warrior. Athens Learned 2 Do P.e ,Read,Count And Write Etc. In Conclusion iAgree With Adrain's Promt.
ReplyDeleteVincent Vallejo ,Columbia
Walter Group. !(;
I agree with Sydnee DeHaro because it will help people with their future.
i would like to agree with sydnee because if you use reading and writing you can be many things in life.any thing you were thinking like your dream job.with out that you wouldnt be able to do many things you have always wanted to do. and i think that maybe it still would have been it could be good to put it denise vasquez columbia Richard Neutra
ReplyDeletei agree with sydnee deharo schools need this to have a good structure.schools need structure to keep students in dont want students going crazy instead of learning.if i were a principle i would want my students to behave.
ReplyDeletepatty garcia
frank gehry
I agree with Andrew on military training.Military training is important for self deffense.Also you will be healthy and live a healthy life.Military training is very important.
ReplyDeleteAlejandro Frank Lloyd Wright Desighn Team Columbia
I would like to agree with Leila Rodrige and Vincent we all want the best for the students.WE want them all to become scholars.I will also like to disagree with Henry Lopez because when he was in his last sentence he put they neede to learn how to write.but in his sentences he never talked about writing only reading,phisical education and math. Sandy Garcia,Colombia
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with Sydnee curriculum selection because liturature can help achieve your goal.That can also tech them tobe.Thats only if become apart of public office.So I agree with Sydnee.Justin guzman Antonio gaudi design team.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of santiago's classes.What i dont like is that maybe not all the people in the world likes math or reading.But why I think all of those classes are important is because they each give a different part of knowledge.They each come from other places and sometimes other subjects come from other subjects.The athens for instance had a democracy.So people of athens have to run the government.So they would need to educated to run the democracy. TYLER>RASCON
ReplyDeleteI agree with Sydnee DeHaro because it will get people ready with their future.Also it will get them ready for their public office. Sydnee put writing for one and I think that is a good one because it will express the writters feelings.
I agree with Sydnee because the skills she chose showed they would help thw kid's life. Literature would let them read and write. That's important because that is how we communicate. I agree with writing as a class students should take because it lets us communicate. So that is why I agree with Sydnee's classes.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Perez
Richard Neutra Disign Team
i would agree with denise writting and reading are one of the most important subjects that a person should learn. these subjects help you in everything for example if you are lost and there is signs that point you to somewhere and you cant read you will be lost these subjects help you in life in many ways
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo
frank llyod
I agree with Sandy because her classes are very imrortant.Her classes are PE,Reading,and Writing.The reason that is because all of us use these.In PE you learn,but in a pyshical way.In both writing or reading its mental.This
ReplyDeletewhy its important.
i agree with Patty because shes showing how the classes she chose will help people and help a school.the classes were reading,writting,and fighting, we will defend our selfs from lysurgus if we were a spartan.reading and writting will help education so that our speeches or lifestyles will be fun and strong
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
I would like to agree with Leila rodrigez.I pick pysical education ,writing,and also reading so you could protect yourself from the people that say that u dont know anythingbeacause they think that your dome.
ReplyDeleteYolanda Arellano Betzabet
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with Anya Ellis because physical education is important.Physical education is important because it helps people stay fit.Also it helps people to be strong and be able to protect them self.I also agree with math and reading because it is very important.Math is important because it helps them by them able to solve something.Reading is important because they are able to write.They would also be able to read things that are important.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
Antonio Gaudi
Patty, I agree with your subject in reading and writing but,I don't agree with fighting. I think that it sould bo math insted of figting because if you don't know to add you could not know how to count money. Diego mendez
ReplyDeletei agree with sydney because she chosse lititure and writting.
ReplyDeleteari sorkoram
antonio gaudi
i,agree with sofia because reading is impotant beacuse it alows people to comunicate easily and another thing thats important is writting because it does let citizens share their ideas
ReplyDeletekaila salguero
walter gropius design team
I agree with Adrian because I sort of picked the same classes. Athenian education was basically focusing on academics,and arts. They were taught how to read, write, arts. That is why I agree with Adrian and what he said about Athenian education.
ReplyDeleteMartin U.
Frank Loyd Design Team
I would like to agree with Tomas on his curiculm beacause he listed all of the main subjects of education Tomas has picked all of the subjects that i would would teach to ny class
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with martin udave.Im agreeing with him because he is right about the writing part.They did write speeches down on paper and read it to the people.
ReplyDeletekeith :Duran
I agree with Nicholas because it help them become leaders. Such as pericles he was one of the leaders that athenians love or was in power for along time. If we had no lititure we cannot read or do anythig with words.
ReplyDeleteAndres Tapia
Frank loyd team
I would like to agree with Kaila S. because she is right about the theory reading.
ReplyDeleteAmandelyn Miranda
Frank Gehry
MY NAME is AMMY GONZALEZ. MY favorite subject is science.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Angie Escobar because she has a point of being a great leader and to be that you have to know how to read, write, and speeches. The thing that I disagree is that, kids need ti o know mathamatics, physical educattion and arts. The reson why is because the healthier you are, the stronger you are, and will live longer. So pratically i agree and disagree.
ReplyDeleteMoncerrath Varela
Frank Gehry Design Group
I argree with Tomas because with reading is to prmote clear thinking in the mind.Also public speaking. Public speaking is still around in the 21st centruy and it helps with your voice.
ReplyDeletenicholas hernandez
Antonio Gaudi
I agree with kaila because you need to have reading and writing .In order to communicate with eachother. ANGIE,STANDFORD NOVEMBER,7
ReplyDeleteI agree with some of my other class mates,what they said about spartans classes. For example my friend,vincent, he said PE is one classes for sparta. And I agree with him because theY were traning to become warriors. Other class mate named Lila,said writing was important to sparta. I agree with her because they did not just learn PE,they had to learn writing to have an education. Also another class mate said Reading was important to the spartas. I agree with that class mate,because they wanted to speak to one other.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Brambila
I agree with Sofia because she said really good things and it made me belive.
ReplyDeleteJillian Garcia
Richard Neutra
I would like to agree with Francicso Santos,that Fhysical education was important.I disagree that History,that we could look in the past.But we can look at the tools that they used to.
ReplyDeleteTomas Arce
i agree with marten udave in many of the ways i agree is becuse it is important to is important beacuse it allows you to communicate easier and products or adapts their mind.another way i agree with marten udave is how to is important beacuse
ReplyDeletei agree with Franky because it would be important to be healthy and strong by doing p.e. Also history would be important because we could learn about the past and the effects of it. I would like to add that we would need writing and reading to share out thoughts and read other peoples work.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas Walter Gropius design team
I would like to agree with tomas on his curiculm beacause he listed all of the main subjects of education Tomas has picked all of the suvjects i would teach to my class
ReplyDeleteRichard Newtra desighn tean
Jonathan GoMeZ StAnFoRd
I agree that crystal was right about reading that they will be able to understand how to read and writing that they wil able to wrtie answers
i agree with Dylen because he wrote about counting,reading,and wirting.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jonathan because he said that he agrees in what he wrote. He wrote that the important classes were phisical ed, writing, and reading. He was very creative that he made me agree.
Kathy Araujo
Richard Neutra
I wpould like to agree with Adrian.B beecause he told us why is it important. For example, he chose counting, reading. For example he told told the person for they can write
ReplyDeleteFrancisco Santos
Antonio Guadi
There are many classes that I will include in my school are reading, writing, and math. I think that these learning skills are necessary because they are always used in everyday life. Iwould like to dissagree with Christal B. because she chose art as one of her classes and I personally think that art is more of a skill that you can leran alone and I also dissagree because art will probably not help you in everyday life.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Gonzalez
Richard Neutra Design Team
I agree with Sofia Rivas because, she chose subjects that Athens will learn.She also explained why she picked them.But she didn't say anything about Spartans. She put P.E. but she refered it to Athens instead of Spartans.
Frank Loyd Design Team
After all my reasearch I think I'm going to diside on picking reading,writing because in the real worid you need to be able to write when you are in school because when do your work you you need to know how to read it forany mistakes you can fix it thats why I disided to pick those to classes ANGIE,STANDFORD
ReplyDeleteI dis-agree with Mr. Garza beacuase i don't know how history would promote clear thinking, wisdom & clear thinking. I know it would help them when they particpate in goverment they can give speeches about history. I agree with reading and writing because those classes promote clear thinking. I dont know how any of these classes can promote wisdom and justice.
ReplyDeleteJsutin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gerhy
I agree with Justin Davila about math,writting,and philosophy,but i would also like to add to his comment that you could also teach public speaking.Public speaking was very inportant to athenian culture and their government.But besides that i think Justin should good ideas. finally i wish him good luck and i also know his group will do great!
ReplyDeleteby:horlenes flores
notre dame
november 07,2011
I will like to agree with Quetzaly because we will like to have music,reading,writing,and science i agree with you beacuuse my favorite subject is science to and the types of music we here they dont have that kind of music.
ReplyDeleteDulce Paniagua Frank Gehry design team Notre Dame.
I agree with Chandler's response because the classes he would put or like to have in his school can really inspire or help the Athenians. Also,he gave the reasons why he would put them in his school & how it helped Athens. What I would like to know is does he like those classes & do they inspire him? But other than that he had a great response to tell why he would choose those specific classes. That is why I agree with Chandler's cirriculum.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Justin Herrera because public speaking are important classes. Also, those two classes work well together. The reason I think this is because often, alot of times, people had to give speeches. So,if they took public speaking, they would do a good job at convincing or persuadng people to agree with them at their political assemblies.Next, a writing class would cooperate with public speaking very well. This is true because if they are going to give a speech, they need to know how to write one!That is why I agree with Justin Herrera.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justin Davila
Cohort: NOtre Dame
Team: Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I agree with Justin Davila's response because he said that the Athenians needed math class in their society. I recalll hearing Alec Torres saying something about a word that I do not remember but Mr.Garza said that the word was another way to say math.I also agree with Ethan Montes because he said that the Athenian people needed music class in their society. The reason I agree with Ethan Montes is because on a website I was reading that the Athenians valued music.
ReplyDeleteNotre Dame
Frank Gehry Design team
I agree with Vernice Zuniga because she said that Athenian people need reading,writing,and public speaking. I agree with these clsses because it will help them become good leaders. Also that the Atehnian person can be able to get a good education. Also,so they wouldn't be left to be a farmer. This is why i agree with Vernice's Athenian classes.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gerhy Design Team
I agree with Verenice Zuniga because these classes seem very important and I remember Athens had these subjects to make them great leaders,so this can help them a lot. Also learning about public speaking can really help Athenian leaders to make speaches good and it will make it easier for them to write them.
ReplyDeleteBY:Damaris Esquivel from the Richard Neutra design team
I agree with Anthony because when reading one of our packets we were reading about education in Athens public speaking and music was very important to them and very cherrished.bUT I wuold aiso like to add they liked math,writing,reading,and much more. From Ethan montes Walter Gropius desihn team
ReplyDeleteI agree with verenice that public speaking eas inportant because when the children of Athens grew up and became leaders of Athens they needed to make powerful detailed speeches.To get that they needed to know how to read and write texts,paragraphs and poems.THATS why I agree with verenice.
ReplyDeletegiselle romero notre dame
I agree with Justin Herrera class public speaking because public speaking is one of the best classes that Athens had.That was one of their best classes because so people could be one great learder like Pericles.Justin Herrere other class was writting I think he chose that class because writting is a great combition with public speaking.That is why I agree with Justin Herrera
ReplyDeleteBY:Roberto Gutierrez
I agree with Chandler becaues they did do publec speking. Now they uesed this becaues well they learned many thing but public speking was one of there classes.They used this becaues well they were tring to be leaders in Athens.Now they were tring to be leaders to be like Pericles.Now the kids of the now can be leaders. So these are the resions i agree with Chandler. Sarily Uribe NORTE DAME ANTONIO GATUDI DESIGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteI agree with Vernice because it is important for them to learn good public speaking and writing so they can commuinicate in another way. And also reading to. So I agree with Vernice
ReplyDeleteBy: Quetzaly Castaneda
Walter Gropuis
I agree with Justin Herrera because i think that the clases public speaking,and writing are good because if the kids want to particapate in any thing were they have to go up on stage to say there speech that would be good. I also chose writing sothat if they were ever gonna say there speeches on stage they could make it sound baetter with them takin writing clases.
ReplyDeleteJulian Barragan
Notre Dame
Richard Neutra
I agree with Verenice Zuniga because in order to be a public speaker they need to have a great learning of writing,reading,& public speaking. They need to have a great understanding of writing because they would need a great passage to share with public. They also need to be great readers to pronounce every word correct. They need to study public speaking to learn all the positions.
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
i would like to agree with anthony anzueto,because i think that is what athens valued also. i would think they valued music because that is what i read i my reading.and a other resien was because i read all fo that in the reading. that is why i agree with anthony.
ReplyDeletenorte dame
javier sanchez
I agree with Horlenes Flores because becouse she was makeing a conection how she was leading her group to her responce.
ReplyDeleteMadelyn Bonilla
Notre Dame
The three classes I chose was public speaking, writting, P.E.I chose public speaking because it will help people to speak in front of alot of people.I chose writting because that help people cummacat.The last class I chose P.E that is how people stay in shape.This are the class i chose
ReplyDeletei disagree with u alexsarti. I disagree with you because I dont think reading helps you rember things.
ReplyDeleteSaMuLe cLeMeNs
I agree with George but why is music important? you didnt explain.
ReplyDeleteSaMueL ClEmEnS
I agree with Iman because reading does help you devolp skills.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos:p
Walter Gropius Team
i agree with valery becuase writing is important to value education
ReplyDeletejames escalon
I disagree with jazmine. because for me you only explained about mental education. I also disagree with you because you didnt expain it very well.I also disagree because there is more than one class that athenians had.That is why i disagree with jazmine.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo
Princeton 11/7/11
I agree with alexandra beltran because all of thoes classes were well explained why they were chosen.
ReplyDeleteSaMuEl cLeMeNs
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you because you do not explain any of the classes.You only explain the history of Athens. Vincent
I agree with valerie and marissa because they did also want to be educated
ReplyDeleteIman Rodriguez
richard neutra
ReplyDeletei disagree with alex beltran becuase musice does not help you make them feel confedence.
ReplyDeletejames escalon
I agree with valerie and marissa because they mabey didnt want to be warriors. But who are you talking about, athens or spartans?
ReplyDeleteSaMuEl cLeMeNs
to jasmine, i would like to dissagree with you.i want to dissagree with you because you dont say any thing about what classes they had.but you stll did a good job on explaining there ways of learning.ths is why i ant to dissagree with you.i tink this time you should eplain about all classes they had. sebastian hernandez princeton
ReplyDeleteI disagree with you because you do not explain any of the classes.You only explain the history of Athens.I would suggest that you explain more.
For example more classes.Vincent De Anda Princeton
I agure with crissy because music can like relaxe your soul and have joy and peace.Crissy is write because science can help you because earthquakes could know whats going on in alex sarti the best:)
ReplyDeleteI dissagree with samuel because he didnt put much detaail into his writing.for example,he didnt persuade people maybe to like that shcool.He didnt explain much about the three subjects he was going to put in his shcool.
ReplyDeleteKarina Lopez
I agree with Amelia. I agree because I do think that art and science prepared them for war and peace.However I do not think music made them feel more confident.However I also do agree that music giuded their mind and soul.
I agree with Iman because reading does help you devolp skills. It helps you devolop skills beause when u read more it helps u read faster. When u read faster u get stronger in reading.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos:p
Walter Gropus Design Team
I agree with Samuel Clemens because, boys from Athens did start school around the age of 7 and they had a good school because they had gym. Also, because they did do gymnastics and they thought a healthy mind Is a healthy body.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Ronquillo
andrea why is sciennce useful for them?
ReplyDeleteAlexandra Beltran
I agree with Juan carlos because they need p.e. for healty bodies.They need math to count and to count money.You didn't say why you need reading.I also disagree with you beacause you only said why you need math and p.e.
i dissagree with alex b because scince was not important math was a littel important but PE is important i think that history is imporant we can get info from back then and figure out how to increse our minds PE is important becase if there is any emergencey like an atack they would be ready for anything.math is important becase we can count monye children ect we use math almost every day.
ReplyDeleteby marissa
I agree with Andrea because i think that the people of that school will have a better understanding of how people from today public speak.ALSO that they would know how they public speak back then from spartan
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Jasmine Ronquillo for many reasons.Mainly I disagree beacause it dosen't give a proper curriculum.It didn't say anything about classes she would choose.I would suggest writing more about why she would chose a class and what class it would be.I hope this helps. GILBERT VILLARREAL ??^-^??
ReplyDeleteI disagree with juan carlos because we are not doing reading we are doing art, math and p.e.
ReplyDeleteSaMuLe ClEmEnS
i disagree with jasmine ronquillo for many reasons. one way is that she didnt say anything about classes. also she didnt give proper curriculum. those are the reasons why i disagree with her.
ReplyDeleteRichard Neutra
By:Celeste Meza
I agree with amelia however music,arts, and science weren't the only impotant classes to Athenian education.Well for me the 3 most important classes to athenian education are reading,writing,and military training.Arts and music is also kind of the most important thing to anthen education.
i agree with alex because math can help mostly anywhere like at a market place. Music is a good subject to teach because it can let anybody express thier feelings and thier thoughts.Math and music is a very excellent subject to teach because it can be very helpful and fun throughout peoples lives. That is why i agree with alex.martin torres princeton richard neutra.
ReplyDeleteI agree with sydnee deharo because she chose very good subjects. The subjects were
ReplyDeleteliterature and writing. These are very important subjects because writing is used to communicate with others, and if you didnt know how to write you couldn't know how to read or you couldnt give speeches to the people . Also, literature is an important subject because it show what great writing is like.
Ari Sorko-Ram
Antonio Gaudi
I think I would pick poetry,physical education and music.Poetry is like art because you can make cups,plates and jugs to use at home.physical education is inportant because you can streach your body.Music is entertainment for gatherings and assemblys.
ReplyDeletegiselle romero notre dame :)
Jillian, I agree with you in many ways, and I would like to tell you why. One reason is that every school has to have physical education, arts, and academics. It would have been very weird and awkward if a school did not have any of these subjects. The reason why is because in order for you and I to allow a school is that the students have a good education and every student deserves to know know alittle of everything day some learning every day.
ReplyDeleteMoncerrath Varela
Frank Gehry Design Group