From your research and your learning what classes are you thinking about placing in the curriculum of your new school and why? Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her class selection. Please provide justification with a 4-5 sentence response. Please start in the following way:
"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."
When done put your full name, and design team. Look at the example below:
Joe Garza
Richard Neutra Design Team
I would put math,reading,science,and laguage.This beacuse math is able to figure out how much you owe. Reading would help by finding out more knowledge and you could not do much of any thing if you cant read.scince is a good one. this is because people can learn what gos on in our world.Language is so you can communacate to one another.TYLER RASCON COLUMBIA
ReplyDeleteNow I want science,math,and history.Because science relates to the Earth.History is important because what ever happen to the past that was bad we could stop it.Math is important because to count money fast.Those classes are going to usefull. Henry Lopez Columbia
ReplyDeleteI would place physical education and mental education .They are both important to a healthy life style.In mental education i would put reading writing and physics.This is important for schools to have to have good structure.
ReplyDeletePatty Garcia
Frank Gehry
I will put in my school is how to sign paper with reading at the same time . I will put that because how will u now what to sign with out reading . Also, i will put how to type things in wed site . i will but typing because what happen if are trying to type a paper.
some classes they learned were wrestling,military trainning,and reading.i want to chose those to my school curriculm so we are able to make sure we are not doomed and protected.
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
I have reconcidered which classes I will put in the school I think we should put litureature, leadership, and discussion. Reading and writing is literature so that helps us communicate. Leadership is one because you need to be able to take charge. Lastly I would put in discussion. I would put in discussion because it helps us have a disscussion and communicate. So those are the classes I would put in my school.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Perez
Richard Netra Design Team
I Would Want To Put 4 Subjects In My School And They Are P.e ,Music, Reading,History. They Are Important Subjects To Learn In Athens.Reading Is Important Skill To Learn Because They Could Communicate With Each Other.History Is Important So Athens Could Learn About Their City-State And They Could Learn About Thier Leaders.
ReplyDeleteVincent Vallejo Columbia
Walter Group. !
i think that the accodemic that i would put in my school is liturature because it helps the students talk to each other. Alsoit helps them read books.I also think that musical instroments because it helps the students remember what they learned from the day befor .Also because it helps them teach there students what they llearned if they dont rememberBELEN CASTRO COLUMDIA AUTNIO GAUDI DESIGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteThe three classes i would like are phisical education,reading,and writing.All these classes are really important subjects.You need to learn how to write if you want to read.Also you want to learn how to read if you want to write.Phisical education is good because it makes you strong and healthy. Sandy Garcia,Colombia ,Richard Neutra
ReplyDeleteI think the new class I will put is military school.It because they use it in both Spartan and Athen.So I think we will change the class to military school.
ReplyDeletei would like to put language and math as my subjects these would be important because it teachs us how to communicate with others and how to do daylie things for example math helps cook and language helps us communicate.
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo
I would put literture and art.It would be literture because it will teach us how to write and read.Also it will be art because it will let people express their feelings.I think this would be a good education.
there three classes that i thout were that i thouht were important was tought them memorization because an example is that when there is a catchy song you can memorize it and thats using usig music .two other are reading and writing they can both teach them communication.
The cirriculums I would put are public speaking,math,and writing.Public speaking is one because you could improve your commumicating skills.Math for making normal day money situations.Writing to express your thoughts and feelings.
ReplyDeleteThe three classes i like to add is reading,writing, and scientis. They are importan because reading is allaws for individuals to receive and learn new knowledge. Writing is importan is because we have to know have to spill things and its good too. Also scientis importan because we have to know about what is happing to our world.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ells
Frank Loyd Desrgn team
My classes would be Scince.I would pick Scince beacuse it would be fun for athens to studie the nature of Scince so they could learn rocks,about the planet and ,mady how they were madeior there house.
ReplyDeleteYolanda Arellano
Colombia Frank Gury Design Team
After my search I want to choose new classes.I would put PE,READING,HISTORY,and MATH.These are the claases I want!Its because usally people use this alot.This con concludes my paragraph.
I want to choese Reading,History,Math and,writhg.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Martin because readin arts and writing are important to the people in athens. they are importnt because then they learn how to do all the things.
ReplyDeletetiffany walter groupis desigen team
I would chose reading math and Science beacuse reading is a very inportant beacuse you would learn to speak.Math beacause You could figure out how much is something and finaly Science beacuse you would get to learn ABout space and rocks and differnt types of specific things i think that these are the three subjects i would chose to have a perfect structure
ReplyDeleteI think my school should have classes,for example like reading,writing,public speking,and math.For math it can help you with money when you grow up. Reading is an important skill in life because when the theacher is reading a paper you should follow along and he even could call on you. Writing is a other important skill to because you need to write to people. And Public speaking is another good skill because when your doing test you need to write.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Brambila
The classes I'm thinking in putting in my new school are reading,writing,math,and science.The reasin I'm puting thes class in my new school because It will help alot with reading and writing.Also with science and math.
ReplyDeletenicholas hernandez
antoino gaudi
Im am incherested in physical eduacation,reading,and writting.
ReplyDeleteI think that writing is important because
long ago they wrote speeches on a piece of paper and read it to the people.Physical education is important because they wouldnt be alive if they didnt have any streanths.Reading is important because they needed to read speeches
keith duran stanford
The curriculms i choose is reading and writting. i choose reading because it alows you to comunicate better. Also because it promotes clear thinking.Writing is another one because it prepares people to be a citizen.also they could give you powerful speeches, and a good command in language
ReplyDeletekaila salguero
walter gropius design team
The classes I would put in my school would be writing, humanities, reading, and the arts. Writing and reading would be important to communicate, and read/write stories. Hummanities would be important to learn about the past and the effects it had on how we live today. The arts would be important to let children play instruments, draw/paint, and act. I would have all of my students learing these subjects.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas stanford Walter Gropius design team
As I learned more about different ways of teaching I chose the subject math and reading. I chose math and reading because I feel that these subjects are most important to use in everyday life and I also chose these subjecs because they seem to be most important to teach at a school.
Richard Neutra Design Team
I might want to have reading and writing. These are real good skills you would like to have. They help you if you want to become a leader. Reading to read speeches and writing to write speeches.
ReplyDeleteAndres Tapia
Frank Loyd Wright Desing team
The classes that i will have in my school are humanities and Math i would want to do that for the kids can learn alot more in school like in Sparta learning was important to them alot and i would teach them Math because it will make them smarter Dylan Martinez Stanford
ReplyDeleteAfter my search I think writing and HISTORY. I think writing is important because they learn how to communicate with other people. History is important because they would learn about the effects and they would also learn about the past.
ReplyDeletetiffany dominguez walter groupius desgin team.
The classes I am going to use for my new school is Math, Science and Reading. For example, it helps students to learn everyday and have knowledge. Another example is helps the students to be safe and to accomplish things
ReplyDeleteFrancisco Santos
Antonio Guadi
Three of the classes that i choose is physical education,writing,and puplic speeches.Physical education was important,becuase it was for a good healty body.Writing was a good one becuase when you make a speech, you must write.
ReplyDeleteTomas Arce
I would put 3 diferent classes for my school. One is P.E. I chose p.e. because a healthy body is agood body. Another one I chose was reading. You need reading as more than anything. If you want a job you might need how to read. The last class I would pick is writing. As much as reading ,you also need to learn how to write. Same thing with reading, if you want to get a job or even go to colege, you need those 2 skills. Those are the 3 classes I would choose for my school.
ReplyDeleteMartin U.
Frank Loyd Design Team
I'm thinking a class witch is Math and Reading. I choose Math because the Athenians did Math to help them understand geomitry and other things. Reading is important to help to communicate. There are 2 different classes.
ReplyDeleteKathy Araujo
Richard Neutra
Monce and I would like to keep the classes we chose, those classes were reaging and writing. Those classes were important to the Greek culture. Today, those are important because we still use them today in the 21st century
ReplyDeleteMonce & Mande
Frank Gehry
I think the classes that i would pick are math, and the arts. Because both you can get good skills, and good education.
ReplyDeleteJillian Stanford
Richard Neutra
After all my reasearch I think I'm going to diside on picking reading,writing because in the real worid you need to be able to write when you are in school because when do your work you you need to know how to read it forany mistakes you can fix it thats why I disided to pick those to classes ANGIE,STANDFORD
ReplyDeleteMY favorite subject is math and science .IT is important because you get better at it and its easy for you.
ReplyDeletemy fav subjuct is sience. it is sience beacuse
ReplyDeletei love learning about the earth layer. it is very createv to
robert rodriguez stanford
i would put reading,math,leadership,different arts,and P.E.
ReplyDeleteCRYSTAL B. stanford
frank loyd design team
:D :( :P :)
The three classes that I might choose for my school are philosophy,math,and writing.The reason I chose philosophy is so students will have knowkedge that they can apply to there lives which will include knowing right from wrong and knowing how to make decisions and how to solve problems. I chose math is because they use math everyday! They might use it to compare prices at the store, or to decide how much of a recipe to make for a certain amount of people.Finally, I chose writing because in school and in life, they will have to write essays and paragraphs for their other classes as well! Those are the classes I might chose for my future school.
ReplyDeleteBy:Justin Davila
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I would also like to add science. The reason I would want to that is because science has may important subjects you can learn about. Like one would be one astronmy. That subject can help you a lot because i the stars can help you find your way, and know the famous stars patterns.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gerhy Design Team
There are several new classes that I would like to add to my school now. I would like to add arts to my school subjects beacause the Spartans studied a minimum of arts. I also would like to re-phrase reading because the Spartans studied a very limited amount of reading. Another subject that I would like to add on to is writing. I would like to add writing because the Spartans also studied some writing.The last class I would like to add is Astronamy. The reason I would like to add astronamy is because I read in a article that the Spartans valued astronamy.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Anzueto
Notre Dame
Frank Gehry Design team
I think I would put reding and writing and arts.I think arts is inportant because they can express their feelings towards others.In the other hand I think reding and writing are inportant because you won't get any where if you don't know how to read,talk and write.
I would put Reading,Math,and music because i think those coud be the most important ones that might be good at the school.i chose those becuase reading is good because you could know how to read history book or ancient greek or greece books.Another is Math i chose math because it could help them.And the last one is music i chose music because they could learn many different types of instrument EX: flute drums and many more.
ReplyDeleteDulce Paniagua Notre Dame Frank Gehry Design Team
One of the new classes I think that will be included in our school would be literacy and medicine. I chose literacy because it taught us in our century reading and that is a very important life-skill in our time. One reason I chose medicine is that it taught our time to be doctors and cure sicknesses. These classes taught us impiortant skills in our lietime. We got these from Ancient Athens and Sparta.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gehry Design Team
After all the research I found I would put reading and writing because those are important to the 21st century student. Those 2 subjects are always gonna be needed to read directions, justify anwsers, ect. It will also be used in the future to apply for jobs or college. So you see how both writing and reading is really important and that is why i chose those 2. ITHZEL SANDOVAL ANTONIO GATUDI DESIGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteFrom what i have researched so far i think the academics our group will have are p.e, public speaking,and writting.the reason why i will have this classes in our school is because i want the students to be elequent speakers so they can have their voice heard and be able to share their opinons.i would also like writting because i would like them to be good writters and be able to communicate with others.finally i chose p.e because every student should have a healthy life .
ReplyDeletehorlenes flores
walter gropius design team
november 07,2011
After all the research I found for Athens I found two new classesand why they are impotant.For example music is importaant to them because it will entertain the Ahenians.Art is important to the Ahens because it can also entretain them.Those two subjects were mostly to entertain Ahens.Those are the two new classes I learned.
ReplyDeleteI'm chosing writing,reading, & physical education.I chose writing because maybe the kids of the 21st century want to run for presedent or become an author. Reading is for just in case you want to read a speach for the citizens. Physical education is to be fit or if you want to be in the olympics or become a professional sport player
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I would like to add more classes to my school and how it helped the Athenians. The classes I would be considering are music and public speaking. Public speaking is a class I would like to have & it helped the Athenians in many ways. For example, they can stand up and give a speech & they can participate in government.Music is another class that helped the Athenians by purifying effect on their souls & they can entertain friends at gatherings. Those are other classes I would be considering into my school.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justyn Garcia from Notre Dame Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
The classes that they would have in the new school of are design . The classes that it will have is writting and science . Nowthes to clases becaues they are both very good class. Now writing is important becaues it will help them wright speches. And tthe class of science is important becaues they can learn many things like the other subjects. The thing that they can learn about the wether and human body so they csn learn about wethr an d big storms . So those are two importnt classes for Ahens and Sparta also the kids of the tennty first centery. sarily uribe norte dame antonio gatudi
ReplyDeletei would add many diffrent things in many ways. i would add witting and reading. i would pick both of theres because it woul hlep them coummunicate
ReplyDeletejavier sanchez
The first class I would like is adiou vishual class.The second class I want is the history class.LaST CLASS I WANT IS SCIENCE. ETHAN MONTES
ReplyDeleteTwo classes I would choose would be writing and public speaking. The reason I chose these two was because if a student would want to become a leader writing could help that person write the speech and public speaking could help him or her say the speech in front of all the people.
ReplyDeleteBY:Damaris Esquivel
Richard Neutra Design Team
My new classes that I would like to put in my school is Music, Science, and Reading. I picked science instead of writing is becuase I think it is important if use the stars to tell directions as astronomy. And i kept the rest of the classes becuase I think those are important to.
ReplyDeleteBy: Quetzaly Castaneda
Walter Gropius Design Team
In athens one class I chosse is public speaking because in public speaking the people reading ,and speaking that could help you speak to people. In reading people can understand what you wrote , or other people what they have wrote . In sparta I think a good class is pe because it will help you stay heathy and fit.
ReplyDeleteBY; Daniel Mejia
There is 1 class from Athens that should be perfect for our school which is Reading.This could help us learn more about grammar and spelling in our school.Another class from Athens is Science.This could help us become better scientists.1 class from Sparta is Writing.This could help us become better writers.And 1 more class from Sparta is Math.This could help us become better at Math.
ReplyDeleteAlec Torres Richard Neutra Design Team Notre Dame
The two clases that I would put in my school are public speaking,and writting. The reason i would put public speaking in my class is so that they can learn how to say a speech and to learn stand on stage. The reason i put writing was so that they could learn how to make there speeches sound beter.
ReplyDeleteJulian Barragan
Notre Dame
After reading about Athens and Sparta the classes I will pick is reading and music.I will pick reading becouse it is important to understand what others are saying and to comunicate.I also picked music becouse then we could preform/reciting musical poetry.
ReplyDeleteMadelyn Bonilla Notre Dame
I found that writing is important because writing is the same way as communitating with each other.Also, writing is important because it teaches you to write nice,neat,and organized.Also,it teaches you to add more details.
ReplyDeleteby Luz Vargas Notre Dame
I think that writing and reading is important.I think it is important because they have to learn those things so they can be able to write speeches.Also i think that because writeing is important for life.These are the classes i would put.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
A new class we are adding is science because it gets a better view of science. We kept Math because without math we could basicly do nothing. Also jobs today need math.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos:p
I am thinking about putting in math, art and poetry. I am thinking about math because Greeks would have to sell and trade things, so they would need to come up with a price. Art is important because it lets us express ourselves without using words. Finally I came up with poetry because it helps us rember things better.
ReplyDeleteSaMuEl cLeMeNs
In the school the classes should me pe because you need to tough and be strong.Also another class should be public speaking becauuse one day you want to be a king.But if you are a king so you can do speeches and thats a class you can do to practice by alex sarti
ReplyDeleteAlexandra Beltran
I would put math,reading,and writing.I would put these classes in the school because you need math to count money and other things to count.They also need reading because it clears your thinking and allows you to comunicate easily.I also think writing is important because it exprees you thoughts on pape.
I have thought of putting Grammer and Gymnastics. I would put these classes because they both are important. Grammer helps them improve thier writting.Gymnasticts is healthy and strongh for thier mind and body it also exercises thier mind and body. valeria princeton
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about adding discipline as a class. I think it would be important so, student would be respectful and have good manners. Maybe, I'll only put this clss once a week because it is not the most important class. That is why I'm thinking about adding Disciplin as a class.
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Belloir
Antonio Gaudi design team
some classes i would like to put in my school.some classes i want to put in my school are reading, writing, and P.E. i would like these classes because i want my student to be inspired be ancient greece civilizations.also because i think these are the most important ones.for writing you will need to do this all the time.for reading i think is th most is P.E.i think P.E. because you nee toughness to live . so think theese are the most important classes
ReplyDeleteI think that writing and reading is important. writing teaches you write nice,neat,and organized. also you would have to know how to read if you want to be a writer. those are some classes that are impotant.
ReplyDeleteThe classes that i would like to put in our school are grammar, art, reading, and writing. i would put these classes because in our school because when i did my research i found out that the main classes athens took was grammer and art. I also would put reading because it develops skill. And writing will help them write good speeches.
ReplyDeleteiman rodriguez
richard neutra
I think Grammar & Gymnastics are important.I think gymnastics are important because when you exercise its healthy for the mind && body and it keeps the mind && body strong.I also think grammar is important because it helps them read and write && it also helps them appriciate fine lititure.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Ronquillo -_-
There are three main classes that I would put in my school.They would be Reading, writing,and math. I think Reading because it helps them to have a clear mind and to have clear thinking.I think writing because it lets them express themself and to feel free.I also think Math because they will be able to count also they will be able to do more academics.Those are the classes I want to put in my school.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo
Frank Lloyd wright design team
james escalon
the classes i would i like to put in the school is pe because the students will learn how the kids of acient sparta were taught very harshly.Also i would like put a new class about wirting because it wasnt very important but we could still learn from how they wrote.
ReplyDeleteby ANGEL RUIZ:3
By:Celeste Meza
ReplyDeleteRichard Neutra
The classes that I think that I would like to put in our school is grammer,art,reading, and writing.I would like to put these classes in our school is because from my research it said that the main thing that athens study was grammer and art. I would also like to put reading and writing because they are the other two main thins that athens would study.
The classes I would put for my school.I would put a math class to be able to count and use #'s.The next class I would want for a class is science because we learn about earth,bodies,and more known facts.The final class I would want would be physical education because Spartan boys
ReplyDeletewould have to be strong to live in Sparta.
Vincent De Anda
November 7,2011
I am thinking of putting reading and writing in my school. Reading is important because it allowed Athenians to communicate easily. Also reading allowed Athenians to promote clear thinking. Writing is important because its a way to speak your mind. Also it might help you with speaking clearly like reading.
ReplyDeleteCrissy Benitez <3
Frank Llyod Wright design team
I think the classes should be grammar math and writing because it can help anywhere.Math can help mostly anywhere like at store.Grammar can come in hand when writing because you can correct any missspelled words.writing can help in making stories or messages.Those are the classes i would put in school.martin torres princeton richard neutra.
ReplyDeletei want to put math,writing andd poetry.i want to put these because math if they didnt have it they wouldnt be able to count or do any thingg.writing to because they wouldnt be able to write there languge down.last i want to put poetry because they would write down poems and if they didnt have wiriting they wouldnt be able to write there poems down.frank lloyd wright desighn team Karina lopez princeton
ReplyDeleteI would like to disagree with patty garcia. What other subjects did the past have. What i mean is how did they use subjects to help them with their life style.TYLER RASCON COLUMBIA.
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with Vincent Vallejo. His subjects are what a school needs. Having P.E ,reading ,history ,and music these all help you in your life. At least I think so.
ReplyDeletePatty Garcia
Frank Gehry
I would like to agree with my class with thecurriculum.I agree because we learn liturature and other things that they used back then in ancient greece.So that why I agree with my class and classmates. JUSTIN GUZMAN COLUMBIA ANTONIO GAUDI
ReplyDeleteI like to agree with Patty because it is true that reading and writing are really importan to education. Reading and wrting are importan for schools.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ellis
Frank Loyd Desrgn team
I agree with Vincent Vallejo because P.E, Music, Reading, and History. History is important because if something bad happened in the past we could stop it. Also P.E is important because you need to exercise for your health. In Athens the rich kids learned how to play music. Reading is so important because you are going to need for your whole life. That why I agree with Vincent. Henry Lopez Columbia Frank Gary
ReplyDeletei agree with others whio put phisical education,writting,and reading.i agree phisical education because it will help them be healthy and lysurgus wont force the to die if they werent healthy.i agree eith writting and reding because it will help them say their speeches in public.
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
iwould like to agree with yolanda science is very important because it would help the 21 century with carries\jobs the athiens also studied sciens unlike the spartans athiens were able to pick there own carries and one thing that athien rich boys studied was science this subject helped them in many ways
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo
frank lloyd
I agree with vincent P.E.,music,reading,and history are good subjects.P.E. is exercising and music u can express yourself.If you read u learn diffrent things history u learn about the past.Thats y I agree with Vincent.
ReplyDeleteAlejandro Columbia Frank Lloyd desighn team
I Agree With Henry Because Math ,Science, History Are Important But Hes Needs 1 More Subject And That’s Reading. Reading Important Because So They Could Read Stories To Read To Them. Vincent Vallejo Columbia. !
ReplyDeleteI agree with ANYA because those classes are important.The classes are reading,writing,and science.The way they are important is that two of the classes are mental.One is not mental.We usally use these classes to gian focus.
some classes they learned were wrestling,military trainning,and reading.i want to chose those to my school curriculm so we are able to make sure we are not doomed and protected.
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
To: Leila Rodriguez
Walter Gropuius
I disagree with your curriculum selection because you are foucusing on the phisical education rather than the mental education. I agree with your curriculum of reading. I agree with that curriculum because it is an acadmic study. I don't agree with the rest of the classes to be acedemic.
Teresa Perez
Richard Nutra Design Team
I agree with Vincent Vallejo because we do need the for are learning . If we dont now those then we wont now about today . Also, we wont now about the past or future to. But most impotant is now beacuse we wont know what happening in the world and are whole life of this country .
I agree with Leila Rodriguez because they should learn how to protect.Also if Leila puts these classes they wouldnt be doomed.So I think Leila`s classes are good for them to not get doomed and they will get protected.
I would like to agree with Tylor.I would like to agree with Tylor beause i would also put language,math,and also scince.But i would also add music beause that how athens exsperesed them self in music.
ReplyDeleteYolanda Arellano
Frank Geruy
i agree with sydnee deharo because the subjucts she chose were math and language. these are very good subjects because with math you can know how to caculate. also language is good so you can commuicate with others.
ReplyDeleteAri Sorko-Ram
antonio guadi
I Would Want To Put 4 Subjects In My School And They Are P.e ,Music, Reading,History. They Are Important Subjects To Learn In Athens.Reading Is Important Skill To Learn Because They Could Communicate With Each Other.History Is Important So Athens Could Learn About Their City-State And They Could Learn About Thier Leaders.
ReplyDeleteVincent Vallejo Columbia
Walter Group
I agree with Vincent because the Athenians had great education. They were very smart people & didn't really focus on military duties, only if they wanted to.
I agree with Teresa Perez.I agree with because reading and writeing because it is very important.It is important because it helps us communicate with people.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
I agree with Anya in many ways.I agree with Anya because sientist are really important. They tell you whats going on in the world.Reading also shows how to write. That is why i agree with Anya Ellis. Sandy,Garcia,Columbia,Richard Neutra
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHow does this help us get a better view of science? And are we only doing 2?
ReplyDeleteA new class we are adding is science because it gets a better view of science. We kept Math because without math we could basicly do nothing. Also jobs today need math.
Juan Carlos:p
5AMUEL C13m3n5
sAmUeL clEmEnS
I diagree with Crissy because spartan were not that interested in wirting or reading all they requrired was warfare.Also reasding was not important so that would be diffecult to find research for wirting.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Amelia because reading, writing, and math are important classes. Reading is important because it does teach them to have a clear mind. Math does teach them academics. Also writing is to let the people draw what they want. That is why I agree with Amelia.
Frank Gehry
I agree with Gabrielle because I think discipline classes are a good idea. I think it’s a good Idea because it will teach children how to respect people. I also think it’s a good idea because children will understand how to discipline their own children.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos Rojas:p
Walter Groupies
I agree with Samuel, I think that math, poetry and art is important. However, you are giving details (about math) about how it helped the Greek and not the 21st century. I think too that art is important to express ourselves and stay calm. That is why I agree and a little disagree with Samuel.
i would like 2 agree with alex becase it is important to stay in shape and be fit it is also important to leran becase like athens they like to make puplic speaches
i would agree with alexandra becuse she really thought out what she said. so thats why i really like alexandras.For example she put what she can do to make the school better and she explaing why in kind of powerful ideas. Also this is why i would agree. ANDREA {PRINCETON}
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Jazmine. I disagree with jasmine because you only explained about two. You were supposed to chose three classes for your school. You also need a conclusion sentence. Instead you could have added reading the one mr Garza put. But still grammer and reading are the like the same thing.Also you should have explained more to convince the reader.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo Frank Lloyd Wright design team
Princeton 11/8/11
I disagree with Iman. Art is not an academic and grammar is the something as reading. I agree with you about reading and writing. Writing does help them write good speeches. I also agree that reading develops skills. You should explain more on why is reading and writing.
ReplyDeleteAlexandra Beltran
ReplyDeleteI agree with martin because math could be used for stores like you can see how much it cost.I think reading is imortant because if you get a message you need to learn how to read to read the message.
I agree with Alexandra. I agree that math is important to count etc. I also agree that reading helps them think clear. It think it does allows you to communicate easy. However I have a question how does it express your thoughts on paper.That is my opnion.
ReplyDeleteValeria princeton
Richard Neutra
ReplyDeleteBy:Celeste Meza
I agree with Amelia because she is right.Reading dose help them have a clear mind and have clear thinking.I also think writing is good too because it lets them express themself and makes them feel free.I also think Math because they will be able to count.
I would like to disagree with Angel because he put detail in to his writing. I think that he could of put more detail into his work.He only put two class. I think that you were supposed to put 3 classes. He could of put more good details about the two classes he put because he only put a little bit of details.
ReplyDeleteKarina Lopez
Frank Lloyd desighn team
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about adding discipline as a class. I think it would be important so, student would be respectful and have good manners. Maybe, I'll only put this clss once a week because it is not the most important class. That is why I'm thinking about adding Disciplin as a class.
Gabrielle Belloir
Antonio Gaudi design team
I disagree and also agree with Gabrielle because discipline wasn’t that important only to the Spartans. I also agree because it can teach people lots of things. It can be helpful while taking orders. I hope this helps.
I disagree with angle because you only explained one class. you were supposed to put at least 3 classes.alo P.E. isn’t the most important time you should have more detail. Sebastian princeton
ReplyDeleteI disagree with Iman because she didn’t explain why she picked those classes very well. She also didn’t say how grammar and art are the most important to Athenians. In addition, she didn’t give good reasons to why she picked them she only said one thing about each class
ReplyDeleteCrissy Benitez
Frank Lloyd Wright design team
I agree with Amelia Carrillo because reading does make you have a clear mind and to have clear thinking. And I agree that writing let them express themselves and to feel free. I agree that math will be able to count also they will be able to do more academics.
ReplyDeletep.s that is a good paragraph
James Escalon
I disagree with alex because of the things he said.Physical education is good but it wont really help all the time.Public speaking is not really helpful at all because it wont help throughout peoples lives and to be come a king you dont need to write a speech.That is why i disagree with alex.Martin Torres princeton richard neutra.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Iman because grammar, art, reading, and writing were important. And yes, the main classes Athens took were grammar and art. Also, reading will help you write and it does develop skills. Writing does help them write good speeches. And thats why I do agree with Iman ^^^ :D
I agree with Justyn halfway. I agree with public speaking, because that can help you in government. Arts, I don’t think so because arts have nothing to do with jobs. Only a little bit of jobs require you to have artistic skills. This is why I agree and dis-agree with Justyn.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with Diego because he wants to use reading and writing. I think tohse classes are very important to me. I like those choices because it will get you a good education if you are expert at it/good. These are the reasons I agree with Diego.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with Justin Davila because he commented that he could have philosophy as one of his classes and in Brain pop that we watched it said that they focused on philosophy. I also agree with him because he said that the Athenians needed writing to communicate with each other. I also believe that the Athenians needed math because in class I heard Alec Torres say a word and our teacher said that it is another word for math. I also agree with him because he persuaded me in some of his classes that’s how much detail and hard work he put into his writing. Therefore I agree with him.
Anthony Anzueto
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with the classes that Giselle chose which were reading, writing, and arts. I think this because she wrote a very persuasive paragraph explaining why I should agree with her. I agree with reading and writing is important because in life we will always need it write stories, read a book, talk, learn, write essays and much more. Finally, I agree with arts because it is a way of expressing the way we fell and something for people to admire.That is why I agree with Giselle.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justin Davila
Cohort: Notre Dame
Team: Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I agree with ithzel because Athenain people can’t go anywhere with out knowing how to read and write .I also think this things are important because maybe students won’t be able to know what are the meanings of texts,or passages.This things would help them in college on grammar and literature.They would also know how to write powerful speeches.
ReplyDeleteGiselle Romero notre dame
I agree with Giselle Romero because I also think that those classes are important. I think that reading is important because you will need it a lot. Writing is important because you won’t get anywhere with writing and reading. Art is also important because you can express your feelings.That is why I agree with Giselle.
I agree with Anthony’s classes , which are arts, reading, writing, & astronomy. I would agree with him because I like writing, astronomy, art, and reading, but a little bit. Another reason is astronomy can help guide people to where they want to go & writing holds collaboration and clear thinking. Also, reading promotes clear ideas & thinking and produces focus with collaboration. Arts has creativity, focus, and collaboration. That is why I agree with Anthony’s classes or subjects.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justyn Garcia Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team Notre Dame
I disagree with Verenice because I think art and music would only teach Athens not very much. All I think they would learn is how to entertain themselves. The two classes I think are important are writing and public speaking. With these two classes students can learn many things. This can help them if a person wants to become a leader by giving speeches and writing speeches. These are the reasons I disagree with Verenice.
ReplyDeleteBY: Damaris Esquivel
Richard Neutra Design Team
I agree with Chandler’s classes because I think it would be important to get kids thinking about their future. And if they love to work with medicines and helping people. Then later as older people they could go to college and take a career as a doctor. I also agree that literacy is important for people to read and write .Reading is important to communicate with others and get more knowledge.Writting has the same importance because it also teaches people to communicate and use good grammar for the world to understand.
ReplyDeleteHorlenes Flores
Notre Dame
Walter Gropious Design team
I agree with the classes you chose Justyn, which are Music, Public Speaking, and Government because all of these classes could help the Athenians become better in school. This could also help the Athenians become speakers or leaders like Pericles in the Public Speaking class. I know all of these classes will help the Athenians. This is why I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteAlec Torres
norte dame
I agree with you Quetzaly that the school should have these classes.So yes the classes that you choues are very good one .The reading one is very important and because the new school should have reading because the people should learn this so that they can read articals and that they can read other subjects . And for music yes it is important so that they have a little bite of the arts .And in science it is important so that you can learn many thing . So yes I agree with you . sarily uribe Antonio gatudi design team norte dame I agree with you Quetzaly that the school should have these classes.So yes the classes that you choues are very good one .The reading one is very important and because the new school should have reading because the people should learn this so that they can read articals and that they can read other subjects . And for music yes it is important so that they have a little bite of the arts .And in science it is important so that you can learn many thing . So yes I agree with you . sarily uribe Antonio gatudi design team norte dame
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dulce Paniagua becuase I think those are important for them to learn becuase reading you can commuinicate in different ways. And music they can learn music to so they can entertain themselves in different ways. And those are the reason why i agree with Dulce.
ReplyDeleteBy:Quetzaly Castaneda
Walter Gropius
Notre Dame
I agree with Anthony because all those subjects help you in life. Writing and reading do help. It helps students in mostly everything. Reading is very helpful cause you read everyday even when you apply for something there is a always a writing part somewhere. Astronomy can be some type of important subject too as well. It gives students another choice of what to be when older.
I would like to agree with justin Davila, because those are the classes that I would put in my future school too. I would agree with math because know that I see it more we use math almost every day. Writing is a other way of education because we use writing in life and every day in life. That is why I agree with justin Davila in the classes he picked.
ReplyDeleteJavier Sanchez
Norte dame
I agree with Justin Davila because he chose philosophy,writing,and math. I agree that philosophy is a good class so that students have knowledge and that they can apply on there lives wich will include knowing right from wrong and knowing how to make good decisions and how to solve problems. I also agree with math because they use math everyday.they might use it to compare prices at the store,or to decide how much of a recipe to make food for a certain amount of people.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dulce that reading is good for you because if you read history,ancient greek,and greece then you will know how they are and how they lived.Also math is good for you because it teachesto add subtract, divide and many more.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kathy because math and reading are important skills to have in school. It is easy to learn. It is fun to learn. You will need it in the future. Finally you will learn more vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteAndres tapia
Frank Loyd Team
Kathy, I agree with the classes you chose. Math and reading would be important in our time because we use those subjects in the real world, not just in school. For example math is used for money and reading is used to read magazines, books, and news articles.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas Walter Gropius design team
I agree with ANTHONY on math but not on reading.I think that math is more fun.
ReplyDeleteisai zambrano
Francisco, I would like to agree with the choice you made of your classes. The reason I agree is because I sort of picked the same classes but not all of them. I agree with Math and Reading because you need those subjects to be good in life and have a good job and accomplish college That is why I agree with you.
ReplyDeleteMartin U.
Frank Loyd Design Team
I might want to have reading and writing. These are real good skills you would like to have. They help you if you want to become a leader. Reading to read speeches and writing to write speeches.
ReplyDeleteAndres Tapia
Frank Loyd Wright Desing team
I agree with Andres because all the academics help u become a great leader. But he needed to have more details. He needs more facts, he only put one fact. But that fact proves how academics is important. He also needs to have at topic and concluding sentence.
keith duran
I agree, with keith Duran because reading and writing were important and interesting. Also we need to read speeches also it promotes clear thinking to us. Also its important to our education because in the future we might need to read posters or articles and writing is important because, like what if you had to do a writing assignment.
ReplyDeleteKaila salguero Stanford
Walter groupis design team
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAs I learned more about different ways of teaching I chose the subject math and reading. I chose math and reading because I feel that these subjects are most important to use in everyday life and I also chose these subjects because they seem to be most important to teach at a school.
Richard Neutra Design Team
I agree with Anthony because he chooses the classes’ math, and reading. But he didn’t explain clearly how the classes were important.
Kathy Araujo
Richard Neutra Design Team
Andres, I agree with your writing. You put reading and writing is important. For, example I think your thought is important for students to learn everyday and have a lot of knowledge. However I think your thoughts are true because it is true that students can become leaders for important things. Another example is that reading and writing is important because for you can have leadership
ReplyDeleteFrancisco Santos
Antonio Gaudi
Dear Kaila
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with your curriculum selection because I believe reading and writing are the most important aspects of education I think that writing is an important aspect of education because you would be able to write letters to people and I think that reading is an important aspect because you would be able to read stories and also to write stories you would also need to read because it would be teaching you without reading there would be no point if education
Jonathan Gomez
Richard Newtra desighn team
I will like to agree with Kathy with the classes of reading and math. I think reading was important because it would help people comunicate.Math was important because they would learn how to count numbers.
ReplyDeletetiffany dominguez walter gropius design team
Tiffany I agree that writing was important and history because the people learned a lot of writing and they will learn a lot of things like cusses effects and I agree that they will do a lot of writing and I also agree that they will learn about the past and I agree that they learnd how to communicate . DYLAN MARTINEZ DOMINGUEZ WALTER GROUIUS TEAM TIFFANY
ReplyDeleteI agree with Francisco and all the classes that he said because all those classes that he said made sense. But I would like you to add you more to all your classes. I know you told me that there important, but I need more evidence. For example why is math and reading important? thats pretty much you have to do.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Brambila
Walter groius
I agree with Martin. P.E is important so we can have a healthy body. And we can stay active. Reading is an important one to, reading we can read speeches if you make a speech. Writing is an important one. To order to write you must know how to read. Reading is important because to read over what you write.
ReplyDeleteTomas Arce
I agree with Sofia Rivas on the classes she would put in her school. I would actually put the same classes in my team’s school. I believe that the students who will attend this school will learn almost everything they need to know and help them through life. These things will help these students learn all the challenges they may or may not go through in life. The two subjects that we really need are reading/writing and mathematics. Those classes are the most important to me because math is involved in every subject. Reading and the writing will give them a better understanding of their language and other languages.
ReplyDeleteAmandelyn Miranda Stanford Frank Grehy Design Group
I would like to agree with Keith Duran in many ways. The first way I would like to agree is writing is important because long ago they wrote speeches on a piece of paper and read it to the people. Also I would like to agree that Physical education is important because they wouldn’t be alive if they didn’t have any strength. Those are some of the way that I agree with Keith
ReplyDeleteRobert Stanford
Martin I agree with all your points reading and writing is the basic skill and you need those all your life and P.E is true about what you said that a healthy body is a good body
ReplyDeleteNicholas Hernandez
Stanford Antonio Gaudi Design team
I agree with Sofia because writing and reading are really important in life when you are trying to communicate with different people. Also you have to be able to read papers, letters, and read books. Another reason why I kind of agree and diagee with sofia is because I think humanities is important because you learn history but its not actually what is most important about what we are dealing with right now.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI would put 3 diferent classes for my school. One is P.E. I chose p.e. because a healthy body is agood body. Another one I chose was reading. You need reading as more than anything. If you want a job you might need how to read. The last class I would pick is writing. As much as reading ,you also need to learn how to write. Same thing with reading, if you want to get a job or even go to colege, you need those 2 skills. Those are the 3 classes I would choose for my school.
Martin U.
Frank Loyd Design team
I agree with you Martin because reading writing and P.E were the main classes of Greece. In the Ancient Greece the Greeks they encourage the Greeks to be fit. The Greece also wanted the Greeks to know how to reading and writing. Reading and writing helped with clear thinking. I also agree with you when you said that reading was something you need to go to collage
i agree and disagree with Sofia because she explained vary well but forgot to put something. she made it sound important. reading ,humanities and writing was like athens. arts were like athens too. But i disagree with her too.but she didn’t say any thing adout spartans . i would have put p.e. to go with sparta. But she had an ok discription on athens.that iz why i agree & disagree with sofia.
ReplyDelete<3 CRYSTAL B.
Frank Lloyd Design Team
:P :D :) :(
i agree and disagree with Sofia because she explained vary well but forgot to put something. she made it sound important. reading ,humanities and writing was like athens. arts were like athens too. But i disagree with her too.but she didn’t say any thing adout spartans . i would have put p.e. to go with sparta. But she had an ok discription on athens.that iz why i agree & disagree with sofia.
ReplyDelete<3 CRYSTAL B.
Frank Lloyd Design Team
:P :D :) :(
I would like to say that i would put physical education for running as a curicyalum in my school beacuse running is one of the main parts to physical education you can use running in many ways some of the ways is that you can use it for jumping fighting and throwing javelens
ReplyDeleteJonathan Gomez
Richard Newtra desighn team
In my school i would like to have ionic colems in the front of the school in the back of my school i would like to have a open farm land that you can see the city so kinda like on a mountain my school will be built based on greek structures in the center of my school i would like it to be seperated by two ionic colems so my students will be able to travel from differnt classes this is my idea of my greek structure school
ReplyDeleteJonATHAN GomEZ
Richard Newtra desighn team
I agrre with Anthony because I also belivie that Egyptain architecture shows more religious powwer. For example a pyrmids reprsent apart of a star. In sum this is way I agree with Anthony.
ReplyDeleteBy: Roberto Gutierrez Notre Dame