From your research and your learning what physical education and art classes are you thinking about placing in the curriculum of your new school and why? Please write a powerful paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence. Paragraph needs to be at least 5-7 sentences.
Now that you have thought about your proposed classes look at another peer's response from a different design team. Evaluate your peer's response and either disagree or agree with his or her class selection. Please provide justification with a 4-5 sentence response. Please start in the following way:
"I agree/ disagree with your curriculum selection because..."
Don't forget to put your name and design team.
My classes that I would put or what i found were drama millitant training and gymnastics because drama helped to entertain other people.gymnastics made them more flexable to fight in the war. millitant training helps to fight for their city state TYLER RASCON COLUMBIA
ReplyDeleteI want to put as many things as I can in my school. I would like to include art class and drama class. I think that are shows how focuse you are. Drama shows how you can memorize things. In conclution I would like to put these subjects in my school.
ReplyDeletePatty Garcia
Frank Gehry
I would put boxing and sculpture.I would put boxing because they will learn how to be stronger.I would also put sculpture because if you sculp you can express your feelings.I would put these for their physical classes.
I will put artistic, boxing , running , and jumping beacuse they could help us to be fit and just in cause of anything happen to us . I will put those thing to learn new subject and to getr expect to them . For us to learn thos ebeacuse we wont be hurt or get in a fight . If we get in a fight or something thats artistic u could know what to do .
I would do my classes as dancing, Physical Education (P.E.), and craftsmenship. I would do dancing as a class because it helps students be graceful. I woul pick P.E. as a class because it would help students stay fit and healthy. Lastly, i would put in craftsmenship because craftsmenship helps kids be creative and able to think and put things together. So those are the classes I would put in my school.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Perez
Richard Nutra Design Team
In my school P.E. and the arts are important subjects.P.E.will bring yhe students healthy bodies also let them play sports that they like.The arts is also important because it can boost your confidence and express yourselfe.You can express yourselfe by painting and performing.
ReplyDeleteAlejandro Frank Lloyd desighn team
After my research I thougth that I should put three physical education classes.The classes are boxing,reseling,and running.These are the new classes in my school.The reason I want these classes is because they will do the body good.Also they are very fun.
two of them that i would choose are boxing and drama.Drama because it allowed athens to fake something when somethind big is going to happen and allowes entertainment to athens.Boxing is important because they could fight others when they are being attaked and when thay are in battle and looses their weapons.
ReplyDeleteDenise Vasquez
I am thinking I should put boxing, gymnastics, and dancing. Dancing could be fun for them. Gymnastics could help them in their health. Boxing could make them protected. Because you could fight. Also you need to know those classes.Henry Lopez columbia Frank Gary
ReplyDeletei believe drama music and gymnastics were phisical and an arts education.drama because it helped them become smarter,they would make smart votes,and it was also like watching tv.gymnastics was an important sport in the olympics because it made them healthy and could of helped them with looking back at common errors because music actually help memorization
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
i am thinking of putting drama as an art and and as physical education i would put in running these are important because in running it keeps you health and active also drama because it is afun filled activety and teach people to entertain other so in many ways these subjects are entertaining and active
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo frank lloyd columbia
what i learned was that the boies were taugt phisical training.They were taught phisical traing training so that when they so to battle they know how to protect themselves.They also were taught phisical trainning so that whenthey were alone in the wild they would be able to protect themselves by the wild animals.. If something happen they cant show any pain.BELEN CASTRO AUNTONIO GUADI DESIGH TEAM
ReplyDeleteI belive that boxing is important.I think it is important because they would be able to protect them self.I also think it is important because incase of a emergancy they can protect them self.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
Antonio Gaudi
i would like PE because u can get strongger and i wouuld put art for they could sell it and get good respect and writting cause they could send letters to ter family and reading for they could know how to readddd nbiuygivgjuhgtrfuygtrdfe
ReplyDeleteI think we should put it in our new school.It because in the school we need physical culture.We also need our school to be good and not boring.So that why i want to physical culture.justin guzman
ReplyDeleteIm Thinking To Put 3 Main Physical Subjects In My School , Physical . They Are Running , Basketball , Foot Ball And Soccer. I Put Those Because Running’s Important So Your Can Exersize Your Body So Its Healthy. I Put Basketball, Football And Soccer Because They Are Physical Sports. Another One Is Drama Because They Will Teach Them How To Play ,Like a Play When You Act In front Of People, And Then They Know What To Do Etc.
ReplyDeleteVincent Vallejo Walter Gropais.
I would like to put in my school physical education .Spartan would be dancing military traning and sculpting .I would also put for Athens boxing ,jumping, running and wrestling .I would put education so the both sides would have fun with their education and not b e bored with the rest of the other schools.
ReplyDeleteYolanda Arellano Betzabet Colombia
The three physical education classes I like to add to my school is art, sing and running. I pick them because they are important, also because acting is important to Athens because it was they way to show their feeling I think.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ellis
The physical education and the art classes are important tO my new school. The classes i am chooseing for my new school is painting, reading, and writing. I put painting because the Spartans drew pictures on their shields. Reading helps you write letters or documents.
ReplyDeleteCesar Favela
Richard Neutra
The physical education classes I would get gymnastic. I would get gymnastics because you could learns how to fight , swim ,and more subjects or games. I would also put boxing . Boxing is important because you will be able to protect your self from any strangers .For art I would put drama . I would put drama because it entertains people.Now that is why I would put those classes. Sandy,Garcia,Columbia,Richard Neutra
ReplyDeleteI belive that boxing,drama and gymnassticts. Drama is good because you can interact with people and show how you feel. Boxing is good because you can let out anger. Also gymnassticts is good because when you streth you feel good relxed.
ReplyDeleteAri Sorko-Ram
Antonio guadi
We choose dancing, Music, Pottery, Wrestling, Thetere and P.E. We choose music becuse it will help them mmermisze lyrics. Wer choose Thetere because it would help them entertain eachother. We choose wrestling because it would help them relive there stress. We choose Pottery because it could help them be artsy.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos Rojas:p
Walter Gropius design team
i would like put in how they would handle a javlien because it focuses on thier strength. also i would like put in dancing because it gets you balanced and if you play any sport like football. One more thing i would like to put is westling because it teaches aglity
ReplyDeleteI would like to choose stealing, poetry and theater. I would choose these because stealing can make us run faster, get stronger, by climbing trees to get away, and think better. Poetery is a good class because it always helps to rember stuff in rhyms. and lastly I chose theater because theater lets us have fun and it helps us memorize things better. Because you would have to memorize the plays.
ReplyDeleteSaMuEl cLeMeNs
5AMU3L C13m3n5
I would like to put boxing because it helps endure pain.I would put javelin because it gave hand eye cordination.It also gave sharpshooting.They would need to know art to express themselves. GILBERT VILLARREAL PRINCETON CHRISTOPHER WREN DESIHGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteI believe physical education is imporant to put in a school because it is able to give everyone disaplant and able to release strese . THis is anther way it might be imporant because it helps their body and to be active and try new thinks as they go on with their life. I think anther way might be to start to be men as if they were training to try sports as they go to middle school then high school then college. So this was many reasons why i would want physical in my school i will create. Maybe drama can also make them be creative with their time as they go. ANDREA {PRINCETON}
ReplyDeleteI would like to put preforming arts, running, and wrestling. I want to put those because I think that thye are good for you. Preforming arts helps you express themselves.Also running and wrestling is good for. I think so because they are both healthy for you. They are good so when you want to defend yourself; self defence.
Alexandra Beltran
Frank Lloyd design team
I would give the school music,dance,and wrestling.I give this school these classes because wrestling is a training to have a healty boday and have protection.I would also put music and dance because for music it guides you by music.I also give dance in the school because it makes you feel free.These are the classes that I would put in the school.
My classes for arts and physical education are music,dance, and wrestling.Music because it will guide the students and it was reowned.I chose dance because it lets students feel free.I chose wrestling because it lets students gain strenghth and power.Those are the classes I chose for my new school.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
Princeton! 11/8/11
i would like put in how they would handle a javlien because it focuses on thier strength. also i would like put in dancing because it gets you balanced and if you play any sport like football. One more thing i would like to put is westling because it teaches aglity
ReplyDeleteAngel ruiz
i would put poetry, theatet, and art. i pick tose three things becuase theater is about your feeling prtending that your a whale like that. the next one is art. i pick art becuase art is like drawing good its like in the tv if it were not art there would not be chartoon. the next thing is poetry. if there would not be poetry there would not be story or books just like art there are character in the books.thats my important things.
ReplyDeletejames escalon
walter gropios design team
The classes I would want would be running.I would want running because they would learn to gain speed and more strength. The next class i would want would be wrestling because it make them more skilled in hand to hand comabat.Also it would make more of the citizens have upper body strength.The final class I would want would be gymnastics because they would learn flexibility,strength,and cordination.
ReplyDeleteVincent De Anda
Sebastian Hernandez
I would like to put preforming arts, running, and wrestling. I want to put those because I think that thye are good for you. Preforming arts helps you express themselves.Also running and wrestling is good for. I think so because they are both healthy for you. They are good so when you want to defend yourself; self defence.
ReplyDelete(princeton) MARISSA & VALERIA
The classes that I am thinking about putting for athens is music, gymnastics, and running. I put music because it helped to entertain the spartan boys. I am going to put gymnastics because it helps them to get a healthy body. I put running because it also helped so they can have a healthy body. Also it helped because when they were stealing food it helps if you run fast so that you wont get caght. These are the classes that I chose to put in my school :D
ReplyDeleteIman rodriguez
Richard Neutra
I would like to put Physical Educayion such as running, jumping, && swiming also Dance && Playing Music.I would like to add these because from a early age boys were trained to run, jump, & swim.And they were train to be healthy && ready for the army.Music can help people calm && they can feel confident && open their spirts up.Another class was dance, dance helped them to keep their balance && to be more flexible.Those are the 3 classes i want to put into my school.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Ronquillo <3 :D
I think that it is the swimwiming running and the wrestling. these are all important becase these help with your health issues. swimming is impotant because it builds up strenth. running helps your lungs and the las one helps with your anger. ashley ramollin ;D ;P
ReplyDeleteI would put music theatre and gymnastics because it can help in many ways and it can be very fun.Music can let people express thier feelings and thoughts.Gymnastics anybody because it can make people healthy and strong and can come handy while diong tough jobs.Theatre can entertain people and it can express peoples thoughts and actions.That is why I would put those curricalums in school.MARTIN TORRES richard nuetra princeton.
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking about adding running,dancing,music and gymnastic to my school's curriculum. Running and gymnastic would make student healthier. Gymnastic and dancing would help student being flexible and keep their balance. At last, music would make students calmer. It will also make them more responsible, because they would have to practise every day and take care of their instrument. That is why I choosed to add running, gymnastic, dancing and music.
Antonio Gaudi
my classes i chose are boxing, wrestling and running. boxing is good because you can get mucles from doing that because you are hitting stuff.wrestling is good good because you can be good at wrestling. a other example is that you can have protection.last one is running.running is good for you because you get muscles on youer legs.your legs is the thing that helps you balance. those are the classes i chose.
ReplyDeleteKarina lopez
Frank Lloyd Wright design team 11/8/11
I am thinking of putting boxing, wrestling. I believe writing should be one of the classes because it will help us get stronge. Also it will keep you fit. I also believe boxing should be in my school because it helps with many things. One thing it does is keeps you helpthy. In addition, it keeps your mucles stronge. Those are the two classes i picked.
ReplyDeleteCrissy Benitez
Frank lloyd Wright design team
I would l;ike to put reeading,writing,ilitary trainiong in our school. In first place I would like to put writing because when they write they could express their selves.Celeste Meza
ReplyDeleteI would put classes like gym and militant traing because it gives them and us in our day strength to over power others. I think these are good choices for physical education because it teaches them to have strenght and confidence.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gehry Design Team
ReplyDeleteThe classes i want put into my school are gymnastics and wrestling. The reasons I want to put these are so the students can be physcially fit, and not only mentally fit. And this would be a chance for students to be themself. Gymnastics would help you in wrestling, beacause you have to jump, roll over. These are the reason the choose these classes.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gehery Design Team
From my learning and my research,i think the kind of physical arts i will insurt in my school would be running,and maybe modern kind of sports like football.I will have these physical training so that when they practice running their body will held more of the energy on the legs so they can become powerful.Football would also be a good sport to practice their strength and teach kids to defend themselves from any danger.
ReplyDeleteHorlenes Flores
Notre Dame
Walter Gropious design team
Today I decided to add two new classes to my school currculum. These include, swimming and music. I chose swimming because incase someone is in the water, they know how to swim. This class just might save their lives one day! Finally, I chose music because music is an important mandatory thing in our Earth. This s because without it, it would be hard for people yo express themselves, Also, it is something that keeps us entertained and it has been shown to make you happy!Those are the classes I chose for my new curriculum.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justin Davila
Cohort: Notre Dame
Team: Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
There are many new classes that I would like to add to my school. One of the classes that I would like to add is olympics classes. The reason that I want to add olympics is because both the Athenians and Spartans had this typr of physical training. Another class that I would like to add is Music the Athenians used this type of eduucation so that they could teach their culture an art. Another class that I would like to add is gymastics. The Athenians needed to learn gymastics as a physical art to their society. Additionaly I would like to add Pankration. The reason I would like to add this is because the Spartans used this form of education.These are the classes that I want to add.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Anzueto
Notre Dame
Frank Gehry Design Team
The classes I want to have in my school are drama and wrestling.I want to put drama because it entertains them.I also want wrestling because it helps them defend themselves.Wrestling also helps themselves have confidence.Those are the classes I want to put in my school.
Notre Dame
I would like to add physical classes to my school. Those classes would be javelin throwing, running, & military training. Throwing javelins would be a class I would be considering because you can get practice for other sports that includes throwing. Another class that would be important to me is running because I like to run & people can become faster and start liking to run. Finally, the last class I would be suggesting is military training because I am interested in the military and people can learn how hard it is to train.
ReplyDeleteBy:Justyn Garcia Notre Dame Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
The classes I would put in my school would be dancing and boxing. The reason I would put dancing is that in dancing you can express yourself creativly and have fun. And in boxing it would be important to build strength and defending yourself if people are getting on your nerves. And those are the reasons why I would pick those classes for my school.
ReplyDeleteBy:Quetzaly Castaneda
Walter Gropuis Design Team
Notre Dame
I would say that sports was a class in the Athenian Physical and Arts. Wrestling was a class in the Spartan Physical and Arts. The Olympics was a perfect place to do sports at. There were lots of classes of the Athenian and Spartan Physical and Arts.
ReplyDeleteThe classes that we will chose are reading ,writing,and , phcycl education. Becaues they are important well reading is impotant is that we can also learn other subjects like it is very important.writting becaues we can writte artical.And the phicicl is important so that we can exersise and be helthy that are choses for classes. sarily uribe antonio gatudi design team norte dame
ReplyDeletei would to add phyical eduaction to my school.The this they would do is running,boxing,and javelin thorwing.i put running so they can stay in shape.i put boxing so if they get in a fight they can protect themself.i put javelin thorwing so they can pratice on their aim.These are these are the classes i chose.
ReplyDeleteby:Roberto Gutierrez Frank Lloyd Wright
I would put drama,art,and swimming because that would distract them a little and do some extra fun classes. Drama is very common in athens so that is why I put it because it teaches them how to act. Art was also common in Athens so that is why i would put it. Art for me is like expressing your feelings in a picure so I figured it would give the students ways to express themselves. I put swimming because it is a good way to exercise and relax a little.
I would like to put football because many teenagers like to join sports. I would also like to put music. I would put gymnastics so many people fit.These are sort of their new hobies.
i would put a lot of classes in my future school in many ways. one of the classes that i would put at my school would be wreslling BCAUSE it helps your self defens and your skills.that is the reson why i chosis this classes.
ReplyDeleteIn athens physical eduaction the three class I would put in is swiming , football ,and field hockey . I'm putting swiming because your in the water and your not scared .In athens they throw something by i don't know .Finally field hockey in athens because. they use their strength
ReplyDeleteTwo classes I would put in my curriculum would be gymnastics and wrestling. These two classes can be very important to become strong and healthy. Also learning how to wrestle can help students or make students already know how to defend themselves. These are the reasns why i choose these classes.
ReplyDeleteBY:Damaris Esquivel
Richard Neutra Design Team
After laerning about the pysical education of Athens and Sparta the classes that I will pick is drama and jimnastics.I will pick those classes becouse it will help students to have good character when their in drama. And becouse it will help students to be healthy.Those are the classes that I will pick.
ReplyDeleteMadelyn Bonilla Notre Dame Richard Neutra Deisgn Team
I am putting wrestling,swiming,and sing.I pick these wrestling because it give you a stronger body.I pick swiming because it makes you faster. I pick singing because it make your voise stronger
ReplyDeleteCarlos de la torre
notre dame
i will put physical education at our school.I would put running because it helps are leggs get more stronger.Also i would put jumping because it keeps the students in shape.Also i would put boxing because it helps us to know how to fight
ReplyDeletekeith duran stanford
I am putting Theater,singing, and maroton. Theater because it is really fun to watch and important to kids to get lead in plays. Singing because i want the kids at my school to have fun. Last Running because running keeps you fit and healthy.Theater, singing, and maroton is what iam putting in my school.
ReplyDeleteAndres Tapia
Frank Loyd design team
In my school I am going to put music and gymnastics. Music will teach children how to play musical insruments and it would be fun for them. I chose gymnastics because it would give the students strength and would make then healthy. These classes would be good for students in the 21st century.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas Walter Gropius design team
WHAT I want to put in is thaT spartan army liket music and they wiil make music and when they will go to battle they will march and play the music. Dylan martinez stanford
ReplyDeleteOne important class is physical education and reading. Running is one. It gave strength to the men's legs. It help them run fast. There is one class. Also swimming. It made their arms strong. Finally is reading. Reading helped to communicate.
ReplyDeleteKathy Araujo Stanford Richard Neutra Design Team
what i would put are wrestling and music. I chose those because wrestling was like a self defense and you need to know how to defend yourself also i chose music because music keeps you in order and it keeps you relaxed. Also i chose wrestling is because you get tough and your healthy
ReplyDeletekaila salguero stanford
walter groupis design team
Some of the other classes and arts that I want to Put in my school is Boxing,wrestling,and music internents. For boxing it can be a sport or an active. This is good for a childs or a teens body. music is a other good Art for my school because its its fun to listen to. And those are some of my art classes that i just added.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Brambila
Walter GROPIOUS Desigh team!
I will put for physical education, i'll put running.Running was impotant becuase we can stay in fit.Staying in fit was important so we can stay healthy.I will put boxing. Boxing was a active and healthy thing to do.You move your hands and run around sometimes.And in boxing you will get beaten up or might have bad injeres.
ReplyDeleteTomas Arce
I'm going to put P.E.,Music,and art. The reason I put those classes in my school is because compared to academics I want my school to be fun. Also because I want my students to have fun in the school.As every other school they have to have these type of classes intheir school. I also picked these because some of these classes may help achieve students their goal.Those are the different classes I picked.
ReplyDeleteMartin U.
Frank Loyd Team
The classes for physical ed and art are architectural,wrestling and running.The reason I put architectural is to practice thre ideas for new buildings.Also for wrestling is maybe practice there defense skills.Finally the last class I would chosse is running the reason I put running is practice there speed and aglity
ReplyDeletenicholas hernandez
Antonio Goudi
What I would add to my classes is fighting and poetry. First I would add fighting because in fighting you learn how to defernd yourselfl. Also because youi can stay strong and healthy. Last I would also put poetry because in poetry it teaches certain people how to read and write. and it also lets diffrent people exprece ther feelings thats th classes I would put in my school Angie Escobar,standford
The type of classes that I would put in my school is wrestling,gymnastics,and musical instrumentes. Wrestling is important because it would give them strengths and they would have a healthy body. Gymnastics was important because they would have a flexiable body and they would be healthy. Musical instruments were impnotant because they would learn to have fun and to make music. These are the resason why they are importnt.
ReplyDeletetiffany dominguez walter gropius
i would put different sports.i will also put running and jumping.& also gymnastics.those r the the classes i will put in the school's p.e. class.
ReplyDelete<3CRYSTAL B.
:P :D :) :(
the phisical thing i piked is fighting.i chose it beacuse it is interting of the foot work. also by the differint
ReplyDeleteThe three physical education classes that I would choose would be running, boxing, and throwing javelings. I would choose these classes because I feel that running is a good skill to learn so that you can participate in many special events such as a marathon or even the olimpics. Boxing is also a good skill to learn because if you are really good at fighting you can take on a career as a famous boxer. If you have many different skills you have many chances of being successful in life.
I agree with Anthony on physical education classes. I would choose running, boxing, and throwing javelins, too. I would choose those classes because I feel that running is a good skill to learn so that you can participate in many special events such as a marathon or even the Olympics. Boxing is also a good skill to learn because if you are really good at fighting you can take on a career as a famous boxer. But Anthony should of added arts such as singing, Theater, and poems for girls that don’t like sports or maybe even guys.
ReplyDeleteAndres Tapia
Frank Loyd wright design team
I would like to agree with Amandely Miranda because when you wrestle it is self defence and i want that in the school. It does show that you have no mercy, but she should gave just a little more detailed on it like add in that wrestling makes you tough and healthy.
ReplyDeletekaila salguero stanford
walter groupis design team
The type of classes that I would put in my school is wrestling, gymnastics, and musical instruments. Wrestling is important because it would give them strengths and they would have a healthy body. Gymnastics was important because they would have a flexible body and they would be healthy. Musical instruments were important because they would learn to have fun and to make music. These are the reason why they are important.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Dominguez Walter Gropius
I agree with Tiffany because the classes she chooses were wrestling, gymnastics, and music. She explained why those classes were important. I like how she explained. Those are great ideas, so I agree.
Kathy Araujo Richard Neutra Stanford
I agree with Anthony’s classes because there all good ideas I like the boxing and the Olympics
ReplyDeleteNicholas Hernandez
Antonio Gaudi
I agree with kaila because in wresteling you bo learn self defence .And that helps you by if you ever get into a fight you know how to defend yourself. Lastly I agree with her because music is also important and you may get relaxed by it. But also I kind of disagree with it because I think there is something more important. Which is gymnastics cause you get healthy and strong. Angie,standford
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with Adrian because I think the important reason of having arts is to have fun. I think (for a heads up) that wrestling and boxing go in the same category. Another reason why I agree is because we almost have the same classes. That is why I agree with Adrian and the choices he made with his classes.
ReplyDeleteMartin U.
Frank Loyd Design Team!
Crystal, I agree with the classes you chose because all of those things can make children stronger and healthy. Gymnastics would give them flexibility, running will give them strong legs, and jumping will give them strength in their legs also.
ReplyDeleteSofia Rivas Walter Gropius Stanford
I would like to agreee with Anthony because the three classes that he chose were very important. Running was important because they would have a healthy body.Boxing was important because they would learn how have self defence.Throwing javelings was important because it wuld be good for them because it was a good exercise for them.
ReplyDeleteTiffany Dominguez walter groupous desgin team
I agree Kathy because the kids in Sparta learned how to run,jump,and a lot more things and I agree that the things that they did was giving then strength and I also agree that they were teach how to write and read and to I agree that they ran a lot for they can run fast and to swim and I think it is right because when they will swim there arms will get strong Dylan Martinez walter groups design team .
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anthony Gonzalez classes because school should have running skills to be in Olympics. But why do kids have to box sometimes kids don’t even fight at school, SOMETIMES. Also kids should not throw javelins because it can hurt them. They should only learn how to learn how to write, read, and count. They should only fight when some ones is trying to KILL them.
ReplyDeleteADRIAN Brambila
Walter Gropious Desigh Team
What I would add to my classes is fighting and poetry. First I would add fighting because in fighting you learn how to defend yourself. Also because you can stay strong and healthy. Last I would also put poetry because in poetry it teaches certain people how to read and write. and it also lets different people experience their feelings that’s the classes I would put in my school Angie Escobar, Stanford
ReplyDeleteI would like to agree with Angie about including fighting into my classes because I too think that if they learn how to defend themselves, when they hit the age to enter the military, they already have an idea of how to fight and what’s expected of them. On the other hand, I disagree with Angie’s thought of including poetry into her classes because poetry is not really physical education if not it is a type of art. ANTHONY GONZALEZ STANFORD RICHARD NEUTRA DESIGN TEAM
I would like to agree with Adrian Because I believe that Boxing Wrestling and music because all of these classes are very good to have in a school would chose music because its fun to play music and I would like to say that wrestling and boxing are very good classes to take because they would teach them how to fight
ReplyDeleteJonathan Gomez
Richard Newtra Desighn team
I would like to agree with Keith because we should have physical education. We should have because it is important to stay in shape. Also I agree with him because we should have running because it helps are legs get stronger. Also I agree with him because we should have because it keeps the students in shape. Also we should have boxing because it helps us to know how to fight.
ReplyDeleteRobert Stanford
I would like to agree with Kathy because physical education is important. It is important because it will prevent obesity and people will be healthier and active. Another one is reading because it helps people communicate with each other.
ReplyDeleteAmandelyn E. Miranda Stanford Frank Gehry
i agree and disagree with Mande because, she explained good about the spartans and that they admire physical education. but i disagree because she didnt say anything about athenian physical education. but it iz hard to think if there r any physical education in athens because they care ‘bout academics no P.E. i like how u say “THOSE CLASSES WILL HELP TEACH SELF DEFENSE AND NO MERCY.
ReplyDelete<3 CRYSTAL B. <3
:P :( :( :(
I agree with you santiago because wrest;ing is fun. But you didnt explain that wrestling helps stimulate your mind. This is why I agree with you.
ReplyDelete5amu31 C13m3n5
SaMuEl cLeMeNs
After my research I thougth that I should put three physical education classes.The classes are boxing,wrestling,and running.These are the new classes in my school.The reason I want these classes is because they will do the body good.Also they are very fun.
Anonuous said to angel.......i agree with you but i also dissagree with you.i want to dissagree with you because you did not say wat classes you wanted you just said wat sports they had. sebastian hernandez frank gerhy desighn team princeton
ReplyDeleteThe classes i want put into my school are gymnastics and wrestling. The reasons I want to put these are so the students can be physcially fit, and not only mentally fit. And this would be a chance for students to be themself. Gymnastics would help you in wrestling, beacause you have to jump, roll over. These are the reason the choose these classes.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gehery Design Team
I agree with Justin because it does help you become physically fit. I think that you made good choices for your classes.
5amu31 C13m3n5
SaMuEl ClEmEnS
I agree and disagree with Samuel. First, I agree because drama and poetry will help student remember or memorize more. I also agree that drama would let student have fun. However, I disagree because learning how to steal would get them in big trouble. Stealing can get you in prison! This is why I agree and disagree with Samuel.
Antonio Gaudi
i agree with amelia because she was thinking of some powerful words that made sense to others sentences. Like for example it will help the school to have strenght and power. i think thats a really good deatil because it actually will help them be powerful they can be protecting them selves by being tough. They can be that by going to that school and theyll be a better stronger person. This was many ways that im agreeing with her.i really think its good but more explanantion will help her school be more strong. ANDREA{PRINCETON}
ReplyDeleteI agree with Iman R. because I think it’s a great idea to put in Music. I think it’s a good idea because it is good to entertain other people. I also agree with running because it would help students stay in fit. It would help student stay in fit because they will be running and it will burn all the xx fat.
ReplyDeleteJuan Carlos Rojas :p
Walter Groupies Design Team
I disagree with Ashley because she didn’t explain her choices very well. Also she didn’t put much about each class. She didn’t explain why wrestling was important as well as she could have.
ReplyDeleteCrissy Benitez
Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I agree with Gabrielle because it is true that wrestling and dancing can make a healthier body. Also because music helped them relax.
I aggre with sebastin and vincent because they should have pyshical education.It could be used like for example wheat if there is a war and you need to be prepared.But the class wont be like spartans because thats overboard they should be though but not suffering every day.
ReplyDeleteby alexsarti
I agree with Gabrielle about her classes for her new school. I agree with her because she chose her classes very well. Also she convinced me about her classes. Just one thing that I noticed is you chose 4 classes and its supposed to be 3 but I think that’s still fine. Also you explained gymnastics 2 times and different explanations. But overall its was very good for me. That is why I agree with Gabrielle.
ReplyDeleteAmelia Carrillo Princeton Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team 11/9/11
I agree with Iman. I agree because I also think music helped entertain the spartan boys.
ReplyDeleteI also agree that gymnastics helps them have a healthy body.Running also does help a lot. It helps because when they steal food or try to strangle people they need to run fast so they wont get caught.So i do agree with Iman, I also would want to put those classes in my school because I think so too that these classes are important to the spartans.:D
valeria (princeton)
Alexandra Beltran
Frank Llyod design team
I agree with Gabrielle. I agree with Gabrielle because, running and gymnastic would make student healthier. Gymnastic and dancing would help student flexible and keep balance. Music does help them be calmer. Also music would make them be responsible because they would choose to practice.
I agree with Alex I think we should have PE because it is important to fit especially for our heath. if where not exercising we could get sick of only eating junk food all the time ill also like to have a good food program so sometimes they might get like chips with their food but can’t have it all the time!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemarissa gonzalez ibarra
I disagree with ashely because of the classes she put.I would not put running or wrestling but i would put gymnastics because it will teach how to run and how to wrestle all in one.I would not put swimming because it doesnt really help at all it only excircises the body.That is why I disagree with with ashely because of the classes she put.MARTIN TORRES princeton richard neutra.
ReplyDeleteI agree with sabastian because running does gain speed and strength. I also agree because wrestling does make them more skilled in hand to hand combat. I also agree with sabastian because gymnastics learn flexibility, strength and coordination.thats why I agree with sabastian.
ReplyDeletejames escalon ;D
I'm thinking about adding running,dancing,music and gymnastic to my school's curriculum. Running and gymnastic would make student healthier. Gymnastic and dancing would help student being flexible and keep their balance. At last, music would make students calmer. It will also make them more responsible, because they would have to practise every day and take care of their instrument. That is why I choosed to add running, gymnastic, dancing and music.
I agree with you Gabrielle. I think that you did a great job explaining your classes. I also think that you are relating this to your own life because you are very flexible. I would want to go to your school(if you had stealing >:D). This is why I agree with you.
SaMuEl ClEmEnS
I agree with Sebastian && Vincents curriculum selection because, those are three main classes. Running would help them gain more strength. Also, wrestling does help them have more skilled in hand to hand combat. It would make citizen men & boys to have upper body strength. It would make them have muscle and have more strength. Gymnastics is a good class to add to your school the citizens did learn flexibility && strength it helped the men && boys in war.
ReplyDeleteJasmine Ronquillo
i agree with Gabrielle to dissagree with samuel because steraling can get you into prison
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Gabrielle because your paragraph explains a lot. Also these are important classes. Music does make the people calmer.
ReplyDeleteVincent De Anda
I agree with amelia.I t is because with dancing sometimes does lets students feel free. Also when they wrestle they do gain strenghth and power.By what I mean of power is that they just gain srenght.
ReplyDeleteCeleste Meza
Richard Neutra
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI would like to choose stealing, poetry and theater. I would choose these because stealing can make us run faster, get stronger, by climbing trees to get away, and think better. Poetery is a good class because it always helps to rember stuff in rhyms. And lastly I chose theater because theater lets us have fun and it helps us memorize things better. Because you would have to memorize the plays.
SaMuEl cLeMeNs
5AMU3L C13m3n5
II would like to agree with Samuel Clemens because stealing taught them how to be fast and sneaky .I don’t that many parents would want to put them in that class because they wouldn’t want their children to be stealing. Poetry would let them express themselves in artistic ways. Theater can teach them to be dramactic and pretend they’re sick to get out of school .I realy like this paragraph. GILBERT VILLARREAL CHRISTOPHER WREN DEISIGN TEAM
I will agree with Gilbert. I want to agree with Gilbert because he so much detail to his subject.I think that I should disagree with him because art is not a educational thing. Art is just art its when you paint things and yoouu don’t learn much from painting. I think that Gilbert put powerful words in his sentences. That why I agree and disagree with Gilbert.
ReplyDeleteKarina lopez frank Lloyd wright design team princeton
I want to have pe a reason why is because they need to be athlitic not lazy.Another reson why because they should javlien.The reason why is because of war they could be prepared for it and when they are at war they should know how to throw spears far.
ReplyDeleteby alex sarti :-)
I agree with Roberto from the Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team. I would also want to put these classes in my school. All of these classes are can make their bodies fit and not give up if they are hard. I also really like why you would want to put boxing in your school. These are the reason why I agree with Roberto.
ReplyDeleteJustin Herrera
Notre Dame
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with ithzel because art is something inportant when you make a painting it's like expressing your feelings towards others.An other example is drama it's very common on Athens so there like entertainment plays.In the other hand I think physical education is inportant too because you exercise your muscles for a long day in class thats what I agree with Ithzel.
ReplyDeletegiselle romero notre dame :) :) :) :) :)
I would disagree with Justin Davila because he chose the classes swimmig and music. I don't think those are very good choices because Athenians or Sparta wouldn't really need these kinds of classes. It wouldn't really make them become better in life in their time. Also,if this Athenian or Spartan person ever tried to go to war the person wouldn't be ready and woud probably be killed. These are the reasons I disagree with Justin Davila.
ReplyDeleteBy:Chandler Bullock
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with the classes that Quetzaly chose to add to her curriculum. The reason that I think this is because dancing is an art and it is like painting, it is a way of expressing yourself in a creative manner and just to have fun doing it. Also, boxing is a way to let off some steam and to prepare to defend yourself in the future. That is why I agree with Quetzaly and the new classes that she chose.
ReplyDeleteBy: Justin Davila
Cohort: Notre Dame
Team: Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team
I agree with Quetzaly because dancing is a way of expessing how you feel. It gives you the chance to have fun and see what type of talent you have. Boxing is also important because it teaches them to have confidence and defend theirselves when they need to.
I agree with Dulce because for some people music does guide them the way and is very important so they can be entertained. And also I agree to dance becuase it makes them feel confident and have power in themselves and be very healthy to. Another one I agree with is excercise becuase you can feel good about yourself and be healthy. And those are the reasons why I agree with Dulce =)
ReplyDeleteBy: Quetzaly Castaneda
Walter Gropius Design Team
Notre Dame
I agree with Roberto Gutierrez because he said that they need physical education. To me physical education is a program that involves several sports. So he has a genaral topic that could include several specific topics. I also dis-agree with Justin Davila because Athens and Sparta wouldn't really focus on music they would like to do musical classes more. Lastly I would like to agree with Horlenes Flores because she said that both of Athens and Sparta needed physical training. They needed it for all physical activities.These are the people that I agree/dis agree with
ReplyDeleteAnthony Anzueto
Notre Dame
Frank Gehry Design Team
I agree with Justin Davila about his two new classes because swimming could be used as a source of survival, and well expecially in the modern day . For example, in the marines they teach you how to swim and use it in case of an emergency. Also about music its an exellent way to express fellings feom personal expiriances or maybe when you take a trip,and meet new people they can tell you a story about there life and you could make it into a hit. I think Justin expresses with good details and shoes good facts.
ReplyDeleteBy:Horlenes flores
Chohort:notre Dame
Team: Walter Gropious Design Team
I agree with Ithzel Sandoval because if I were like the one who picks I will pick drama art and swimming because like you said it could distract them into working hard and paying attention in there classes. And another thing that art express other people by doing crafts better and their drawing better like for they could understand what does it mean. And I Agree with you about swimming classes because they could relax and relax their mucles too. DULCE PANIAGUA NOTRE DAME FRNK GEHRY.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Verenice Zuniga because drama and wrestling can be very useful in my curriculum. Like wrestling can help them in many ways. Like for example wrestling can help students defend themselves incase of an emergency or if the person is being attacked. It alsomakes the person really strong. Also drama can entertain them. These are the reasons i agree with Verenice Zuniga.
ReplyDeleteBY:Damaris Esquivel
Richard Neutra Design Team
I agree with you Dulce that wresiling ,music , and dance are important.Now wresiling for the new school is good but I think mabye music is good to learn many culter music.And in dance yes manmy thing to learn about dance . And in resiling I think it can fit in for phicl activty. So i agree with you. sarily antonio gatudi desing team.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you but I don`t feel you explained really well on how reading was important to them. To me it was actually kind of confusing. I think next time you should explain it more . But other than that it is fine
ReplyDeleteEthan montes
Notre dame
I agree with Justin Herrera because these classes could save the Athenians' life because exercise is very good for your body.Also gymnastics could be good for your muscles like the weights,trendmills,and other things.I would love these classes in my school.These classes could save the Athenians' life.
ReplyDeleteBy:Alec Torres
Cohort:Notre Dame
Design Team:Richard Neutra Design Team
I agree Damaris Esquivel because gymnastics and wrestling are important.Wrestling is important because it helps you have confidence.It also helps you defend yourself.Gymnastics is important because it helps you have a healthy body and be healthy.That is why I agree with Damaris Esquivel.
Antonio Gaudi
I agree with Carlos De La Torre because singing does give you a better voice. I also agree with wrestling because it does make your body stronger but it can also make you fit. I disagree with swimming because it doesn’t make you faster. Swimming is a sport and it does keep you fit. To me it is like a fun activity. My question is why did you chose those three?
I would like to disagree with dulce because dance and music is not the only thing they are interesting thing only.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Justin H's classes because they can help you become fit from both physically and mentally. Gymnastics is very important because you can become flexible and fit from being in the sport. Wrestling is important because you need strength, upper body strength, lower body strength, power, and flexibilty. That is why I agree with Justin Herrera's choosing of classes.
ReplyDeleteBy:Justyn Garcia Frank Lloyd Wright Design Team Notre Dame.
I agree with Sarily Uribe because what she said about her one of her classes she put that would be is the Physical education. I think physical would be importnt because it is impotant to be healthy. Thats why I agree with Sarily Uribe.
ReplyDeleteMadelyn Bonilla Richard Neutra Design Team
Notre dame
i agree with Chandler because his classes are a great combination.Like Chandler said it could help them over throw their emeny.this why i agree with Chandler.
ReplyDeleteBY:Roberto Gutierrez Notre Dame Frank Lloyd Wright
I would like to agree with Sydnee DeHaro because I think it would be important to put drama it would give entertainment for others and still kind of work fo memorization because you would have to remember what you do and physical education would be important so they could be fit and active
ReplyDeleteDenise Vasquez
Richard Neutra
i would like as many subjects as i can put into my school. the subjects i would like to put art, dancing, math, history, reading, music, science, acting aka drama.
ReplyDeletei agree others who put gymnastics because it was part of their made them stronger so thats a way they could be able to protect themselves.gymnastics made them healthy in which the new borns in sparta would not be doomed because of their health.
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
I would like to agree with henry but dislike that gymnastics help you with health.It could help them prepare for the olympics TYLER RASCON COLUMBIA
ReplyDeletei believe drama music and gymnastics were phisical and an arts education.drama because it helped them become smarter,they would make smart votes,and it was also like watching tv.gymnastics was an important sport in the olympics because it made them healthy and could of helped them with looking back at common errors because music actually help memorization
ReplyDeleteleila rodriguez
walter gropius
I agree with Leila's classes because they are about the topic. They also help students in many ways. For an example: music helps students to memorize. I also agree with them because they are either physical or an artistic form of classes. So that is why I agree with Leila's writing.
Teresa Perez
Richard Nuetra Design Team
I like to agree with Ari because her calasses are a really great combination. Ari is right about drama because people can learn have to be not shy. Also boxing is the way to tack all your feeling out.Physica would be important because it is healthy for peple.
ReplyDeleteAnya Ellis
Frank Lloyd Deargn team
I would like to agree with Sydnee.It because she put pysical education and drama.It because it gives you health and strenth.Also is activitys and teaches to entertain people.That why I agree with sydnee.JUSTIN GUZMAN COLUMBIA ANTONIO GAUDI
ReplyDeleteI agree with Yolanda because those classes are important.The classes are running,boxing,and wrestling.These classes do the body good.Also students might enjoy it.But there is one problem.What if someone got hurt?Then again its your school your problem.
SANTIAGO , I will santiago beacuse he is that physical education will keep you fit .That is true beacuse if you dont stay fit .Then we will not be albe to do anything . Like run ,fight , and jump . You wont be able to thos thing at all.
I would like to agree with Sydnee she is thinking of putting drama as an art and as physical education I would put in running. These all help people learn. Art lets people relax and concentrate also study. Running helps in the/a war or battle. So this is why I agree with Sydnee.
ReplyDeletei would like to agree with teresa that physical education .Isimportant because it keeps people health and active. Making crafts is also important because it helps you be imaganitive and you need to be imaginative in reading and writting. so these subjects can help you with many things
ReplyDeletesydnee deharo
frank lloyd
I would like to agree with Alejandro with his classes.His classes are P.E. and art.Those are really good to put in a school.He explained art really good and when they are done with their art they could always take a break and play at P.E.I think Alejandro put really good classes in his school.
I agree with Leila about all those classes. All those classes make you or gives you an education or gets you healthy. That is why I agree with all of those classes Leila thought of. Sandy,Garcia,Columbia,Richard Neutra
ReplyDeleteI agree with Santiago because those are good classes.They were boxing,reseling,and running.You need to know how to run in Sparta.Boxing is to protect their self from bad people.Reseling could help them on their strength.Henry Lopez Columbia Frank Gary
ReplyDeleteIwould like to agree with Josilen beacuseshe said that she would add boxing cause it would make the students stronger.I would like to agree boxing helps the students when they go to or out to the war they know how to defend thereshelves when they go into go out into war.Also when they have to go and hunt for themselves.Also because when the men/ boies go out to find animals & the animals &the animals want to eat them the boies can kill them BELEN CASTRO COLUMBIA AUNTIONIO GAUDI DESIGN TEAM
ReplyDeleteI am thinking I should put boxing, gymnastics, and dancing. Dancing could be fun for them. Gymnastics could help them in their health. Boxing could make them protected. Because you could fight. Also you need to know those classes.Henry Lopez columbia Frank Gary
ReplyDeleteI agree with Henry to put boxing because you need to be able to protect yourself someway. You need gymnastics to be flexible so you can be able to dodge obsticalls. Dancing could be fun and help you maintain healthy.
Cesar Favela
Richard Neutra
I with Vincenton his subjects.He has running, basketball,football,and soccer.Running makes yourlegs loose.Basketball helps your hand skills just like football,football also gives you strength.Soccer gives you leg skills.Finally all these things are good for you.
ReplyDeleteAlejandro Columbia Frank Lloyd desighn team
ReplyDeletei agree with sany gacia. i agree with her because boxing would help people to protect themselvels. also i agree with her because drama is a good to express yuor emotions.
ReplyDeleteari sorkoram
antonio guadi
I agree with Sandy Garcia.I agree because boxing would help people to protect them self.Also i belive drama is important.I think it is important because drama can entertain people and teach them new things.This is why i agree with Sandy.
ReplyDeleteNoemi Delao
Antonio Gaudi